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PMS symptoms...


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Here are some of mine, I am miserable right now. Face is breaking out, painful canker (sp?) sores, cramps, sore boobs, discomfort hips:surrender:

What about yours?
The mood swings are... let's say...difficult. Lots of crying, which leads to headaches. Moody and irritable, too. Acne, sugar cravings, bloating. Cramps right before. Never had problems till after I had DS....
By the way, this would be a great thread to hide discussions you don't want any guys looking at.... LOL
mood swings ( my poor kids) sore sore gums
I also get really bad headaches....maybe that's why I'm a ****. Plus mood swings....dh never believed in pms (and he had 2sisters) until he met me. He realizes when I'm emotional and ****y that my period is coming. I'm so glad I don't have daughters!
oh my dd is the worse--finally this moneth I said to her ( which I hate when people say to me...) "if this is PMS then get it under control"
I go through mood swing also, but not every month. I have 2 boys, feel so bad for dh and the boys, I do get the guilty feeling after the symptoms subsided. Today is worse, the throbbing headaches just awful.
I get bloated and constipated and I'm sure I'm ****y, but it's hard to differ from the usual me. ;)