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Please pray for this little boy!

Wow it sounds like he's made some very postitive steps forward!!
What great news! I was half afraid to open this in fear of what has happened. I love good news! I will continue to pray for him!
Thanks for the update - when I pray, I can't help but wonder how he's doing, ya know? Thanks.
Posted yesterday evening:

Westin continues to battle. On Friday evening he completed this week's course of IVIG & high dose steroids. However, complications presented again. He is now bleeding from his stomach. He was coughing/refluxing it up and it has been detected in his stool. This is believed to be a result of the high dose steroids. These next 9 days off such is anticipated to prove this theory. They have taken him back off of feeds and are treating the GI tract. As you can imagine this is extremely discouraging. We ask ourselves, when is it Westin's turn to catch a break? I have prayed such, asking (begging) God for such... please see to it that things start going Westin's way. I am currently reading the book "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven." When the mother first pulled into the hospital she passed a man in a Medlife uniform. She backed up, stopped him, and asked by chance if he was on the flight that just transported her son. This was not by chance. This indeed was one of the members that flew her son to the hospital and prayed over him while doing so. She asked him about the condition of her son. In summary, the pilot asked her if she was a Christian (to which she replied "Yes I am"). He then told her that she is going to hear a lot of horrible things about her son, even that he was going to die. He then told her to not believe any of that; as skilled and knowledgeable as the drs. are, God's word can change all that. Finally, he instructed her that every time she feels scared or hears a bad report that she cannot fall into it, rather she is to thank the Lord for the healing of her son. So, for the past couples days and going forward, my prayer (over and over, and over again) is to thank the Lord for the complete healing of my remarkable son, Westin. I have to trust He will see to such, I am not sure there is any other way to get though this (believe me, I have tried).
I was thinking of Westin today...with hopes of improvement.
Re: Please pray for this little boy! - update on Westin

Westin was discharged 2 days ago! He can also use his right hand and sit propped up by himself!

This was posted yesterday:

Our first full day at home was a good one! Westin remembered all of his toys and enjoyed playing with them over and over. We've already seen more smiles in one day at home than all last week in the hospital. Ha! I will say that we had some fantastic nurses at Riley's that tried their best to make things easy for Westin. But they still had quite a bit of work they had to do with him on a daily basis and this made him very unhappy!

We were hoping to reunite Westin with his baby sister, Becca, but it has to be put on hold for now. Hopefully, next week we'll come together as a family of four if she can kick her cough! We've been anxiously waiting for this for 108 days!

So now that the majority of Westin's medical care is in my hands, I found myself quite overwhelmed tonight at the end of my first full day of handling the responsibility. Westin gets 18 doses of medicine throughout the day, he's on a continuous feeding pump that runs over 18 hours, I have to flush his PIC line daily and try to preserve that IV site to the best of my ability, and then play the roles of PT, OT, Speech and Feeding therapists. Whew! I have a whole new level of respect for all of these professions! When I think of Westin's around-the-clock care and just how much therapy he needs to get back to baseline, my head starts to spin and I find myself feeling very overwhelmed. But before my emotions had a chance to get out of hand this evening, I ran straight to the Word. Tonight the Word was in the form of a devotional book called Heaven Calling. The March 24 devotional was so appropriate for my state of mind that it gave me chills. I love when God speaks directly to us when we earnestly seek His voice.

"...Come to me with your battles and your fears. The size of the problem does not affect my ability to act. With me at your side, you will conquer the problems that once seemed insurmountable. Remember, for me nothing is impossible."

All of you have been truly wonderful with your support and prayers through our entire hospital stay. Thank you! But in my opinion, Westin's journey, or Westin's Walk, is just beginning! He's done with the acute portion of the IVIG treatment and will now concentrate on therapy. We would appreciate your continued prayers and hope that you'll continue to follow his progress as we climb one mountain after another. The Lord has already granted him several miracles and we will never take any of them for granted. We know where Westin was just 6 weeks ago and are truly blessed to be at home! But as Westin starts intense therapy to see how far his body will go, we've kindly asked the Lord to continue to heal him and grant small miracles along the way in hopes that Westin will regain his ability to walk, use his left arm and hand, talk and eat. As I say everyday to those body parts, it's time to "wake up"!
My thoughst and prayers are with Westin and your family. Please dont give up hope hon. i more then once with one of my children have been told there is no hope and he has pulled thru it. May god be with you all.