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PS2 Bashing/Gamecube Praising


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This is my one and only chance I'm going to act like a total retard in front of WG so nobody better blow it!

Lets start by saying that PS2 is just a terrible system. You can all have your GTA, but really! Who seriously enjoys having simulated sex in a car?! In a videogame! For goodness sake! And don't start me on the whole, "well it has other awesome games besides GTA!"

LIKE WHAT?! Besides Gran Turismo, all the other games suck! I'm so sick of everyone owning a PS2...why is it that everyone owns one?! I don't own one! Why? Cause I don't like it! It seems that everyone and their mother (YES even their mother!!) owns a PS2. Guess Sony is popular or something. And $300 starting asking price? Bah, I'll stick with my gamecube. Gamecube is gay 'cause it's purple you say? SCREW YOU ALL! It's not purple! IT'S INDIGO! And so...purple is connotated as a gay color?!

"Oh, but Gamecube is a kiddy system! PS2 is more mature!" AGH!!! Who friggin cares! Nintendo is good all-around. If it was "kiddy", half of the game library would be rated eC!!!!!

PS2 in short, is the most horrible system ever, and I hope that PS3 burns too. If I was rich, I'd buy the system so I could burn it! :rofl: :rofl: But since I'm not rich, I have my own little thread dedicated to bashing the PS2 to bits.

All these "mature" rated games...like ESRB believes that you have to be "mature" to own these games. I'm mature, and yet, I think most games with swearing and sex and gore (I left out the word FPS if you notice) are unnecessary. Instead of trying to appeal to a "mature" audience like the XBOX and PS2 are supposedly aiming for, why don't they just make the exact same game without all the senseless crap?! GTA would be so much more appealing without the stupidity added in to make it more "mature".

Personally, if GTA gets outlawed throughout America, and not just Washington, I'll be just content. Didn't need that game anyway...

So...PS2 can go screw itself, while Nintendo for Gamecube continues pumping out the games I like.

[fanboyism out] :|

(By the way, if anyone actually read that whole thing, feel free to yell at me or encourage me for my bias.)
i love you ziroi!! amen brother :rofl:

you just said what i've always wanted to but couldn't really put into words. granted, i don't HATE the ps2, but i also don't own one and i'm doing just fine without it. these people say "nintendo's kiddy blah blah", and i have to physically point out the T and M ratings to them. "what do you call these?" i tell them, and they're like "well, that's just one..." so i point out at least 5 more. first of all, who cares what a stupid game is rated, as long as it's fun, right? i could give a **** if a game is rated E or M or whatever, but if it's cool then i'll get it.

and i'm also sick of hearing people say "we have GTA, haha"...yeah well so does the PC. if i wanted it that badly, i would buy it for my computer. and these "exclusives"? oh, what's this? final fantasy coming out for gamecube? sorry folks, but dynasty warriors and tekken just doesn't do it for me.

and i can get tekken3 for bleemcast anyway.

Coming out of your shell!!

Giving us the goods!!!
Nice argument bro, but I have a few problems with it. Here they are.

-First of all there are tons more good games on the PS2 other than GTA and gran turismo, what about the tekken series, or contra, or metal gear. So you can't say PS2 has only two good games, there are maybe two good games on the PS2 that YOU like but to everyone else out there, there could be a ton more.

-Second of all, the whole curseing aspect of GTA3 and vice city, just adds to the realism of the game, GTA was made to be a realitic, kind of "real world" game, (kind of) but in the real world in the drug world in the world of organized crime there is probably a lot curseing and sex.
The sex part of GTA and all the prostittuion stuff, other than the realism aspect it gives another level of freedom in a game that other games don't offer. You play games for the escape factor, leave your own reality for something in a game which is impossible for you to do. So the whole having sex in car is just another aspect of freedom in the game. Probably need to be oldert to understand that.

