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^ person above you

^ and ^^ just HAD to bring this thread back... :whomped:
^If ^^^ hadn't brought the thread back, I wouldn't have posted in it :D
I think this thread needs to be closed now...it's getting old and stupid.
i don't think there's a reason to close it because it hasn't really gotten out of hand or anything, i'm just annoyed by it. look at it this way: we don't close every thread that is old or stupid ;)

and to be on topic... ^ wishes this thread to be closed :)
^Doesn't worship bananas for some reason...
^'s Sig pic is mirrored for some reason and wants to know if anybody could tell him how to fix it, or better yet, make a Sig for him. (PM him for details ) :)
^ talks to himself, and should be posting in the Q&A section!
^ posted before the guy who posted after him, i think...