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PS2 Bashing/Gamecube Praising

Originally posted by Typheus
*PS2 is abit blocky because it's a bit older than GameCube and Xbox.
*PS2 and Xbox has better games than GameCube.
*PS2+Xbox has online play but I think the GameCube has one though I'm not sure.
*PS2 and Xbox rule!!!
There it is in a Nut Shell! PS2 OWNS GAMECUBE! Simple!
Hehe, hardcore gamers, ok "Hardcore";) anyways, in fact I own all three consoles, and I still like my gamecube.
I dont play games because they have guts n gore. I play games because they are fun to play.

I do agree with the online on the gamecube, absolute crap. But consoles online are horrid anyways.

Dreamer why do you get so defensive and agressive over such a petty topic? Everyone will have thier own personal bias no matter how angry you get.
Originally posted by Typheus
*PS2 is abit blocky because it's a bit older than GameCube and Xbox.
*PS2 and Xbox has better games than GameCube.
*PS2+Xbox has online play but I think the GameCube has one though I'm not sure.
*PS2 and Xbox rule!!!

^^ What he siad =D

I have a ps2 and a gamecube and i have to say that the gamecube is one of the worst consoles ever

42 ps2 games
6 gamecubes and they suck

no wonder the shops have stoped selling them (e.g argos, dixopns etc)
Actually they are all very much junk. I think I am going to sell all my consoles for a better computer.

Ugh.. Xbox all the games that were ported from the computer to the Xbox are horrible
Originally posted by Vototo
Dreamer why do you get so defensive and agressive over such a petty topic? Everyone will have thier own personal bias no matter how angry you get.
i dont, i just really get into the topics im talking about lol.
I should have understood that, everyone would get really "into" what there say to defend thier consoles in some way.
Woah! You guys are bashing without me! I know the thread is a month old, but I've been gone, and I just have a few remarks for a few of you:

PS2 has all the good game and GameCube has...Mario Sunshine -Shudders-.

Hey, PS2 has it's plentiful share of craptacular games in case you haven't noticed.

GameCube is a console for babies, it has all the stupid Kiddie games that Hardcore Gamers dont want to play!

Am I the only one that noticed that this is a common PS2/Xbox fanboy remark? Last I checked, not everyone was a hardcore gamer either! Oh, and I'm pretty sure a baby can't play a videogame... (I'm just taking you literally)

As a console PS2 does suck, Sony just makes trash. But the reason it sells is its most impressive library of games.

Actually, I'm pretty sure a bigger reason it sells more is because of the image. All you PS2 owners answer me this...What if the PS2 was suddenly condoned and flagged out as a "kiddie" console by your peers and others? Would that mean that you sheep wouldn't buy the console?

But at least you hit the nail on the head...the PS2 does kinda suck.

I have a ps2 and a gamecube and i have to say that the gamecube is one of the worst consoles ever

Then why haven't you sold the cube yet if it's so terrible?! That's why we have eBay! But that's your opinion of course. What I don't like to see is people that don't own gamecube's mouthing off about how terrible a system it is. They don't even own the console to know what they're talking about!

(Wait a sec, I don't own a PS2 and I'm mouthing off about it. I just contradicted my own complaint. Maybe I should apologize...nah)

I think I am going to sell all my consoles for a better computer.

But then you wouldn't be able to enjoy games like Zelda. Besides, you'll buy a brand spanking new computer, and it becomes outdated within 2 months. Stick with your consoles.

Okay, so maybe I was being a bit harsh and contradictory; I hope I haven't seriously ticked anyone off too much. It's fun and games. Laugh. Laugh I say.
Yeah but I can almost play everygame out there with a six year old dell of all things. So it would be cheaper than to buy consoles everytime a new one comes out.

I dont think Iwould sell my GC, that is my unique game console.
OMFG...I can't believe what I've been reading. How can anyone say the GCN is so much better than the PS2?! Think about if folks...

Firstly, I own a GCN, PS2, GBASP, a good PC setup, and a Dreamcast. Not to brag, I'm going to the UAT to get a degree in Game Design...upon receiving it, I will be making games for mostly Sony systems only. I have been playing games since NES and Sega Master System came out, although I have played other early systems as well such as Atari. I know a lot about video games, because I do RESEARCH...something people here seem to not do very much before they post.

