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PSA: Please learn from Elizabeth Edwards untimely passing

I believe she's trying to put useful info out here for people.
That's true, she is trying, but she's doing it as (in the modern usage) a "useful idiot". She knows nothing about what I'm talking about, other than what she's been able to Google for the past few days.
I smell pee....
Someone probably spilled some ammonia.

On this issue, if the goal was to "beat" ennui, that's a goal that's met without even participating in the race.

I'm just attempting to make people see something about a topic that they've likely never even heard about before. If they act on it, they act on it. If they don't, they don't. All I'm touting is for people to seek information.

I know a great deal about both sides of the issue. I have 20 years of knowledge base on the topic. I don't disregard mammograms because I like my stuff better, I disregard them because they are dangerous, and (contrary to popular teachings) ineffective as touted.
My mom at age 42 felt a lump. Dr. recommended a mammogram. Lump did NOT show up on mammogram. Mammograms are not 100%. My mom and dad spoke up and wanted further tests. Guess what? It was cancer. Long story short, she died 10 years later from metastatic breast cancer. Spread to her bones. Very painful and horrible way to die. Now my grandpa is battling metastatic prostate cancer.