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Online or TV?


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With the age of entertain services like Netflix, Lovefilm, Hulu and so on, are you the kind of person that would rather sit down in your computer chair and watch moves or are you staying true to the age old tradition of sofa, popcorn and big flatscreen?

For me, I am more of an internet/PC person, although with the XBOX I have Netflix on there so I can just watch it through my TV anyway, win win!
I prefer to watch movies on TV and Computer (offline) rather on the world of internet :)
I prefer watching films on my TV more than on the internet, because the atmosphere together with family and friends is another one.
I don't watch anything on my computer. It here to make graphics and play games.
I prefer to watch movies on TV and Computer on the world of internet. It is because I have a bitter PC monitor at home. I have really old TV :(
I like to watch movies offline with some snacks in my hand and comfortable chair to watch :D
I think I spend more time watching my favorite shows like Dexter or Doctor Who (odd mix right?) online. I have cable and such, but honestly it's like nothing worth watching comes on anymore without being subscribed to a channel anyways, so why not subscribe to a streaming platform where you can pick and choose?
I watch them on a computer, mainly because I can moderate forums at the same time
I usually watched them on my pc..

Well i haven't turned on my tv for a while though :(
If I had a huge tv with surround sound I would definitely watch this instead; it just can not compare to a pc screen. I suppose you can always move a comfortable chair or couch in front of your pc if you had to, but the screen size would still be bothersome. Plus, a tv forces you to sit further back from the screen, and my eyes actually do get less tired watching than when watching a screen. A bunch of people could crowd around a screen and watch, but this would be too cramped. I really can't see preferring a pc over a large tv any time soon.
95% of my watching time is spent on the computer. The commercials on cable also kill it for me.