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Opinions please....how old is too old?


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Most of you know that I am crazy about my MoosieMan. He will be 8 in August (sniff!) and has grown by leaps and bounds this year!!

He has two blankets he has had since birth. He loves them tremendously. At age three, we stopped allowing him to take one of them along to the store, short trips, etc but would allow him to take one of them with if he spent the night at a grandparent's house. If we would go on longer trips, he would be allowed to take one with.

Now that he is a little older, he cuddles with them less and less, but still adores them. He is a very sensitive and loving child, and if he wants to play the Wii with his blankets on his lap, Pat and I truly have no issue with that...as long as they don't leave the house. My mom keeps saying that we need to put them away somewhere special for safekeeping, but I think that would cause more damage to Jonny's heart. Like most things, it all depends on the child's needs...but I am interested in hearing your opinions(please be nice :lol: ) TIA!
You guys have had some challanges the last year or so, let him keep the blanket. He'll give it up when he is ready.
I don't see any problem in letting him have a comfort object that doesn't cause harm (like a pacifier or a thumb sucking). I generally believe that he will give it up when he is ready. He has been through very difficult times and it's so nice to have easy comfort and peace in something that does not harm him. I would agree with you that taking away his special item would simply be cruel and serve no purpose.

I don't remember if you've mentioned him being a gifted kid or not but I do know that for kids who are high on the curve (the outliers especially) they often have extreme sensitivities to fabrics and touch. This can play a roll here.

My child who is 5.5 now just last week was ready to sleep on his own in his own bed. We had been co-sleepers since from birth he was unable to stay asleep for more than 30 min without being in physical contact with another person. But last week he wanted to sleep in his room. He literally goes to sleep with no drama and sleeps the entire night. He says he never wants to sleep in our room again. (This is similar to how he potty trained himself at 18 months.) It's a beautiful thing and it happened in his time by his initiative.

So from where I sit, I am thankful that Jonny has a mom who is sensitive to his heart and his needs and willing to consider that it might be okay to have a different time table for development sometimes from the norm. He's a lucky boy! :)
My little brother had a stuffed Garfield cat that he slept w/until he was like 12...no one said a word and today he is a tough, tequila swilling manly man of 30 so no worries! :)
DD27 sleeps with her blanket under her pillow. Her DH doesn't care and she's not planning on sharing it with DD due shortly!!!! :giggles:
DD 12 1/2 still has a blankie she is attached to. I see nothing wrong with letting him have it, he is still young imo.
I agree with everyone else. He has had a rough year, let him keep his security blanket. If that is what he wants to wrap himself in some extra comfort--then let him. He is not harming anyone. We had a first grade movie night at our school--and so many kids brought blankets and stuffed animals. I don't think there is anything wrong with it.
You are a great caring Mom,. so follow your instinct--no one knows your son better than you--so if you think it is fine--then so be it!
I see no reason to ever take away something from anyone that brings comfort, yet causes no harm. They step away in their own time. Honestly have you ever seen an adult or older child snuggling/carrying their comfort item in public? No worries:girl:
He is just fine and perfectly normal! My 13 year old DD will still bring what is left of her baby blanket around the house with her to play video games. She has lots of friends and would consider herself cool so you have nothing to worry about. I also have a 36 year old sister that brought her Ricky Raccoon to college with her and still has it somewhere close by in her house.
DD27 sleeps with her blanket under her pillow. Her DH doesn't care and she's not planning on sharing it with DD due shortly!!!! :giggles:

this was me! pretty sure i finally got rid of mine when dd came around. I turned out just fine :smile:
I do not see a problem with it as long as he can part with it when he leaves the house.

I was soooooooooooo afraid this was going to be about a pacifier.......
My sister is 32, she has a small pillow we nicknamed "smelly". :)

I had one too, I left it at my parents' place before I moved here in 2008, I think my mom threw it away as I didn't see it during my last visit.
My DD13 (14 in a couple days) has a blanket she still sleeps with. Most of her friends sleep with "something." When we went to an overnight week long softball tournament a couple years ago every single one of the eleven 12 yo girls had something along to sleep with. I was shocked, thought for sure DD would be the only one. :lol:

Let him keep it. He's not taking it to school or on errands, who cares?
My DS12 who is taller than me still sleeps with his "soft cuddly" that he's had since he was a baby. No big deal. :9:
My best friend has two thirty year old twins one of them still carries a swatch from his baby blanket in his wallet. She said when he was in his teens and stressed he would watch tv and rub it between his fingers. He is a smart college educated guy with a good job and a great family. Just his comfort I guess.
Thank you, everyone! I am glad that there are people who sees this the way Pat and I do.

As far as being gifted, when he was tested for ADHD in Kindergarten, we found out that he has an IQ of 139. The school won't do anything with this knowledge because he is "socially behind" and "can't focus" enough. I think the school is "not willing" to accept that Jonny is a challenging, spirited child and he will never, ever EVER fit into the mold they want him too. AND I DON'T WANT HIM TO! I mean, he taught himself to read at 4...he talks like an adult(uses bigger words than most people I know!) and is a loving, helpful and happy child. No need to change anything. I work with him at home and keep his mind challenged. Until someone at the school is willing to listen to me, I will do it myself.

As far as the blankets are concerned, they don't bother Pat and I and my mom can stuff it. She thinks him loving his blankies is "babyish" and I have BEGGED her not to tell him her feelings on this. I agree that if he needs something to help cope with life, then by all means, snuggle up to your blankie. :)

Thank you again for the feedback and the compliments. I love my MooseMan more than I can explain...he and I are so in-tune with each other, and I should know by now that my instinct when it comes to him is always right. :)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, especially since this is only at home. My mother decided I was too old for my lion stuffed animal (Louie), that was my lovie, and threw it out. She tried to convince me that I left it somewhere, but I knew she took it. It was horrible. She tried to replace it a couple of years later, out of guilt, but it wasn't MY Louie... just a lion that looked like him.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, especially since this is only at home. My mother decided I was too old for my lion stuffed animal (Louie), that was my lovie, and threw it out. She tried to convince me that I left it somewhere, but I knew she took it. It was horrible. She tried to replace it a couple of years later, out of guilt, but it wasn't MY Louie... just a lion that looked like him.

That's terrible!!! My boys (10 & 12) still have stuffed animals on their beds. DS12 has this ugly blue dog from a carnival (cheap) that he calls Blue Pup..........he loves the thing. Doesn't cuddle with it per say, just wants it up in his loft bed. He also has an armadillo Ty Beanie Baby he calls Army Dilly (original) and others.