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261. Prophecy (10/14/04)

Early this year, an article in World Journal caught my eye. The topic was: "Big prophecy for 2004". I am not a superstitious man. But five pictures with the article attracted me. They were: Eiffel Tower of Paris; Senator Edward Kennedy; Pope John Paul; Prince of Monaco Albert; ruin of ancient Rome.

It said, Canadian Anthony Carr, viewed as a modern Nostradamus, predicted that Eiffel Tower would collapse after an attack, Rome of Italy and California of US would have strong earthquake in 2004.

The following are the successful prediction he had made:
1. On 1/1/2001 and 8/14/01, Anthony twice said "There will be airplane crashed in New York. Hundreds of people will die." That was 9/11 attack.

2. Same day on 1/1/2001, he said George W. Bush would bring war to the world soon after he became president. We all saw it.

3. In February 2002, he said Princess of Margaret would die in 2002.

4. In August 2002, he said Mad Cow disease would attack Canada and rapidly swept across US. All these prophecy came true. And also he had predicted the death of Princess Diana.

If someone had made the above prophecy one hundred years ago, or 50 years ago, or even 20 years ago, I would admit it was a prophecy. Because there were too much variables in a long period. But check these achievements. It came true within a year, some even within a month. It's much more a proclamation of a project of intelligence then an astrology. Assassination of celebrities; terror attack; war. All the work capable done by government inside group.

I talked about mad cow, alleged it was a bio-attack from intelligence in December 2003. (see "191. Framing a case in December (12/26/03)") I talked about for many times that government knew 911 attack in advance. (see "68. Ashcroft's revenge (5/31/02)") All these were written before January 2004 when I knew there was such an Anthony Carr and his prophecy from newspaper.

In the books of of former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, former counter terrorism adviser Richard Clark, Bob Woodward, Joseph Wilson we know from beginning when Bush entered White House, he determined to activate war. Outsiders observed phenomenon, insiders knew the detail. That's how Anthony Carr could make a prophecy. Or rather, to announce the plan of inside group in advance.

Now we go back to the great prophecy of 2004 by Anthony. It's still the assassination of celebrities, (Pope Paul, Edward Kennedy, Monaco Prince Albert) terror attack (Eiffel Tower), natural disaster (earthquake which could be induced, or created by modern technique).

Then why did they let out their plan by Anthony Carr? It's a psychological manipulation. Quite a lot of people believe in God. Prophecy will attribute all these events fatal. The prophecy will make that part of people believe what happens is natural.

You can also see Bush did the same thing. He always said what he did was God's will. As a matter of fact, media play the same role too. When brand name ABC, CNN, USA Today, Gallup..... constantly issued poll that Bush has an approve rate around 50% and leads over his rivalry despite Bush is a proved big lier, they are giving a prophecy too. This time it is for the rigged election. To make you believe the output of election is reasonable.

Anthony Carr doesn't need any reason to support his prediction. That's the advantage of a prophet. I predict sometime too on the purpose it won't happen. (such like the framed drug case even with specific date 6/19 , 9/2......) I always gave the reason why I thought in this way and with my analysis. I remind people from time to time "beware of pick pocket" so the thief won't steal for the time being.

I hope my revelation can prevent Anthony Carr's prophecy from happening.
kathaksung said:
4. In August 2002, he said Mad Cow disease would attack Canada and rapidly swept across US. All these prophecy came true. And also he had predicted the death of Princess Diana.

I needed to read no further than this to find flaws in his "prophecy".
First, the previous "prophecies" were so incredibly vague that it's no surprise to anyone that they came true.
Second, the above prophesized evend did not come true, as you stated, but can only be viewed as a gross distortion of what occurred. Mad Cow disease did find it's way into Canada, but I would hardly call it an attack. There were a few reported cases, and most of the beef was quarantined before it could impact the population.

The idea that it swept across the US is simply false, and did not occur. The US immediately stopped importing beef from countries where contamination had been discovered, and if there were 5 cases of actual infection of humans across the country, quite frankly, I'd be astounded.

