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Please pray if this is to be


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I urged and urged my dd who is in high school to try out for show choir.
She was in it during junior high, she has performed at our church with her high school youth group, she has performed when she went on her mission trips with the high school youth group--
so after hesitation (last year someone told her she wouldn't be good enough so she didn't try out) at the last minute today she decided to try.
We don't find out until tomorrow if she makes it
HOWEVER< she brought home the paper work/permission slip
it will cost 450.00 for her to be part of the team.
We don't have that kind of money. We qualify for free lunches and free school--so I don't know if this would be included--or if there is a fund raiser to bring down the price
IF she makes the team--it would be wonderful for her self esteem--she would feel part of a team--and would help her qualify for extra stuff that is required at the school--if you want to be part of National Honor Society-you must be involved in at least 2 things per year--so this would qualify her---
So please pray that the Lords will be done--and if she makes the choir--we find a way to pay for it (wish they took catalinas)
Why dont you have a private conversation with the director? Maybe you could make payments or she could get a part time job to cover it? Just trying to help....
Maybe she could babysit or do a few odd jobs. I am always looking for a babysitter. :lol:
In my daughters band, they do a lot of volunteer work and fund raising. Whatever is left after those can be paid via check. Usually they can cover it completely. Don't worry too much.

Thanks, I will have to see what happens today.
She can't work yet, most of the places here want you to be 17--she is just 15.
As far as babysitting, we have posted places, networked with friends and church--most already have their regular babysitters---there are a lot of kids her age in this neighborhood so most jobs have been taken. Many of the parents are like me--and have older siblings, so they have them do the baby sitting.
Thanks for your prayers---if she makes it--then I will contact the instructor and ask if there is a scholarship--or if I can make payments.
They said their fund raiser is they hold a show choir competition and that is how they get money--but that isn't until Feb or March--and ALL parents and students are required to volunteer. I am willing to help, when she went on her mission trip with church we sold flowers--and we did everything to get it paid for (though church was willing to scholarship her--I wanted her to put forth the effort to try and get the money without the church paying--and due to our friends, family and neighbors she did!)
Thanks again, guess I will know more later today
Thanks, I will have to see what happens today.
She can't work yet, most of the places here want you to be 17--she is just 15.
As far as babysitting, we have posted places, networked with friends and church--most already have their regular babysitters---there are a lot of kids her age in this neighborhood so most jobs have been taken. Many of the parents are like me--and have older siblings, so they have them do the baby sitting.
Thanks for your prayers---if she makes it--then I will contact the instructor and ask if there is a scholarship--or if I can make payments.
They said their fund raiser is they hold a show choir competition and that is how they get money--but that isn't until Feb or March--and ALL parents and students are required to volunteer. I am willing to help, when she went on her mission trip with church we sold flowers--and we did everything to get it paid for (though church was willing to scholarship her--I wanted her to put forth the effort to try and get the money without the church paying--and due to our friends, family and neighbors she did!)
Thanks again, guess I will know more later today

mabye she could make something or do some odd jobs around some folks house it only takes 11 people to give her a $40 job or 11 relatives donating $40 each should could mabye give vouchers for an hour of her time for $10 an hour of future time cleaning, cooking, wrapping presents
mabye she could make something or do some odd jobs around some folks house it only takes 11 people to give her a $40 job or 11 relatives donating $40 each should could mabye give vouchers for an hour of her time for $10 an hour of future time cleaning, cooking, wrapping presents

Prayers that everything works out. I like this idea thou to help her raise the money when she makes it.
I know a mom of twin boys who could always use another sitter. They are a handful, but I think your daughter can handle it. Let me know if you want me to pass along her name.

Have you heard? Dismissal is any minute! Did she text you?
Three of my four kids have been/are currently in our high school show choir. This year I have two, and it costs a small fortune. Choir fees - $80 Showchoir fees - $800, voice lessons $20 per week, and this year they are going to Disney over spring break - $1400 ... EACH. So I have many days when I wonder if this is a good idea. I must say, we've seen only good things come from the experience. It's a good group of kids (and parents are super involved) they are like a family. And the self confidence it gives my kids to sing and perform in front of others is priceless. This will definitly help them in any future career they choose to have. So I look at it like an investment. We have several fundraisers, some of which can help the individual students personal account and some of which help the group only. I have been able to get a few hundred dollars a year for the student account by participating heavily in things like the Manna program. That is where you buy all your gift cards from them and a % goes into the student account. So if I buy $400 a month in Jewel gift cards, about $15 goes into the student account. Not much, but it can add up. Think gift cards for Christmas presents, etc etc. They also sell things like Fanny May, pies at Thanksgiving, and even "ad" in the show programs. So if you or your daughter has a good network of people willing to do some of these things, you should be able to raise much of the money. I've always found that I'm the one working it, not my kids, I don't know. I have heard of one family that buys around $2000 a month in gift cards and gets a few hundred a month into the student account. I figure they must have a business to flow some of that money through... Hope if all goes well and what is meant to be will happen for you and your dd
Oh, and our school definitly provides a monthly payment plan. Broken down over 6-8 months it might be easier to do
Praying for this situation for you! God cares about these little details and he can work them all out if it's his will. Please update us once you know something!
a good fundraiser that we wanted to try was miseltoe around christmas---------------miseltoe grows wil so pick it put a ribbon on it and sell it at Wal-Mart or wherever