-Thrid problem...................well.............ummmmmmmm I kind of didn't have one, I just started typing and I ended up with a "thrid problem." SO I will take this time to end this post. Thank you.
You do realize Buster that this was a PS2 Bashing thread. I really have no interest in any of the games, so I felt like putting the PS2 down cause I like the Gamecube better. :p

-Second of all, the whole curseing aspect of GTA3 and vice city, just adds to the realism of the game, GTA was made to be a realitic, kind of "real world" game, (kind of) but in the real world in the drug world in the world of organized crime there is probably a lot curseing and sex.
The sex part of GTA and all the prostittuion stuff, other than the realism aspect it gives another level of freedom in a game that other games don't offer. You play games for the escape factor, leave your own reality for something in a game which is impossible for you to do. So the whole having sex in car is just another aspect of freedom in the game. Probably need to be oldert to understand that.

So in other words, in order to make a game more "realistic" they put sex and cursing and prostitutes? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that's happening in certain places; I wouldn't doubt it for a minute. But in order to appeal to teens and young adults, they gotta add these other real-life events? I'll bet if the game had the same, sweet gameplay, and the same graphics, sound, fun factor (MINUS the so-called realistic portions), and everything else, it would either get the same score (so kudos to those reviewers) or a lower scorew (which makes me absolutely SICK!!) :sidestare

As for freedom? I'm surprised Rockstar had to take it that far to be free. Running from the cops? Killing people on the side of the road with your stolen car? Sure, most people wouldn't do that on a day-to-day basis. It'd be free. But I just don't see the need to be subjected to much more than that.

By the way, I don't buy this "videogames influence people to kill" crap. I'm sure GTA wouldn't make 99% of the people that didn't previously want to have sex in some car, or run from the cops, go out and do this stuff. I'm simply stating that it's sooo unnecessary.
Remember that thread we had a while ago up, that asked what you would do if you had like one day to live and money wasn't a problem. Half the people who posted on it put, "I would go have massive sex and kill a bunch of people"
HELLO!!!! Doesn't that kind of make GTA the perfect escape and freedom for people to do this type of thing.

Another thing, GTA is not totally marketed toward teens, I've heard of more adults having this game, such as college students and people in there late 20s than teens. OR about the same.

Oh and that thing about if the game had the same gameplay and sound and struff it would get the same score, well the GTA's gameplay is stealing cars!!! running over people!!! killing people!!!! and the sound is them screaming in pain and you laughing. I think if it had the same gameplay IT HAS THE SAME GAMEPLAY!! The sex and curesing is just realism, some people find it fun.

I think all the things that make GTA great are neccessary in the game (sex,curesing,killing) because, like I said before, it provides for a better escape from the real world to experience something you couldn't do here, or do it and get away with it.

Anyway this is a PS2 bashing thread liek you said, soooo

Where is this thread you talk about? I'd like to see it...

I had said teens AND young adults. But plenty of teens are buying the game, because it's there, and it's a good game to them. Yes, it's marketed for 17 yrs old+, but that doesn't stop many resellers from selling the game to a 13 yr old. If it makes the money, it makes the money.

Anyway this is a PS2 bashing thread liek you said, soooo

That's what I've been trying to say this whole time! :rollseyes
A bit harsh with the bashing, but I sort of agree. I have both a PS2 and a Gamecube. I have 7 PS2 games and 36 Gamecube games. I haven't touched my PS2 in months. The games just don't appeal to me.
There's one thing that the cube has that makes it pwn the station: Zelda

*bows to Nintendo*
Well of course. Nintendo wouldn't be itself without Zelda titles in it's arsenal! Another thing the PS2 can't just "get"...since Nintendo owns the rights to Zelda (well, I'm pretty sure they do).