People lend way to much credibility to these so-called "prophets", without actually looking at the facts. The facts are that these "predictions" are either so vague that they would have to play out to be true eventually (a plane crash in NY where a lot of people died?!? If a plane were to crash anywhere in NY, a lot of people would die.), or when they do point out something with some degree of specificity, it turns out to be wrong.
People need to stop being so gullible.
302. Pope's death (Continue to 261-265) (4/7/05)

302. Pope's death (Continue to 261-265) (4/7/05)

Another two of great prophecy of Anthony Carr came into true. The death of Pope and a big earthquake. (Though the earthquake didn't take place in Italy, it took place in Indonesia and caused a tsunami.)

In World Journal, there were five pictures. Anthony Carr made many prophecies. But those five with pictures obviously were particularly picked up by intelligence to impress people. I think these were the most important projects of Inside Group. (The collapse of Eiffel Tower; earthquake in Rome; the death of Pope, Senator Edward Kennedy, and Prince of Monaco - Albert.

I found four out of five were related to Iraq war. Senator Edward Kennedy, Pope John Paul and France were three strong opposers to the Iraq war. An earthquake in Rome would also affected Vatican. Inside Group intended to create a situation that Vatican were punished by God with the suffering of natural disaster and death of Pope.
John Paul expressed his anti-war opinion as early as in 2001.

Re: Ex-envoy: Pope was champion of peace
Eric Gorski Denver Post Staff Writer

Coloradan Jim Nicholson met with Pope John Paul II on Sept. 13, 2001, at Castel Gandolfo, the pontiff's summer palace outside Rome. During that summit, the pope decried the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks as an attack not just on the United States but on humanity, Nicholson recalled.
But John Paul II vociferously opposed a U.S. strike on Iraq, sending an emissary to Washington in the run-up to the war in a failed attempt to sway President Bush.


Since then, Roman Catholic had a three years long intensify trouble in US. Many sex scandals were revealed. Roman Catholic were humiliated. Priests were sentenced and fined. When I read such kind of news one after another, I realize it was a revenge and blackmail. Those sex scandal cases were mostly happened decades ago. Now all of a sudden, they were poured out like a big wave. But Pope didn't bent. He insisted his opinion.

Pope to Bush: Go into Iraq and you go without God
By CHB Staff and Wire Reports
Mar 5, 2003, 07:18

Pope John Paul II has a strong message for President George W. Bush: God is not on your side if you invade Iraq.

Laghi came bearing the pope's message: A war would be a "defeat for humanity" and would be neither morally nor legally justified.
The Pope also questioned the President's statements invoking God's name as justification for the invasion.
"God is a neutral observer in the affairs of man," the Pope said. "Man cannot march into war and assume God will be at his side."
"It's illegal, it's unjust," Laghi told reporters after the session with Bush.

In a May visit to the Vatican, Bush told the pope he was "concerned" about the Catholic church's standing in America, where the church has been rocked by sex-abuse scandal.


You can see how Bush extorted Pope with sex scandal.

So when the newspaper reported the Anthony Carr's prophecy, I knew it was the project of inside group. They think they are the real God and punish people who do not obey to them.
There was trace that Pope was poisoned and suffered EM wave shooting in his final days. My condolence to John Paul. He is the victim of Inside group.
Dude what the heck I know you don't listen to those wannabes man only God knows the future dude at least get the real signs that come from matthew 24
305. Spell on Monaco royal family(4/22/05) (continue to 261-264, 302)

305. Spell on Monaco royal family(4/22/05) (continue to 261-264, 302)

Another great prophecy of Anthony Carr in early 2004 was the death of the Prince of Monaco - Albert along with the death of Pope. If it was an intelligence project, the likely motive is to loot the treasure of Monaco Royal family or to control the economy of that country. Monaco, though being a small country, is a rich state with its gambling business, tourism industry and financial institution.

On 4/6, Prince Rainier died at the hospital treating him for heart, kidney and breathing problems. It was just four days after Pope John Paul's death.(4/2) They both had health problem a month ago. Pope had breathing problem in February and had a surgery to insert a tube in his windpipe. Prince Rainier was first admitted with a lung infection to a heart and chest clinic one month ago before his death. It could be a coincidence. It could also be that the action teams got the "OK to start" order at same time.

Someone argued with me that Pope died not of a conspiracy but of his age. (Re: 302) I would have believed so if I hadn't read Anthony Carr's prophecy. I don't believe astrology. Carr's prophecy came with strong motive of US Inside group. And they have ability to do it. Modern technique can create earthquake, tsunami; change climate and murder people covertly, make the death look like a natural one.

