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Please make it stop, even another 35 hours is too much


Legend Of The Universe
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The Cradle of Liberty
Please G-d, end these annoying political commercials.

Go away ads for every candidate in New Hampshire, Rhode Island and here at home in Mass.

I feel awful enough that I voted against a candidate instead of for one.:surrender:
I know I am so sick of the calls!!! I hung up on Obama yesterday. :bowing:
I don't mind the ads so much since most of the stuff I watch is DVR'd so I just fast forward through them. It's the calls and mailings that are annoying the crap out of me. That and all of the signs that are all over the place and will probably still be up come Thanksgiving. :surrender:
Wednesday will be a fan-frickin-tastic day!! Not so much worrying who gets elected, re-elected.. but the paper/fliers/commercials and phone calls will be ova!!!!!!!!!!!
I just laugh at them.... talk about mud slinging!
They are getting so bad here that we are getting them in Spanish too. I am a little bothered that I have not been getting any president calling.:pout: :lol:
I don't even pick up the phone anymore if I don't recognize the caller on caller ID. My mailbox has been overflowing with political junk mail as well, it all goes straight into the recycle bin.

I voted this morning to avoid the crush tomorrow, longest darn ballot I remember in quite a while. For those keeping score, I voted no-yes-no on the ballot questions.

My town had a long standing unwritten rule against campaign [or any] signs, so I never see them here. Others towns, yes, but never here. There have been signs up for a certain candidate, mostly only on the lawns or attached to trees of recent arrivals in town who don't seem to understand the local unwritten code. Tacky
My town had a long standing unwritten rule against campaign [or any] signs, so I never see them here. Others towns, yes, but never here. There have been signs up for a certain candidate, mostly only on the lawns or attached to trees of recent arrivals in town who don't seem to understand the local unwritten code. Tacky

I don't mind the campaign signs, but hate the way they are left to litter the town after the election. I think that anyone who runs for office should have to leave a hefty deposit that is refundable when all of his/ her campaign signs/ leaflets are removed (I'd give them a week after the election to do this).
I wish i was a witch so i could cast a spell & make them all disappear.
Ugh!!! the never ending amount of phone callls! Now the have started with, "Christine...." So that I think they are a real person.
You can thank the SCOTUS for partially contributing to this madness by lifting some campaign spending caps last year.

It's ridiculous that these candidates spend so much freakin money to try to get elected. With the amount of money apparently spent in some races around here, I think they could have balanced the state budget with all the cash they've been throwing around.
Wednesday will be a fan-frickin-tastic day!! Not so much worrying who gets elected, re-elected.. but the paper/fliers/commercials and phone calls will be ova!!!!!!!!!!!

In Georgia the run off adds will start on Wednesday.............I realize that a 3rd party is an okay thing but they usually just end up causing a run off here to win someone has to end up with 50% plus one vote and round here most of the time the 3rd party candidate gets round 10% which is just enough to cause a million dollar runoff
In IA, they will probably start polling for the Caucus on Wednesday...
I don't mind the campaign signs, but hate the way they are left to litter the town after the election. I think that anyone who runs for office should have to leave a hefty deposit that is refundable when all of his/ her campaign signs/ leaflets are removed (I'd give them a week after the election to do this).
I wish they would do this for yard sale signs. Too many left up for weeks afterward.
Can't wait for this to be over, I don't even bother to check the phone when it rings anymore. The other day I got 12 of those ad cards they're sending out..so annoying!
Already had 3 calls today....and the day ain't over yet!
The robo-calls are making me crazy. I'm getting 5-10 a day from the NRSC. I'm going to email them now and tell them they have annoyed me into voting a straight democratic slate.

Bill Brady looks slimy. I can see it all over his ads how fake he is.
The robo-calls are making me crazy. I'm getting 5-10 a day from the NRSC. I'm going to email them now and tell them they have annoyed me into voting a straight democratic slate.


Ouch. I actually have two friends who work for the NRSC. :giggles: So much for the Get out the Vote effort. :giggles: