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Out of Body experience


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Hey- just wondered if anyone has had a similar experience:
When I was 13 or so I vividly recall falling asleep one night in my bedroom which was on the first floor and used to be a porch. It was enclosed and added on to, but there was a window beside my bed that went into the living room. I remember falling asleep and then as if I was awake, looking into the window and floating through it. Then i remember floating up above my bed and looking down on myself, still asleep.
He-he! It is very easy to do it when You are snowman. Your body is modular and consists from roundly shaped fluff. It is so big pleasure to leave Your body to watch Yourself from side to side ... :cloud9:
Think it happens to all of us flamingjune. It is an awesome experience.
I think that was most likely just a dream, and not an actual out of body experience where you are actually in a conscious state of mind. I've never had a dream like that, where I actually see myself, but it sounds like something nice to dream about. I rarely get dreams that are remotely like that.
im 99% sure i did, i read a book on astral flight, it was realy cool so i tryd it and wow i think it worked, as i had no one to get advice from i think it works,

i also was very ill in hospital 3 years ago, and i went into what some call the white tunnel, now that was amazing, but nobody would listen to me so i don't realy talk about it.
Hey sten, tell us about your white tunnel experience!! I would like to know what that felt like! :)

flamingjune: As a kid, I had lots of flying dreams, I was almost always flying. I also had a base on the moon and a spacecraft, and was able to travel through time. I was spending time in the 2500's a lot. It was awesome!! :) (I wish I could recall what exactly I was doing in those dreams, but I don't know if I remember)
Hey sten, tell us about your white tunnel experience!! I would like to know what that felt like! :

Well, i'd had an op to remove a large growth that was eating its way thrugh my inner ear and it it was getting realy close to my brain, it was a 50/50 chance of survival,and ther was all kinds of complications,
a few hours after the op, i took realy bad i went ito shock and had a mass fit, i lost a lot of body fluid within seconds and my heart couldn't take the strain, i was screaming and felt like my body was freezing and then it was like being microwaved,
the next thing was even stranger, i suddenly felt perfect and calm, i'd never felt anything so relaxed before, i had no cares no pain the only feeling was total peace, i then felt myself foating up, i looked down and seen myself with doctors etc rushing around and my freind crying and pleading, then i was drawn towards a tunnel that was slighly blured around the edges and as i enered it was so white, brighter than anything i'd ever seen but it didn't blind me, it was amazing and i was floating almost flying towards these shadows ahead of me, i new they were people but they were just like shadows ahead of me, it was as if i knew them but i didnt reach them, i looked back and heard screaming and shouting, then i suddenly felt cold, i tryed teling people but they thought i was mad, even when i told them that i had seen somene in the next room and new what they were doing,
so thats some of it, strange isn't it but it was realy cool flying in that tunnel.
sten: Thanks for sharing that with us!! You're definitely not mad! Our body is the vehicle for our soul. Our soul is the driver, so to speak. As soon as your soul feels that your body isn't usable anymore, it detaches from it. All perception is primarily extrasensory, that is why you felt other people and knew what they were doing. And you saw them from above. When you dream, you are in a similar state, in a dream you are detached from your body. It's the same for death and near death experiences.

If you care to know how this all works, read the book "Seth Speaks" published by Jane Roberts. Seth said that our physical universe is merely a collaborative projection. Our real minds and souls don't have a body. Time and space don't really exist outside our physical bodies. We can travel anywhere.

That being said, I had a near death experience myself: In 1997, I crashed a car at 150 kph, and I was braking and stuff, and car was turning until it stopped aligned sideways to a railing. As soon as the accident was about to begin, my soul detached from my body, and I was hovering above myself in seconds that seemed endless. And as soon as the car stopped and it was clear I hadn't died, my soul went back into my body. It was a weird feeling for a moment being back in my body. Thanks to my safety belt I didn't have external injuries. Car parts were littered over half a kilometer, and the car was a complete wreck. The police said I must've been very lucky.
Sten that is really an awesome experience. I believe that when it is time to go you are able to see a white light, with people you know to meet you on the other side. Thank you so much for sharing that with us.

Monster I'm glad you wore that safety belt otherwise you wouldn't be with us today. And I'm glad that you are. :nod:
Its ok, infact this is the first time i'v realy had the chance to talk freely about it without people laughing as if they think i'v lost the plot,there was a lot more to it,and it was a wonderfull experience, chears.