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Paris Hilton to Create Transitional Home for Prisoners!


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E! Online -- "A lot of these women, some of them didn't even do the crimes that they are here for, and that's why I want to get out of here. I'm lucky enough that when I leave here, I have a home to go to and I have a family that loves me.

"And a lot of these girls in here, they don't have that option. They go back to the street."

The issue is on the top of Hilton's to do list once she checks out of Century Regional. She tells Seacrest she feels great compassion for the women and, as a result, has already spoken with jail doctors and other personnel about setting up a sort of safe house for newly released inmates.

"I want to help build a transitional home so that when inmates leave here, they don't have to go back to the street," she said. "These women just keep coming back because they have no place to go."

Hilton said she hopes her facility will offer "a place for them to go get food, clothes on their back, get them up on their feet. Especially the mothers. It's just a really bad cycle. If we stop it now, we can make our community a better place."

Full E! Online article / Abridged Fansite Article

That'd be really awesome, for it's one of the greatest problem many people face when getting out of jail: where to go now?
God help us if Paris Hilton is our only answer to the issue of recidivism.
Would be wonderful, if her exsperience takes her to do something like this to help people in the real world , that get trapped in the system. With no way out.

I think, she will have to live up to her statements of helping these women. With all her money , and all her forth coming monies, after shes released. Paris alone can pay for a Hilton for women or men starting over.

Only thing that i question is the fact. I thought she wasn`t around the general population of women in the County jail, thought she would be in no contact with any other imates. Wonders, when she had time, to converse with them.

Just a thought.

If paris hilton does a better job with people coming at of prison than the government do..

^.^ that would be entertaining.

It does show she's trying, but then it's one thing to say these things and another to actually do them.
Only thing that i question is the fact. I thought she wasn`t around the general population of women in the County jail, thought she would be in no contact with any other imates. Wonders, when she had time, to converse with them.

If you click on the link in my post and read the full article, you'll know why: In Lynwood, the walls are thin and equipped with a ventilation system. She talked thru it with two of her fellow inmates. And every day, she got to be outside her cell for an hour. In Twin Towers, she reportedly had even more contact to her inmates. Furthermore, she read her fan mail, which might've included letters from prisoners.
God help us if Paris Hilton is our only answer to the issue of recidivism.

Indeed it's the government who should care about reintegration of former prisoners into society.

Paris' plan seems to be like a drop of water on a hot stone, but it might serve as an incentive for other people to do the same. If it proves to be successful, the government could pick it up to lower the crime rate. But lowering the crime rate also requires improving the situation of prisoners within jail. And this requires that taxpayers are willing to fund such projects.

Another important thing is to give prisoners opportunity for education while they're in jail. Like apprenticeships, or studies.

It can happen to anyone that they're born into a bad family or get into bad circumstances that make it difficult to live in accordance to the law.
I'm sorry, but I highly doubt she'll carry through with this when she gets out. I'm utterly unable to see her as anything but a stupid, vapid party girl who cares for no one but herself.
You'll have to excuse my cynicism regarding anything she says or does. She strikes me as nothing more than an attention **** who's sole reason for her celebrity (a social attribute normally attained through talent) is her genetics, and her ability to make some people constantly look at her. I can only assume that the people who do, do so simply because of a lack of any viable alternatives.

To me, this whole "I'm going to save the world, now that I've learned my lesson" bit strikes me as nothing more than her trying to salvage herself from a PR perspective. She got herself into a bad situation, came off looking incredibly badly, and is now doing what she can to turn public perception in her favor.

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out why anyone actually gives a crap.
I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out why anyone actually gives a crap.

Well, I feel sympathy for her. She wanted to use her fame to jumpstart a career, and for now at least everything's gone down the drain. It must be an excruciating time for her.

But she does have talent. She can act, play the piano, sing and write lyrics. So she's not coming from a Bohéme type of environment. But is that really necessary to become an artist? Others came from comparably rich families as well. She can develop her talents further and use them.

Others that have far less talent are taken far more seriously as artists. It's bizarre to see, at least for me.

She apparently did realize now that she has to change some things. I do believe what she's saying about her charity plans. She's done charity stuff for years, and this doesn't look like just a PR campaign. I hope you're wrong.

p.s.: "Celebrity status" is not attained thru talent, it's created by the media. There are lots of talents that are no celebrities, and there are lots of celebrities that don't have that much talent. A well-known radio station around here used to pride themselves with glee over how they created celebrity artists. Radio stations play songs, people listen to it, and eventually like it. That's how musicians become famous. Or, more rarely, by concerts. If you give enough concerts, you can become famous as well, but it's rare. I learnt about all the artists I know from the media. Most people do.
*raises hand*

Most bands I find are through just searching for them, but then the majority of bands I listen to are mostly unsigned!

