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PC Upgrade recommendations


Chief Talker
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Probably mostly to hear from DD on this one but others, too.

Here is my computer situation.

I am wondering if I should upgrade or build a new PC.

I have as my main PC, the Shopss.com P3 500 on the Luckystar BX board. It has 192 MB of RAM in 3 64 MB PC100 DIMMs. Components include the WD 13 GB HDD as my secondary and a maxtor 2.4 GB as the primary. I also have a DVD-ROM and an internal Zip. The video card is a Voodoo3 3000. I am also running an OEM SB Live, a US Robotics Performance Pro PCI 56K modem, and a DLink NIC.

I also have an AMD 400 with 64 MB of RAM running with a 2 GB and 6 GB HDD's. I also have 2 CD-ROMs in there. It has a Rage 128 and a Voodoo2. Sound is a POS ESS Solo PCI card, and I have a winmodem and 3Com ISA NIC. I also have a 486/66 with an AWE 32, a NIC, a couple of 1 giggers and a couple of CD ROMs. Nothin great about him as he is my printer server, TV host machine, and a place to dump files.

I want to know. Should I upgrade my shopss PC or just keep as is and sell off the other 2 to build a new one? Should I expect too much from the other machines?
Either way, I am looking to spend as little as possible to get as much as possible!
I'd say $700 is my MAX budget to play with, here.

I definitely welcome any thoughts, here.


<font color="#000000">[Edited by JHowse on August 23, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
I'm not really sure what you're asking. Do you need a new PC? Are you looking to upgrade an existing machine or are you looking to add another machine to the group? Are you lacking performance in a specific area?

I think you may be kinda limited with that Shopss machine, just because the motherboard is of "questionable" quality. However, it's modern enough that it's still more than functional.

I don't think upgrading any of the older machines is worth it. You might want to sell those off and use the funds to put together a decent Duron machine.
Your budget isn't outrageous, and you can put together a pretty nice machine for that much. I wouldn't expect to get a GeForce2 or anything, but you might be able to throw some extra RAM in there with the money you make off of those older systems.

If the 486 is functional in the capacity you're using it in, I would hold onto it and continue to use it as such. You're not likely to get much money for it, so it's probably more valuable to you in it's current capacity that what it would cost you to replace it.

On an long enough timeline, everyone's survival rate drops to zero.
I was looking to see what I could do to make something of decent gaming quality. The V3 3K is ok, but I really start to see it's limits beyond 800x600. I could just upgrade to a GeForce2 and keep everything else, but I do like the Durons. What about a Duron machine running a GeForce2 MX? Keep in mind that I don't really need monitors or anything like that as I have these. I also can make do with the CD-ROMs I have and the floppy from my old PC. If money is really and issue, then I can even use an old HDD. So we are down to case, mobo, processor, vid card, and RAM. I also could add a smaller HDD. I am just wondering if the shopss pc can take a CuMine or CelerMine processor.
Here's the problem with upgrading the parts you're mentioning: you're already disappointed with how slow the system is. Now you want to move all of the parts that are making it slow, and put them in a machine with a faster processor.
The processor is only one piece of what makes a system perform fast. Put a lot of memory and a fast, 7200RPM hard drive into a K6-2 system, and all of a sudden, you have a good performing system that's more than competent for most modern games.

"I am just wondering if the shopss pc can take a CuMine or CelerMine processor."

That will likely depend on the motherboard that they used, but with a slotket, you probably could get it to work. However, for the same reasons stated above, it might not make a significant enough difference to warrant the effort and expense.

On an long enough timeline, everyone's survival rate drops to zero.
Hmmmmm, so based on what you are saying, I am choked by HDD performance. That's pretty much true. Interesting. Well, this leads me to a possibility. Since I am already running with 192 MB of RAM. So a 72K RPM drive would fix the situation with perhaps some more RAM and definitely a faster video card. The Mobo is a 6P2BX2 made by Luckystar. It's your standard slot 1 BX board with 5 PCI, 2 ISA, 1 AGP, and 3 DIMMS. So if I understand this right, I could get nice performance boost for a perhaps a couple of hundred. Interesting. Thanks for your help.
I just put this together not too long ago:

  • Asus CUBX mobo - $130
  • P3 650 FC-PGA (100MHz FSB) - $190 (got it at onvia.com with $25 off coupon a while back)
  • 128MB Crucial PC133 CL2 RAM - $161 (shipping and tax included)
  • Golden Orb fan (cause I'm overclocking) - $15
  • Enlight 7237 case - $65
  • Hercules 3D Prophet II MX (GeForce2 MX) - $150
  • Sound Blaster Live! Value - $45
  • Teac 1.44MB Floppy - $11
Total: $767 (I already had a Maxtor 30GB 7200RPM)

I could've done better on the video card (onvia.com has it for $132 but it's out of stock, should be coming in soon though) and probably other components too, but I was in a hurry and it was still under budget. The cool thing is that I'm running this at 910MHz with no problems and at 35-50 degrees celsius depending on the load (and yes this is on a BX mobo).

p.s. - woohoo! this is my 100th post!