Nintendo has, lately, been slacking off. Everytime they release a new game of theirs, particularly one of their big-hitters (Mario, Zelda, Star Fox, etc.), it's total crap compared to their predecessors. From what I have noticed, Nintendo's major game franchises have slowly been falling to pieces. Just look at the recent trend in their games...Wind Waker blew chunks, admit it. It was a great game, and worth a purchase -- but compared to the other Zelda games, it had crap for variety of puzzles, dungeons, and items...not to mention it was way too short. Mario Sunshine totally f-d the entire Mario series by introducing the "water hose". The main focus was still on the classic jumping platform formula, but every Mario game beforehand has always been about the classic run-and-jump idea...the water hose structure eliminates this feeling. Not to mention the majority of the enemies you don't even jump on to defeat, and the bosses were pretty lame. Don't even get me started with Star Fox...that was the biggest GCN disappointment to me. If I want to play an adventure game with hand-to-hand combat and whatnot, I can just go play Zelda...since both game engines are practically identical. Has Nintendo forgotten what Star Fox is? It's not an adventure game, it's a space-shooter. And now there's Donkey Kong...ever since Rare transferred over to Microsoft, Nintendo hasn't done a thing with this series -- until now. But what are they doing? Ruining a classic, just as they have been doing with Zelda, Mario, and Star Fox. Look into the new planned DK game, and you'll see it's music game!!! WTF?!?!?! I'm just speechless on this one. Donkey Kong is NOT A MUSIC GAME!!! It's a freakin' platform game like DK Country 1-3 and DK64! The only true-to-formula games on GCN I can think of are F-Zero and Mario Kart.

Don't forget about online play...which Nintendo DOES NOT HAVE! Mario Kart is the closest game to online play on the GCN. Sure, you can SAY you don't want online play...but who are you kidding? Wouldn't it be fun to play Mario Kart or Mario Party with someone on the other side of the planet? Or what about Soul Calibur online?

Now for PS2. It is a proven fact that the majority of gamers prefer the games on PS2 over the ones on GCN...I'm not saying all of them do. From what it seems, the majority of the people who have posted in this thread are die-hard Nintendo fans...so I know there's no way I can ever prove to you how PS2 has better games. PS2 has Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, GTA, Gran Turismo, Resident Evil (which Nintendo only has exclusivity for RE1-6...nothing else you Nintendo RE wannabes! read: "there will be as many RE games as there are James Bond films"), Silent Hill, etc. They have so many exclusive titles, it's just insane! Not to mention, EAs games have exclusive online play for their sports titles. You can argue that Nintendo has FF back, but then I would again have to prove you wrong...so I'll save you some time and do it now. FFXII, FFXI...job done. What? GCN gets FFCC and GBA gets FFTa? That's great...fine for them. Come to think of it, FFCC alone will probably be one of the GCN's saviours, along with Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes (both of which are only third-party...showing how nintendo cannot support itself with first-party games). Besides, is there anyone here who has played both Final Fantasy Tactics (sony) and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (nintendo) and has like FFTa more? I didn't think so. The gameplay was underdeveloped and scaled down, the story was nowhere near as deep as FFT's, and there weren't NEARLY as many abilities and items to collect/learn. It also seems like Nintendo has been getting desperate to get sales up. They've released two -- read it, TWO -- Zelda bonus discs of games that have already been out before, they've had to lower the price of the GCN and offer free games with it, and they've been forced to reveal their next handheld...the Nintendo DS

Which brings me to my other point of why Sony is so much better: The PSP already has the support of a lot of major third-party developers such as Capcom, Koei, EA, and Konami...not to mention Square-Enix is probably hard at work on at least one title. Nintendo on the other hand...their handheld has one thing better than the PSP -- more memory. But who does Nintendo think they can fool? Do you really think any handheld games will need 1gigabit (yup, that's right, GIGABIT...not BYTE) of RAM? That's like owning a 256MB video card for your PC...no game actually makes use of ALL 256MB. Sony is the smarter of the two by using less RAM, thereby reducing development costs in the end. Also, Sony has its own uber-minidisc UMD format, which is practically burn-proof. Nintendo will obviously use cartridges again, which are much much slower than any disc format, since it has backward compatibility with GBA.

Nintendo has been slacking off lately and has been offering empty promises. Hopefully the already-in-the-works Mario 128 and "Wind Waker 2" will be regain their predecessor's lost glory.

Of course, if you're a REAL hardcore gamer, you would be like me, and accept that ALL systems are good in their own way, and NOT BE SUCH A DARN FANBOY!!! Grow up, do your research, and come to the realization that Nintendo is dying (which, if you've been keeping up to date, you would know that Nintendo has even said they may do what Sega did and drop out of the console business...proving they're becoming desperate in all ways).
(^That was one long post.)
Didn't read one bit except the first line. But I bet it was good, since it was backing the cube.

