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People can be so rude



Sometimes rude people just drive me up a wall!

A woman in front of me at the CVS went to answer her phone as she was taking her money out to pay. She had already held up the line b/c she insisted something was 40 percent off when it wasn't and had the worker check it.

So she answers her phone as she is handing the guy her money. She still is talking on the phone and he hands her the receipt. It certainly does not sound like an urgent conversation.

She continues to stand there, plus she did not move the kiddie car cart that is there blocking the way, too. (the kids were already waiting for her by the door). So I go to her left and start the hand the guy my stuff to pay. I push the kiddie cart a bit over to give her a hint and she finally moves it and is still on the phone as she walks out.
Gah, yeah. I currently work as a cashier as a school job, so people like are there all the time. It really gets annoying!
Makes you wonder if they teach their kids to be that disrespectful to people as well.
Yes...I said disrespectful!! Respect for others (and their property) and common courtesy, seem to be very lacking in the world today. This is very obvious in areas that deal with a lot of tourists.
How annoying! :tick: That certainly is very disrespectful.
i havnt been here since forever

yeah i hate those retarded people on cell phones @ awkward times
wow i can't staaannnnd that, grrrr it makes me bummed just reading it
I always avoid talking on my cell phone in public places for that very reason--I also think it's rude as hell. If someone calls me while I'm at a store (especially if I'm paying for my stuff) I just go, "Let me call you back" and then I call them back when I'm in the car. People just don't have that kind of common sense these days, I guess. :madder:
this is one of my biggest pet peeves. i *hate* HATE when people are blathering endlessly and loudly on their cell phones while in public places.

makes me want to smack it out of their hands.
That is really rude. When someone calls me at an inconvenient time like that I get so embarassed, which sucks cause I can only use my mobile on one side, so then I get flustered and drop things... I'm terrible!