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Pandemonic Gallery


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Lisbon, Portugal
So! As some of you might know, I am an artist at heart, and I live for drawing. I have chosen it as my career, and although I am conscious of the risk this is, I certainly know that I am capable of doing this. It is not without insecurities though, but then again, everybody faces doubts and fears.


Alright so this fellow here is a shrew, which I drew for 'Creative morphology'. It is made on a black scratchboard, and if you scratch it with the proper tools, you get to the white layer under it. So basically, it's drawing white over black. I can't begin to explain how much I loved doing this. :3


Game of thrones fanart, with two of my favourite characters (Arya and Daenerys Stormborn) :D they don't really look like the actresses but ohwell, I never did studies of their faces before this.


A peek at my sketchbook? This is where I lay off most of my ideas; where the creativity flows out without any rules. This is a character of mine which I dearly hold onto (some of you might know him as well). :)


This is REALLY old (2009?), but I love it still. It is supposed to be a character of mine from the game "Dofus", by Amakna (oh how I miss this game!)


A random WIP of mine. Studying hands is important :)


My sketchbook back from beginning of 2011. My first Moleskine ;3;

More soon! I hope you like it :) Feedback is always appreciated.
Manohman, I'm gonna have to keep an eye on this thread. Your work's wonderful, Pan! :D
Your art always is sooo beautiful it makes me cry!!
It's totally understandable to have insecurities, but YOUR ART IS FANTABULOUS. SERIOUSLY.
I especially love the detail you put into the colored pieces. Hell, all your pieces are detailed! Oh goodness!
I am so jealous of you right now. You are so good!!!
Thank you Lauren<3!
And thank you Abdullah akjsdhkajdh your words touch me very much so~ MAY GOD HEAR YOUR WORDS :p

first tries with watercolor. I actually quite enjoy this. Yes, me, the person who loves drawing in black and white. o.o
None of these were referenced.

It still needs some more work but this is basically it. One of my final-final works for 'Creative morphology'.

Exams, y u no end ;_;
I'm so jealous. :eek:mg: Your work is amazing! I love the zebra! :aww: Gimme your art skills!
90% of this one is done. It still needs the cleaning part and more details on the corners so it doesn't look so clumsy. *sweats*


Final work of watercolor
A lion cub, based on a picture I took myself It was a bit of a pain in the **** at the beginning but I eventually had fun with it!
Those are fantastic, the finger with the ring on the hand is a little odd, though.

The most artistic thing I've done is one of those scratch boards that has the image you need to scratch already on the black.
That, or colour-by-numbers...