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^ person above you

^ Has 105 less posts than me, and an uglier face, at the time of posting.
^has many friends who thinks he wears too much cologne and could lighten up on the hear gel.

Sorry man gotta speak the truth.
^ Probably knows I couldn't care less.
^^ Spoke to the wrong person earlier, I assume... (What do I need with hair gel?)
^ and ^^ are both very annoying. That's an issue not in question.
^Doesn't think that this thread should be closed, like I do.

Guys, this is getting out of hand, okay...you're continuously flaming each other, and it's really getting annoying. GINA, MrLister, Dameon...someone, I think it's time for this to close...and I'd do it myself but I'm not a moderator :(.
^likes to breath oxygen

I knew this thread would get out of hand, as the creator of this mighty thread I would like to say that, we keep it open but the next person that bashs another member will be soley responible for the thread being closed.

So if you want everbody to hate you keep up the nastness.