So...ha! Take that!
Fight the power ziroi! ;)

Despite all the great things you said, the reason Gamecube did not sell is because of their advertising. They set their sites at little kids, with titles such as Pokemon and Mario. When people grow, they end up leaving those games. Another downfall is the minimal 3rd party support that XBOX and PS2 enjoys. More games, more fun. One last point: The games that are unique to GC are NOTHING compared to the unique games from XBOX and PS2. XBOX has Halo, PS2 has GTA. 2 of the top-selling games in the country. Your argument about having games that appeal to the "mature" audiences is sadly not true. Unfortunately, Gamecube would be in a MUCH BETTER place right now if it had games that really appealed to "mature" audiences. That's just how it is. You have to appeal to all audiences, not just the kids. Nintendo hopefully learned that going into the development of the N5..

What do I own? An XBOX. ;)
i dont have a gamecube (yet) but working on it
but have play it
i looks nice and all
but with every console there are some things that i dont like

for the game cube
1. controller is way to small for my hands
2. plays the mini disc (you need two disc just for one game)
3. dose not play dvds

for the PS2
1. weaker then the xbox and GC

well thats about it

i am not dogging any console, just saying what I DONT LIKE
i'm sorry, but i believe the majority of gamecube games can be played on one disc? perhaps i was mistaken this entire time, and my library of games is all short by one disc:rollseyes
listen up!

Gamecubes games are better! This is where u jabronis come in and say the games are better on ps2, or xbox. The GOOD games out there are shared on all consules. I will use nightfire for example. It looks better on GC than PS2. Why? The game is frigging slow on the PS2! The graphics suck, and I can go have a whiz and grab a snack before the thing loads!!!!
i agree whole heartedly. the ps2 is crap and so is sony. every time sony puts out a new console give it about a year and it's obsolete. nintendo puts out new gameboys yeah but for actualconsoles out the last one that nintendo put out before the gamecube that i remember is the super nintendo all the other companies have either bombed or put out about 3 new systems but nintendo always makes good reliable systems that you know will still be getting games made for at least two years . while about two months ago playstations prices just bombed and you know that it's being replaced and turning obsolete.
Originally posted by xNaChOx

The games that are unique to GC are NOTHING compared to the unique games from XBOX and PS2. XBOX has Halo, PS2 has GTA. 2

Hmmm..lets see, Halo and GTA are not exclusive to their systems, you must remember that GTA is now on Xbox and Halo is on the PC.
Which doesn't make them exclusive to their repective consoles.
But you will most certainly never see a Zelda or a Mario switching from consoles. Those are exlcusive.
Hmmm...let me get this right...PS2 is the top selling console around the world...and GameCube aint selling nothing...hmmm...PS2 has all the good game and GameCube has...Mario Sunshine -Shudders-.

PS2 is still in the £150 mark in the UK COZ ITS SELLING
GameCube is worth £79.99 in the UK with THREE GAMES FREE AND STILL NO ONE BUYS IT!!!

At my college there was a boy trying to GIVE AWAY his GameCube FOR FREE!! AND STILL NO ONE WOULD TAKE IT!

Yes..indeed..PS2 really sucks :| thats why its the number one console on the market.

As a console PS2 does suck, Sony just makes trash. But the reason it sells is its most impressive library of games.

And acutally for sales:

PS2 55 m
GC: 8.55 m
XBX: 8.44 m
GameCube is a console for babies, it has all the stupid Kiddie games that Hardcore Gamers dont want to play!

PS2 and X-Box have the hardcore Blood/Guts games..and the ONLY game i know with Blood 'N Guts in it on the GameCube is Resident Evil...THATS IT!...look at the new WWE game on GameCube....THAT LOOKS LIKE COMPLETE ****! Put that next to SmackDown! Here Comes The Pain! NO CONTEST!

I gotta admit, GameCube Does have the Rounder models, PS2 and X-Box is a tiny bit blocky..but thats not a fault.

PS2 and X-Box were both ready for Online Play, GameCube isnt!

*PS2 is abit blocky because it's a bit older than GameCube and Xbox.
*PS2 and Xbox has better games than GameCube.
*PS2+Xbox has online play but I think the GameCube has one though I'm not sure.
*PS2 and Xbox rule!!!