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Preserving your children's school projects, do you?



So my dd is in pre-k and comes home with 1-2 projects each day and of course they go straight onto the fridge. The previous days projects are taken down and put into a plastic tote. Not sure why I am saving them. so here are my questions:

1. Do you save your children's school projects? All? Some? Or do they all get tossed in the garbage eventually.

2. If you do save them, are you planning on keeping them forever in a scrapbook, or scanning/saving?!?

*IF* I had to do it all over again--this is what I would do ( **** where was pinterest and Mommy blogs 20 years ago!)


I would take photos of all projects/pics ( or scan them in)
then at the end of each school year I would get a shutterfly--or similar harcover book made from all the pictures
I'm in the same boat. My son is in pre-school..same thing a ton of art/project brought home. I feel guilty throwing them out and I really don't have the storage space (we live in a 2 bdrm condo in the city). I love the idea of taking the photos!
I save the best ones, and take pictures of the rest.
I would love to hear ideas on how to save them!!

My kids come home with some of the best art projects and I have the best intentions of framing and hanging them somewhere but I never do!

The problem is they are always odd shapes and I can't find frames that fit.
I've been getting these for each of the kids and holds about 2 years worth of school "stuff". We don't save everything just some of their favorites and then I also store their yearbooks, report cards, school class photos and such in there. They are stacked on the top shelf in their closet and they really enjoy taking some of the older boxes down and going through them.

We saved at least a few things from each year. I always kept a box and everything went in, at the end of the year when they come home lugging all that stuff from their desks we'd go through everything for the year, reminisce a little and then choose about 3 "keepers". We use a Rubbermaid tote for long term storage. :)
I have found just saving one or two from each grade makes me appreciate them more. What is special about 50 art projects?
I save just the really good, and milestone (first drawing of a person, first written words, etc.) stuff, and the rest goes into recycling. I do not love my son any less because I have 20 papers, instead of 200.
I've got shirt boxes under my bed with my fav's in there.
I save a few from each year. It is usually a combination of what the children liked best and my personal favorites.
Once eveyone left in the morning, the fridge was cleared and ready for the next masterpiece. My Mom kept lots of our 'stuff' and each one of us tossed it all.
Some of the teachers would laminate their better projects. One I love is their little hand prints from when they where 5.
At the end of each school year I have the girls sort through and save 1-3, take pictures of all of them, sort several more out to go to grandparents, aunts & uncles, and then the rest we get rid of.