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PSP Concept Model REVEALED!


Mastermind Talker
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This is a couple days old now, but nobody seems to have covered it yet...


In a presentation further explaining Sony's Transformation 60 restructuring plan, Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi today showed one of Sony's first concept models for the PSP, its upcoming handheld game system. While the model isn't intended to represent the final product, it does show Sony's design ideas moving in some interesting directions.

Most conceptions of the PSP have envisioned a clamshell design like that of the Game Boy Advance SP, but this concept obviously favors a simpler, one-piece, horizontally arranged design. The Universal Media Disc loads into the back, and there's a loop for a handy carrying strap in one corner.

The perfectly smooth face certainly looks sharp, although it raises questions about the ergonomics of the directional control. It looks as if it would be pretty easy to slip your thumb off the smooth surface and hit the power button underneath it. This concept also seems to be missing the analog stick that Sony confirmed would be part of the unit earlier this year, unless there's some sort of pop-up analog controller on the left side.

If you're interested in checking out the entire set of Powerpoint slides from Kutaragi's presentation, which illustrates other facets of the Transformation 60 plan, it may be downloaded in PDF form from CCBN.

This image provides more food for thought than facts upon which to base hard conclusions, however. We look forward to learning more odds and ends about the device leading up to its planned unveiling at next year's E3 exhibition.

Source: 1up
that's look pretty slick. i like how they designed it.

i haven't bought many hand-held gaming systems since the original gameboy (oh yes .. i've still got my fatty and i love it), but this looks like a promising system. i'd probab;y get this, but one thing is bugging the back of the dash's head ... how big is it? the strap on the bottom left almost suggests kaychain size o_O ... that's too small for a handheld system.

i'm probably wrong, but that would really suck if it was that small.
that looks pretty awesome. i might buy it if its not too expensive and has some cool games like gTA or SSx3
This does look like a promising system... just look at the visuals on the screen in the concept model! They look fantastic. This is the Gameboy's first REAL competitor.
Lovely, it looks extremely sexy, and I'm guessing that it's gonna be quite powerful. I can't wait. Better start saving. :D

UMD(Universal Media Disc)
Laser Diode:660nm
Dual Layer :1.8GB
Transfer Rate:11Mbps
Shock Proof
Secure ROM by AES
Unique Disc ID

MIPS R4000 32bit Core
128bitBus(ps2 graphics) (the gba has only 32)
1 - 333MHz @ 1.2V
Main Memory :8MB(eDRAM)
Bus Bandwidth :2.6GB/sec
I-Cache, D-Cache
FPU, VFPU (Vector Unit) @ 2.6GFlops
3D-CG Extended Instructions

PSP Media Engine
MIPS R4000 32bit Core
128bit Bus
1 - 333MHz @ 1.2V
Sub Memory:2MB(eDRAM) @ 2.6GB/sec
I-Cache, D-Cache
90nm CMOS

PSP Graphics Core 1
3D Curved Surface + 3D Polygon
Compressed Texture
Hardware Clipping, Morphing, Bone(
Hardware Tessellator
Bezier, B-Spline(NURBS)
ex 4x4, 16x16, 64x64 sub-division

PSP Graphics Core 2
'Rendering Engine' + 'Surface Engine'
256bit Bus, 1-166 MHz @ 1.2V
Bus Bandwidth :5.3GB/sec
Pixel Fill Rate :664 M pixels/sec
max 33 M polygon /sec(T&L)
24bit Full Color:RGBA

PSP Sound Core: VME
Reconfigurable DSPs
128bit Bus
166MHz @1.2V
5 Giga Operations /sec
3D Sound, Multi-Channel
Synthesizer, Effecter, etc

AVC Decoder
AVC(H.264) Decoder
Main Profile
Baseline Profile
2Hours(High Quality) - DVD movie
4Hours(Standard Quality) - CS Digital

USB 2.0
Memory Stick
Extension Port(reserved)
Stereo Head phone Out

Wireless LAN (i802.11)
USB 2.0
It really does look incredibal.
It has got a down hill road ahead of it. What with the SONY brand name, and n-gage being so ****.

Im sure that it will live up to the hype of other sony machines. I hope there first handheld is a sucess :)
Originally by Ed Lewis from IGN.com
December 09, 2003
A presentation from the Sony Computer Entertainment of Europe has revealed further details of how the PlayStation Portable (PSP) will work. The presentation gave developers an introduction to the PSP concept and hardware, explaining the specifications and inner workings of the system to prospective game creators. Developers are still unsatisfied by the amount of RAM and remain hopeful that Sony will change the specs of the PSP to add more memory.

A "final" spec of the PSP was announced earlier this year, but Sony might have a trick or two up its sleeve. Even though the PSP compares favorably to the PS2 in terms of processing and graphics power, several developers have expressed concern over the 8MB of system RAM, only a quarter of what PS2 games can use. Sources in teams that are working on early software for the handheld are indicating that Sony will increase the memory in the system, but nothing official has been announced at this time.

"The PSP is a much more impressive console than we'd expected, but the amount of RAM is definitely causing us headaches, even in these early planning stages," one developer working on a project at a large Japanese studio explained. "If they don't change the amount, I'm sure we'll find ways around it - by streaming more data off the disc maybe - there are always other ways to try. But it would definitely make developing much easier if there were just a few more megabytes available."

If a decision has not yet been made about the amount of RAM the device will have, this could help to explain why developers have not yet seen physical development kits for the PSP. Even large studios that generally get preferred treatment from Sony are left working with PC emulation kits.

"The emulation stuff is fine for basic tool and engine development," according to a source at a UK development studio, "since the whole system is based on standard libraries and our access to the underlying hardware is restricted. It's tougher on the designers though - it's quite a challenge designing games for hardware you've never seen."

Sony has given no date to developers regarding when they can expect to see PSP hardware, but development on early titles is already well underway at several studios using the PC emulation kits. The first public showing of the PSP is set for May of next year, at the E3 trade show in Los Angeles.

Thanks to gamesindustry.biz.
I'm definatly in for this one... I've been looking for a powerful portable system for years above anything the Gameboy(s) can do... I even bought almost every CLASSIC color system that ever came out because I couldn't stare at the old Gameboy screen at all.. While most played their games on GB, I always wanted to puke and bought alternatives such as Game Gear, Lynx, etc.

I can't wait! 1 more year to go!
GAME GEAR!!! I love that system... But I can't find any games for it, and 6 batteries is a lot. Oh and yeah this thing looks awesome! I'm going to sell my GB SP to my friend (his broke) and save up for this
am i the only one that thinks the buttons seem a little sketch? i mean, if it's touch sensitive, i think that would be terrible. i want to feel myself pressing a button, not a smooth surface. what if you "accidentally" hit the system, but it's really a button? seems silly to me, i hope they change it
psp postponed

:( Sony announced that they will be releasing it in March 2005 instead of Holiday 2004. The only thing I like about this is that there will be a lot more games for it when it comes out.
march?? that's not a major holiday season... i bet they'll hold it till xmas 2005