"Should I call you Logan, WeaponX?"
Nice system, Nootch. I wonder if I could build something similar, and thus cheaper using the Duron/KT133 chipset? I've read about some issues regarding the GeForce and these boards. Could somebody elaborate?

Nootch, what's the best place that you'd recommend to get these parts from?

Pretty much, I'll be looking for the same kinds of things except I'm going in the AMD direction and will not need an SB-Live or a floppy (already have it). I will need a 72K RPM drive. I hear the Maxtor 30 GB one is pretty cheap, these days.
Wow! A 72000 RPM hard drive?!? Sucker must be fast...

I would venture to say that you'd be looking at about the same price when you're done, since a KT133 mobo will be more expensive than the CUBX, but the Duron will cost less than the P3 in nootch's setup.

On an long enough timeline, everyone's survival rate drops to zero.
I think I need another cup of coffee, DD. Forgot that decimal on that 7.2K
If I knew of a drive that would spin up that fast, I think I'd see a renegade platter fly out of the case and do some devistation of the likes seen in a game of Worms!
JH: I got most of the parts at local stores and computer shows (Mobo, Case, Golden Orb, Sound Blaster etc)... but I got the memory from Crucial (see http://www.aliensoup.com/ubb/Forum4/HTML/001620.html for 15% discount), and I'd recommend Onvia for the video card (actually for most parts since there's no shipping and no tax).

Sorry I can't be of more help...

"Should I call you Logan, WeaponX?"
i will throw my 2 cents in. i would get rid of the amd 400 and use the money to get a maxtor 7200 rpm drive and possibly a geforce card. sell off the voodoo 3 and the 2 GB drive also. this will give you a decent base computer with a faster HD and overall better gaming and all around performance for close to no money expended or even a net gain in money if the parts fetch enough. then wait for a deal on a barebones computer and pull the new parts out of this computer into the newer machine and sell the rest. the cheapest way to upgrade. i agree with keeping the other computer since the 486 will not get you too much.
Picked up that 30 GB Diamond Max 7200 drive and re-installed everything. WOW! What a difference! I also was able to successfully overclock to a 112MHz FSB and thus push my 500 to 560.

Just need a faster vid card, and I will be happy in gaming. Which will be a better buy for my money? The Geforce 2 MX or Geforce 2 GTS?
The Geforce MX will cost less, but the Geforce 2 GTS will yield faster performance.

On an long enough timeline, everyone's survival rate drops to zero.
Sorry, I misphrased my question. I meant to ask which card will yield a better price/performance ratio? From what I have read, the MX's SDR memory is rather OC'able to yield performance close to that of the old DDR card.
Only you can decide that, because you are the one who determines what performance level is satisfactory.
It's pointless for me to tell you that, say, a TNT2 is the best "bang-for-the-buck" if you find the performance of a TNT2 is too slow.
Likewise, it's pointless for me to tell you that a Geforce MX is the best "bang-for-the-buck" if a Geforce MX is out of your price range.

On an long enough timeline, everyone's survival rate drops to zero.
Yup, you know what they say. If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!!
Yeah. I pretty much agree with what you said about the GeForce card stuff.
a MX is kinda ranged in between a SDR Geforce and a DDR Geforce.. it's up to you if you wanna spend the extra $50...

I was able to push my herc DDR pretty far.. but from what i've been hearing.. you are able to push the MX as well.

Either way go w/ a Herc card.. GeforceDDR or MX.. Herc has the best ones..
Well, I don't need top notch performance, really. Just something better than my Voodoo3 3K. It's decent, but I want better. From what I read, the MX is good for the money and rather OC'able. I don't have to play at 1280x1024 or even 1600x1200, either. The HDD and reinstall were the biggest helps, though. I'm not so displeased with my computer, now. Thanks for your help!
A regular Geforce DDR would probably suit your needs just fine, but I have a feeling that the Geforce MX might even be cheaper and a little faster.
The V3 3k was crap when it came out. It was a good BUDGET card, even though many 3dfx supporters wanted to make it seem more powerful than it really was.

On an long enough timeline, everyone's survival rate drops to zero.
Well, I got myself a Geforce 2 MX card, so I can't wait for it to arrive. I'll go ahead and keep my AMD box as it will make a good scanner/burning machine.