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Paris gets locked up!

Do you think Paris will learn anything in jail?

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    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • No

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Paris tried to get a get out of jail free card but failed. So do you think Paris will learn something useful in jail and away from anyone to talk to or do you think she'll be the same old Paris we dislike?
Same old spoiled little rich girl, she'd need to be there a lot longer for it to make a difference.
One can only hope something good can come from her experience. I think it was great that the judge sent her back, and I think that sheriff had some pressures from the Hilton legal team and family. He needs to suffer whatever consequences are due him for his actions. Paris will survive this. She'll be treated as a "special guest" and will be kept from the general population. Let her write her book in there.
She NEEDS to do this time. How dare that family think they could get her out of it. When my son went off to jail, I cried my heart out, but I knew he put himself there.
Aint that the truth! Why can't she be like her sister and get a REAL carrer and settle down with one guy?
me personally do not like Paris Hilton and i never have liked her and i think maybe she should stay in jail to learn for her actions
I think she was actually treated unfairly. Any other person probably would have just been fined, but this is Paris Hilton.

It doesn't matter if she deserves it, because now we get a break from her! :)
I think she might learn something, but it all depends. I bet they treated her too nicely in there.

If they actually treated her as a criminal. Well then she would pray she wasn't in there.