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PEOPLE who play WAY to many video games

Hey Sicander love the mustache, the bed head ain't bad either, night doesn't know what she is missing. When she turns 21 you will be an old man of 28. I wonder why that doesn't sound as bad? I married at 20 (temporary lapse in judgment) he was 35. So if we look at it that way when I was 15 he was OMG 30!! Of course I didn't know him until I was 19, he was WTF 34! OH! the injustice of it all! LOL
LMAO. I know she doesn't really want kids, but I don't remember about a husband. Did she take her pic out of the gallery? I didn't see it there. hmm, oh well.
Mustang Kitty Cat said:
But yeah I agree with ICP, Si, you do look drunk in that pic. :drunken_s

Thats not drunk, thats smarm. I have a degree in it!
Hey Sicander love the mustache, the bed head ain't bad either, night doesn't know what she is missing. When she turns 21 you will be an old man of 28. I wonder why that doesn't sound as bad? I married at 20 (temporary lapse in judgment) he was 35. So if we look at it that way when I was 15 he was OMG 30!! Of course I didn't know him until I was 19, he was WTF 34! OH! the injustice of it all! LOL

Mustache??? Huh? Thats a gotee my friend! Its on the other side of the mouth!
Goatees aren't bad on some guys. And on some...they're a necessity. (Mr. Dragon would be a perfect example. Looks all of 16 without his facial hair. )
Pyxidragon said:
Goatees aren't bad on some guys. And on some...they're a necessity. (Mr. Dragon would be a perfect example. Looks all of 16 without his facial hair. )

Yah but if hes not carful and lets it grow he will end up choking to death on it in his sleep.
*raised eyebrow* You're just looking to get hurt, aren't you, Sic?
I actually play video games, but, like anything in life, it is all about moderation. I also go to clubs but that is cause I like to dance and **** grind my friends to kanye west (haha). The thing is I do pretty much everything with my friends and it makes me happy. Some people are happy going to clubs and some people are happy playing video games, who are you to say what others should be doing?
Pyxidragon said:
*raised eyebrow* You're just looking to get hurt, aren't you, Sic?

Hey he has grown that thing pretty long before!
ok lol, I looked at your pictures...not what I'd go for but hey ^.^


No I will never have kids trust me on this one. As for a husband...er WHAT!! I'm 15 gimme a break here!!!

jebus... :| But anyways I won't get married til I'm about 25+ ....just somet hings I've always wanted to do before I get married I guess...

Or maybe I just want to be different...

But NO never having kids!
Hey Sicander love the mustache, the bed head ain't bad either, night doesn't know what she is missing. When she turns 21 you will be an old man of 28. I wonder why that doesn't sound as bad? I married at 20 (temporary lapse in judgment) he was 35. So if we look at it that way when I was 15 he was OMG 30!! Of course I didn't know him until I was 19, he was WTF 34! OH! the injustice of it all! LOL

Heck, I'm 29 & typically date women between 22-25. I dated a 19 year old when I was 27 & a 32 year old when I was 24. *shrug* To me it's more about how well you get along with the person than their age. Most my age (around this town anyway) seem to be happy sitting at home with their parents at almost 30 or have 1-6 kids & are either looking for someone to pay for them or use them as an excuse to not do anything. I respect single mothers but I know a number who have time for their kids & someone they're interested in. Ya don't have to go out to have fun, just hanging out at one or the other's place works too.

As for the original topic I do both. I go to clubs once or twice a month (if I'm lucky) to people watch, have a drink or two, shoot some pool & get some exercise being an idiot on the dance floor. I DEFINITELY don't go to meet a girlfriend, lots of better ways to do that than someplace where it seems the majority are out in large groups (bad idea to approach heh) or think they belong on a throne just because they're there instead of because of being a great person & being put there naturally by someone gettin' to know ya. I play a fair bit of games because I'm single enlisted with a mortgage to pay & it helps me stick to my budget instead of going out constantly & spending money. :p

Quick hi too, first post. ;)
I agree with you,Aelwulf! Age shouldn't matter it really hasn't with me. The youngest I have dated was 2 years older than me and the oldest was 30 years older than me. I dated the one 30 years older for several years. Funny enough now, I am developing an interest in someone - are you sitting down for this -28 years YOUNGER! OMG! Now that's even scarier in print! Boy toy - Cher isn't the only one robbing the cradle!
HEYYY well, this is my first post. so hi.

been reading for a while, but only just spotted this and had to answer, i met my current gf thru games, and have met other girls thru games..

and yes, they are both stunning lol, and your whole arguement is flawed as people have already pointed out, im just joining on with yet more people who have found relationships thru the gamer way..
I think once you get to a certain age it just doesn't matter anymore. I mean as long as the two people are invloved are of consentual age and they are both looking for the same type of things out of the relationship then it should be ok. Meeting someone on a gaming site or other isn't really that odd, It could be if you still refer to each other by the screen names and never a real name though. Som epeople forget about reality though, those are the ones I worry about.
Age is all in your mind! If there is an age difference so be it. As long as the two people involved are happy with each other then everyone else should stay out of it. None of their business really! Hey look at Larry King his wife is like 10 and he has 2 children. Now unless someone else had it in for him, Larry is not shooting blanks. At his age if he is still making a young woman happy there is hope for anyone - male or female! LOL
Dublhelix said:
did i mention extasy? there no x in clubs. well. theres a bit, but not much.
did i mention gf's or dates? although you ARE more likely to GET te aforementioned girl if your within 50 metres of her, instead of at home playing halo. you met your ex plaing video games?

i suppose there is girls out there who sit on their asses all d and play comp games. but how do you mee them and, this is the big thing, imagine what thy look like.

oh and if youve been to clubs and find em boring, you either 1) are REALLY unattractive :)

or 2) not imaginative enough

Hopelessly deluded person looking to meet other hopelessly deluded person.

Clubs are a waste of time and money, drinks are rediciously overpriced and most of the people are just looking for someone else to share their misery with. in short your not missing anything by not going. I don't want to listen to you whine about your workday or how you would score with so and so if they weren't taken already, or even watch you get shot down repeatedly as you attempt to hit on people out of your league.

If you watch the people at the clubs you'll notice that maybe 5% are having fun, and the rest are moping around attempting to bask in the light of that 5%...it's easy to see and in the end it's all a waste of time.
lol I like your opinion brainfreeze!!!

that definetly made me laugh