The passing away of Prince Rainier alarmed me that intelligence started to act their projects. On 4/10, I heard another news. "The marriage of Monaco royal family was imprecated?" (World Journal) It said that Ernst(translate from Chinese. I don't know his English name), 51, Prince of Hanover, husband of Princess Caroline, was sent into emergency room for pancreas infection in early morning on April 5th, just one day before Prince Rainier's death.

"He is under intensify observation. His condition is serious. He needs a long time cure. Bio and radiology examination is done. Now is doing scan." The insiders of hospital and royal family said that he is in coma.

Ernst's serious sickness once again touched off a saying that the dynasty of Monaco was cursed. It said the marriage of the royal family was imprecated and wouldn't last long and happy.

Prince Albert is 47 years old, still young. So Carr's predict was he would die in a car accident like his mother. After other obstacles were eliminated, Albert will be the next. Likely among Princess Caroline's close friends there are some candidates ready to be her next husband in her fourth marriage.

The modern pirate loot in the name of "democracy". For a big country such like Iraq, they started a war. For a small one such like Monaco, they steal through murder, marriage and heir. Of course, they do a lot of propaganda to convince people. From "WMD", "war against terrorism" to "prophecy" and "spell". Psychological preparation is always an important part of their plot. That's why when Pope John Paul didn't co-operate with them for the war, they punished him with death.
262. Kennedy (10/19)

262. Kennedy (10/19)

I haven't got my newspaper delivered on Sunday (10/17). This was the second time occurrence in recent four years. Last time I got a credit in my account for missing paper. This time I requested a refill even though the missing paper had to be delivered next day. I don't think it was a missing case. I thought there might be something Feds didn't want me to read.
(The missed paper appeared at my door today. I know it was the original because it was in a plastic bag with ads of a newly open store.)

I think the article they didn't want me to read is one about Kennedy. It said, "Kennedy's press chief dies in France at 79. He clouded his own legacy with conspiracy theories."

Pierre Salinger, press secretary to President John F. Kennedy and chief European correspondent for ABC News, died of a heart attack Saturday at a hospital near his home in France.

" His journalistic reputation was besmirched in the 1990's after his insistence that two major airline crashes were not what they seemed."

He said the 1988 crash of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie was a D.E.A. operation that went wrong. He also believed TWA Flight 800 was shot down near Long Island by a stray Navy missile in 1996.

I don't think it was a coincidence he died just two days(10/16) after I posted last message.(10/14) In which I talked about one of major projects of inside group in 2004 is to assassinate senator Edward Kennedy. Salinger was one who suspected the criminal activity of US government committed. He thus was a target of Inside group.

In early 90's I was intimidated by "So what, they even killed President Kennedy". (see #17. They killed President Kennedy) This was the beginning I realized the dark side of US intelligence. Instead of keeping silence I told people the assassin of JFK was FBI.

Twice I had left US trying to get rid of the persecution. Each time they killed a key member of Kennedy's family.

The first time was in July 1994. I went to China. I ordered the air flight ticket in April. Then in June, Jacklin Kennedy (widow of JF Kennedy) died of cancer. I didn't connect it to my leaving because at that time I didn't know much of Feds.

It was until in July 1999 at Hongkong, when I decided to go to South East Asia and started visiting appropriate consulates, I learned Jr. Kennedy died of air plane accident. The news reminded me of his mother's death. They both died several weeks early before I left for some countries Feds not so controlled. Feds were afraid of the reaction if my story had been revealed. They were afraid the potential political influence of Kennedy family.

Edward Kennedy is the last one of famous Kennedy's. That's why he becomes a prophecy of Anthony Carr. There was sign two months ago when news reported Edward Kennedy was banned to board US Airway's shuttle out of Washington to Boston. His name was put in the "no fly" list. It took several weeks to take his name from that list. Was it a mistake? But one thing for sure is that mistake won't take place on Bush, Ashcroft and Rumsfelt.