But I would say all consoles are good, all have their good qualites.
But in the end............the cube is the one that can be set on fire and easily thrown at the opposing fan boys!

<<DIE!!!!! DREAMER!!!!!!!>>
<<*Buster throws flameing cube loaded with c4*>>
<<*Buster yells "CRAP!" and then runs away*>>
<<*Buster accidently hits the leader of the cube gang*>>
<<*Ziroi dies a fiery death>>
Lol, Buster...that was against the cube, not for it. Read more than one line next time.

And as for you, Gradient Man, I did have a very well explained response to this (believe it or not), but WG crapped up on me, and the post didn't take. Of course, I didn't copy what I wrote that time. Should know better by now. I'm not going to try and repost it all over again.

Instead I'll leave you with the fact, that some of what you say is indeed true, sadly, some of it was solely opinion, so I can't yell at you for it ;), some of it was somewhat flawed factually, and one or two points were just hilariously wrong, as in haha.

And since this has evolved into something more serious, I just wanted to point out that I was being a complete and total Nintendo fanboy on <u>PURPOSE</u>, just to tick off PS2 owners. I wrote the thread simply for my own enjoyment, so that I could express my utter hatred for PS2 owners (because they're everywhere!!!!). And I can be intelligent when I need to be. Everyone's just misinterpreted the meaning of this thread, that's all.
ziroi said:
You do realize Buster that this was a PS2 Bashing thread. I really have no interest in any of the games, so I felt like putting the PS2 down cause I like the Gamecube better. :p

So in other words, in order to make a game more "realistic" they put sex and cursing and prostitutes? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that's happening in certain places; I wouldn't doubt it for a minute. But in order to appeal to teens and young adults, they gotta add these other real-life events? I'll bet if the game had the same, sweet gameplay, and the same graphics, sound, fun factor (MINUS the so-called realistic portions), and everything else, it would either get the same score (so kudos to those reviewers) or a lower scorew (which makes me absolutely SICK!!) :sidestare

As for freedom? I'm surprised Rockstar had to take it that far to be free. Running from the cops? Killing people on the side of the road with your stolen car? Sure, most people wouldn't do that on a day-to-day basis. It'd be free. But I just don't see the need to be subjected to much more than that.

By the way, I don't buy this "videogames influence people to kill" crap. I'm sure GTA wouldn't make 99% of the people that didn't previously want to have sex in some car, or run from the cops, go out and do this stuff. I'm simply stating that it's sooo unnecessary.

He's right - just because it's in the real world doesn't mean you have to put it in a videogame. I've played it before, but only for it's "twisted metal" aspect. I ran over every hooker I found. GTA brings out the worst of Humanity and calls itself revolutionary gaming because it's the first time anyone thought that was a good idea - showing how corrupted our society is. Most religious people seeing that would immediately shut it off and splash Holy Water on the PS2. I mean, sure, the game is sinfully fun, but why, why, why do they think it's good to put all these disgusting aspects in. I love gritty, realistic games, but all the immorality in this game shows the worst side of humanity, and glorifies it. And you wonder why the aliens haven't landed yet.

Freedom isn't being allowed to do what you want - because you have a responsibility to your neighbor. They should have their freedom too. Now, all this stuff about doing whatever you want is freedom is B.S. because it hurts other people and overlaps their freedom, which means it isn't freedom. Also, there are moral standards we should hold ourselves to, and when all that we do is moral, and doesn't hurt anyone at all, ever, then we'll be free.

PS2 does not suck though, not because of just one disgusting game not even made by Sony.
Still, you're right about how they think GC is a kiddie console, though. It has it's share of T and M rated games, but they are mostly morally sound, which is why most GC games are not rated the same as GTA.

We should want to hold to a higher moral standard, even in video games - because it's right.

Nice thread digging IQkid. :)

I have a PS2. I've played XBox once. I've never played Game Cube.

The PS2 is enough for me. dot.

HEY PS2 FANBOYS! ur gay...first of all look at the cube vs ps2. sure ps2 has better graphics (not by far tho) but gcube has better games. and moving on then ds vs psp-ds will kill it!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA *blows up sony*
DSaddict006 said:
HEY PS2 FANBOYS! ur gay...

I'll say this once and once only... If you cannot conduct yourself in a mature and respectful manner while participating in the forums, your time here will be extremely short-lived. Everyone here is entitled (and encouraged) to express their opinions, but we must insist it be done so in a respectful manner to those who might not share that opinion.

If you can't express your point-of-view without hurling insults, find a better way to get your point across. There's plenty of room for differing opinions without having to be subject to insults and flames simply because you don't agree.