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Parade time!! Help me celebrate a new member!!


Who Wants Jack Daniels?
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... of my family :hiphip:

Leonard came to us as a foster cat in October. He was dehydrated, starving, very thin at 7 pounds, had a badly infected paw, and probably wouldn't have lived much longer if my humane society hadn't taken him in. His previous owner dumped him. Leonard had been hiding in someone's yard, where he was being picked on by a bigger, intact (unneutered) tomcat. He was clueless when it came to finding food and water outdoors, and was starving. He came to my house to recover and get ready to be put up for adoption.

Eventually it was clear he needed surgery on his paw. It took a lot of TLC, but now at a very healthy 14 pounds he is TWICE the weight he was at intake. He has an incurable inflammatory paw disease, but it's under control right now.

I've posted about him here before, so some of you may know that I've seen Leonard through a lot. He's now friends with one of my other cats, and they get along so well that we can't say goodbye. We know about his veterinary needs, and I know vet care is very expensive, but he's so sweet and charming it is totally worth it. He head-butts my face as his way of telling me he cares. :lol: And he jumps into the shower when I'm done to lick the bathwater off the walls. :giggles: About a week ago we finally signed the papers and now he's ours for better and for worse.

Please welcome the newest member of my family and CW, Leonard!!

And please please spay/neuter your pets. Leonard has a happy ending, but so many of them don't...


Congrats on your new family member. He's looking good! :)
He's gorgeous.
Congrats on you new furry family member. I love to hear about these type of happy stories.
Thanks you guys. He is sleeping in my lap right now. He makes the sweetest cooing noises as he sleeps and as he falls asleep. I am glad he's with us for good now.

He likes his free cat bed from Walgreens.. good boy :)
Leonard is a very handsome kitty and very lucky to be part of your family!

If 9-Lives is ever looking for a Morris the Cat stand-in, Leonard should apply. :giggles:
Just love that cute little face!!
Congrats on your newest family member!
He is adorable & bless you for taking him in & all the wonderful work you do with animals.I know he'll have a happy safe life with you.

He's the spitting image of my girl Sunshine. My niece is going to show me how to upload pics next week & then i'll show off my 4 brats.
What a cutie pie! He looks like Morris the cat food cat. I'm so glad he has a forever home with you. Bless you for your compassion for God's creatures. I love that about your heart.