I think she's pretty **** when it comes to singing, I've seen her songs, and the videos, and by god it's all ''look at me look at me, im so hot''

*throws up*

I still don't beleive that this girl can turn her life around after a few days, I still think it's too keep herself in the spot light.
Nightwolf04 said:
I think she's pretty **** when it comes to singing,

I think she has a pretty good singing voice and singing doesn't seem to strain her vocal chords even.

(And it's really her voice -- I've listened closely to the album tracks and unreleased material; she doesn't sing off-keys, perhaps +/- a quarter note pitch in the chromatic scale sometimes, that's okay and can be trained away if desired; so she's got a musical ear, which is very important for singing)

Nightwolf04 said:
I've seen her songs, and the videos, and by god it's all ''look at me look at me, im so hot''

Well, that's a marketing scheme aimed primarily at men. Record company marketroids want that to sell more stuff.

Plus, she wanted to play the dumb blonde, to be the token blonde of the decade, as she once said. Apparently, the only thing that accomplished was that everyone thinks she's a moron.

Recently she said she doesn't want to do that anymore.

So, as an artist she has to find a different outlet. Perhaps she'll manage to make the transition into a new identity, perhaps with an independent record label. (Mariah Carey went independent a couple of years ago; even she didn't have backing from the big marketroids. Tori Amos had to go adult contemporary after she joined Epic records. Not much room for creativity, if you are on a big label)
Plus, she wanted to play the dumb blonde, to be the token blonde of the decade, as she once said. Apparently, the only thing that accomplished was that everyone thinks she's a moron.

I think that's because no one think's she's "playing".
I think that's because no one think's she's "playing".

The joke is, when you watch The Simple Life closely, you can clearly see that often, she isn't acting at all, she's just playing along with Richie, and most of the time, she's just standing around watching her. Paris created the show because she knew Richie would be one funny, wicked mother****er. Paris is far too nice to play that role. You can often see how she has to bring herself to play along.

All the labels she's been given have been given to her by the media: spoiled, dumb, socialite, partygirl, and so on.

A couple of minutes ago I read an article that said that Paris was a "godsend for tabloids" (BBC). And that's what she appears to be: A godsend for tabloids, they write whatever **** they want, make Paris popular in the process and distort her image.

She's not backed by powerful media conglomerates, that's why she's fair game to the press.
I totally fail to see the fascination people have in her. Even moreso, I don't understand the fanatical way they follow her, or stand up for her.

Monster, you're a perfect example... why do you care so deeply?
(I'm asking this as a serious question from your personal perspective)

I just don't get this fanatical cult-like worship of her from masses of people who she will neither ever know nor care about. I don't understand celebrity worship in general to begin with, but why people have placed Paris Hilton, of all people, on this pedestal of infallability... I just don't get it.
I don't think she's infallible, and I'm not a celebrity worshipper, per se. Because "celebrity" means nothing to me, for I'm an anarchist. To me, all people are of equal value.

I'm fascinated because of all the bad press she's been getting ever since she came to the surface. I think that no-one deserves to be treated like that.

I spend only little time with this; of couse it looks like much more because I don't currently post a lot here. ;)

But I've indeed become a genuine fan of her music. I don't like The Simple Life much, because the episodes are far too short for my taste.

I've never had a negative thought about her, that's why I can't understand all the negativity thrown at her. And it makes me curious: Why do people hate her so much? I just don't get it. Are they being misinformed, or is it just general hatred or dislike? And so on.
There's no question that the country needs more half way houses to help intigrate inmates back into the world. Paris may have the money to have her name out on a building, but who's going to run it? Who's going to staff it? I guess as long as the thing gets off the ground, there's progress.
I've never had a negative thought about her, that's why I can't understand all the negativity thrown at her. And it makes me curious: Why do people hate her so much? I just don't get it. Are they being misinformed, or is it just general hatred or dislike? And so on.

When you're filthy rich and choose to make a name for yourself by acting like a stupid ****, of course people are going to judge you. Everyone has a right to make mistakes, but this "new leaf" just feels like too little, too late - if, in fact, it's more than just a PR stunt.