Feds is not the same one which assassinated President Kennedy 40 years ago. They are much stronger now armed with Patriot Act. They can open humiliate a president (Lewinsky scandal). So what to a Senator. They even predicted his death by prophecy. And to assassinate, no bullet needed anymore. Modern technique enable them to kill in covert way. They prepare heart attack for Edward Kennedy. Salinger died of it. Clinton, too, had a heart attack when he gave campaign advice to Kerry. Clinton told Kerry to abandon his Vietnam history but to focus on Iraq war. He offended the taboo of insider group and was punished by a heart attack. (see heart attack at # "5. Microwave killing" )
263. Pat Robertson (10/24)

263. Pat Robertson (10/24)

There was another news early this January reported by World Journal. It said, "Robertson, a celebrity of Christian broadcaster, reveals two big 'God's design': GOD BLESSES CHINA, BUSH WILL CONVENIENTLY BE RE-ELECTED ".

I knew inside group controlled US politics, they would have Bush had the second term of presidency. But how could they bless China? Strategically, China is a rival to US.

It was this news, plus other events happened in Dec/2003 and Jan/2004 enabled me to realize there had been another secret deal reached between Feds and China. China would frame a big drug case, and as exchange, the huge payment (God's bless) was Taiwan's regime change. So I wrote "206. Another interest exchange. (2/16)" The later development showed it was a multi-national one which would have include Singapore, Philippines, Hongkong. And Feds also planned terrorist attack to distract.

264. Reaction to cover up Robertson (10/24)

Robertson made his prediction in 1/2/04. He said, ""I think George Bush is going to win in a walk, I really believe I'm hearing from the Lord it's going to be like a blowout election in 2004. It's shaping up that way."


These two news about Pat Robertson and Anthony Carr that month revealed how Feds to manipulate American's mind in the name of God. Robertson and Anthony are no others then accessories of Feds.

Then a strange thing took place three days ago. A news in Internet said that "A White House spokesman denied Wednesday that President Bush told Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson that he did not expect casualties from the invasion of Iraq."


Why Pat Robertson said something very good about Bush 9 month ago (1/2) but now (10/19) let out something negative about him?

I know why.

My articles are under strict scrutiny of Feds. They check up every source I used as reference. They even pointed out a "one day's mistake" of my message. (see "83. Spy country (8/21/02)") I didn't give the exact date of the news about "prophecy", (it was on W.J. 1/17) I only wrote: "Early this year". The surveillance team must have gone through all the World Journal published "early this year" to find that article. Robertson's news belongs to same category of Anthony's. They were all "prediction". Thus it fell into their sight. If I wrote about "God's will" of Anthony Carr, they could expect I would do same thing on Pat Robertson. That's why they hurried created a dispute between Bush and Robertson. The purpose is to cover up Robertson's real ID.

This is why Pat Robertson behaved a conflict way in two events. According to Robertson, Bush told him "we're not going to have any casualties" (in Iraq) in March 2003. Why he didn't talk about it for more than 18 months? If you noticed the accusation was brought into news on 10/19, 5 days after my message "261. Prophecy (10/14)". You probably will understand it was an event created to cover up an accessory of Feds. They used to have swift reaction to my comments. Either to perfect, or justify, or repair the flaw they have made. I think the Salinger's death, Robertson's accusation on Bush were all the reaction to my message "Prophecy". And there is more.
kathaksung said:
And there is more.

Please stop. No more, PLEASE!
Your posts continue to make no sense whatsoever. The only common thread are these incredibly loosely connected scenarios that you somehow twist into "fact" in your own mind. There's really no need to continously share them, unless you enjoy people reading them and realizing that you're totally out of your mind. I suppose there's also humor value for some, but mostly, it's just kinda sad.
Diesel said:
Please stop. No more, PLEASE!
Your posts continue to make no sense whatsoever. The only common thread are these incredibly loosely connected scenarios that you somehow twist into "fact" in your own mind. There's really no need to continously share them, unless you enjoy people reading them and realizing that you're totally out of your mind. I suppose there's also humor value for some, but mostly, it's just kinda sad.

Ouch... lol
265. God, prophet or Tyrant, rogue? (10/29)

265. God, prophet or Tyrant, rogue? (10/29)

From mid October, there is a new wave of Internet attack on me. I failed to post in many sites because of technique harassment. I was even banned from some forums.

Here was a ban in "Halflife2.net". The page said, ""Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? "

I have the experience Feds using my INTERNET address to post offensive messages which caused ban on me, I e-mailed administration. "I didn't do anything above. If there is such problem, then it might be someone hijacked my user's name did it. Please check the problem."

The reply of administration: "I'm not sure why you were banned, it's now been lifted. Your ban wasn't logged so I'll look into it further, sorry about that."

So I had chance re-enter the forum and see the "reason" they banned me. It was done by a staff who also had a title of director of marketing. Here is his post.

Re: Icarus <member.php?u=10834> Halflife2.net Staff
Director of Marketing Join Date: Oct 2003 Location: Northern California Posts: 1,219 Kathaksung,

There's a passage I got memorized, seems appropriate for this situation:

Ezekiel 25:17 "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!"

Closed, Deleted, And Banned: Icarus' Blog
Sure, I'd read your blog. I can picture it now...Banned 48 people today, deleted 36034 threads, and still had time for tea - %%WORD249%9


Here once again we see the familiar "Lord" abuse their power to censor the speech which they can't tolerate.

There was another warning from the messenger from the "Lord" in another site. After failing to call for a moderate on my thread, he gave such a prophecy:

Re: Donsun <member.php?u=47>
Join Date: Nov 2003

I don't care if the mods do anything or not as you can tell by the overwhelming response to your droning on and on and on. I will not say anymore about the long posts nor will i ever donate a dime to a forum that lets people advertise and post endless threads. Unfortunately its always a small few that ruin it for everyone. If the mods don't enforce the rules then this forum will dissolve on its own. Good Day!

Link Removed - Links to other forums are not permitted. - Diesel

He titled himself "prophet". He threatened to stop finance aid to the forum. He predicted the dissolve of the site if it doesn't do to his favor.

The "God" which Bush worshiped planned terror attack, assassination, disaster in the name of nature. Predict their project by big prophet. Small "lord" scattered everywhere to watch people. And small prophet made their small prediction to intimidate too. When they could proudly pronounce that "Banned 48 people today, deleted 36034 threads, and still had time for tea", I only saw rogue over there.

There is no check and balance to our intelligence. They developed into a Mafia-like organization. Politicians are not elected by people but inside group because they also control the election process and made a rigged election reasonable by poll.

After a year of repeated attempts to frame drug case on me and my family, they now turn to INTERNET censorship. The purpose are the same. To block people know the truth.
I repeat my call for help:

Due to heavy harassment, I'm afraid I can't post my message on time in each site. I decide to post every five days on my homepage with new message. If I fail to do that, then either I have been blocked to post, or more likely, "disappeared" from some "operation". If that happens, there will be a blackout on my thread too. So, download it to follow the development.

I ask your help to spread my thread. Tell your friend. Let other people know it. The more people know the truth, less harm Feds can make. It's not only for me, my family, it also for you and every decent American citizen.
This user was banned from another forum I frequent because they continue to post **** even when repeatedly asked to stop. They don't enter into (have no interest in entering into) discussion, they simply regurgitate the same old rubbish over and over.

I don't read beyond their user name these days. They come to forums all over the world and post the same cut'n'pastes repeatedly. They don't seem to realise that this isn't the way to attract attention, it's merely the way to piss people off...
kathaksung said:
263. Pat Robertson (10/24)

There was another news early this January reported by World Journal. It said, "Robertson, a celebrity of Christian broadcaster, reveals two big 'God's design': GOD BLESSES CHINA, BUSH WILL CONVENIENTLY BE RE-ELECTED ".

I knew inside group controlled US politics, they would have Bush had the second term of presidency. But how could they bless China? Strategically, China is a rival to US.

It was this news, plus other events happened in Dec/2003 and Jan/2004 enabled me to realize there had been another secret deal reached between Feds and China. China would frame a big drug case, and as exchange, the huge payment (God's bless) was Taiwan's regime change. So I wrote "206. Another interest exchange. (2/16)" The later development showed it was a multi-national one which would have include Singapore, Philippines, Hongkong. And Feds also planned terrorist attack to distract.

264. Reaction to cover up Robertson (10/24)

Robertson made his prediction in 1/2/04. He said, ""I think George Bush is going to win in a walk, I really believe I'm hearing from the Lord it's going to be like a blowout election in 2004. It's shaping up that way."


These two news about Pat Robertson and Anthony Carr that month revealed how Feds to manipulate American's mind in the name of God. Robertson and Anthony are no others then accessories of Feds.

Then a strange thing took place three days ago. A news in Internet said that "A White House spokesman denied Wednesday that President Bush told Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson that he did not expect casualties from the invasion of Iraq."


Why Pat Robertson said something very good about Bush 9 month ago (1/2) but now (10/19) let out something negative about him?

I know why.

My articles are under strict scrutiny of Feds. They check up every source I used as reference. They even pointed out a "one day's mistake" of my message. (see "83. Spy country (8/21/02)") I didn't give the exact date of the news about "prophecy", (it was on W.J. 1/17) I only wrote: "Early this year". The surveillance team must have gone through all the World Journal published "early this year" to find that article. Robertson's news belongs to same category of Anthony's. They were all "prediction". Thus it fell into their sight. If I wrote about "God's will" of Anthony Carr, they could expect I would do same thing on Pat Robertson. That's why they hurried created a dispute between Bush and Robertson. The purpose is to cover up Robertson's real ID.

This is why Pat Robertson behaved a conflict way in two events. According to Robertson, Bush told him "we're not going to have any casualties" (in Iraq) in March 2003. Why he didn't talk about it for more than 18 months? If you noticed the accusation was brought into news on 10/19, 5 days after my message "261. Prophecy (10/14)". You probably will understand it was an event created to cover up an accessory of Feds. They used to have swift reaction to my comments. Either to perfect, or justify, or repair the flaw they have made. I think the Salinger's death, Robertson's accusation on Bush were all the reaction to my message "Prophecy". And there is more.

By the power invested in me directly from AWH (Alien World Headquarters) I would now like to announce that I have been chosen as the new Millennium's New World Order Prophet and Soothsayer, Medium, Channeller, Wizard, etc....just call me The All-Knowing Royal Alien Brother Prophet Schizander, or "Schizy" for short. Now for some real prophesying....

I predict that the ignorant and woefully hypocritical televangelist, Pat Robertson will hear voices inside his big fat head telling him to change his name to "Adolf" Robertson at which time he shall grow a grungy little moustache and start goose-stepping around the 700 Club CBN studio and making even more ridiculous statements about hurricanes, earthquakes, gay people, and seriously ill Israeli leaders.

I further predict that our very own Ripley will win the Powerball Lottery next April and that she will share the 215 million dollar jackpot with me and me alone and that she will also buy a huge donut factory and start cranking out billions of green slime jelly-filled UFO-shaped donuts and she will also buy me a brand new Uberprober* and move it into her basement and hire me to do probes 24-7.

I also predict that Alien Soup will hire a new very attractive professional marketing and design person and she will turn Alien Soup into one of the most popular sites on the web and within 3 months we will have over 6 million members and our server will be so massive we will have to build a new building to house it, and we will have to hire 200 people just to keep it going and answer all the e-mails.

I further predict that we will have a worldwide Miss Alien Soup Contest at our corporate headquarters in Hawaii which will bring in beautiful women from around the globe as contestants, and they will all dress up in skimpy green Slimesuits and I will be the judge who decides which one represents Alien Soup....naturally I will not accept any bribes or expect any special favors in return for my unfair biased decision.

More scurrilous innane predictions and prophecies to come after lunch...
Schizy, I don't need to win the lottery, to have you probe me 24-7. :tongue:
Miss Alien Soup contest that sounds wonderful. What can I do to help Schizander? I know I can't be part of this contest since I am married. But dammm I look really good in a bathing suit. :nod:
Ripley said:
Schizy, I don't need to win the lottery, to have you probe me 24-7. :tongue:

Hello, Sister Ripley. I am a changed man...I mean alien. I will no longer be able to p---- you or any of the other attractive earth females here at Alien Soup. The handwriting is on the wall so to speak. Might I suggest a more wholesome activity to engage in which is more morally acceptable and generally accepted throughout the heartland...like Monopoly or Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit..or perhaps attending one of my group alien sing-a-longs which will be followed by a chaperoned field trip to Disneyland.

Afterwards you and Rosebud could drop by my place and look over my new shiny white televangelist wardrobe and bighair collection. Yes...I will have my own TV program starting in April.
Ok, this is the third thread I've read this in. I still can't believe you are turning a new leaf. I'm wondering if this is Sentinels work? He seems to be the "source" of all that is evil around here.

Fear not, for Rosey and I will come to your rescue.
Since this user has already been banned, no point in continually responding to the thread.

Closing thread...
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