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Psp Is Better Than The Ds


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I am sick of all of this crap I'v been hearing about the Nintendo DS being better than the Sony PSP.
Lets look at a list of differences between the Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP.
* The PSP has 16 million MORE colors than the DS
* The PSP is black, smooth, and shiny (the DS isn't any of those)
* The PSP can hook up to your computer (they already have PSP linux)
* The processing speed...DITO (PSP wins by 300 mghz)
* You can color on the ds touchscreen oooooooooooooooooooooooo, burn
* You can play awesome games on the PSP (If you like Kirby: Canvis Curse, instead of Metal Gear Ac!d, you have problems dude)
*The DS is for nerdy zit-faced kids
*The PSP is for mature and cool teens and adults
If you look at the differences above, it is very abvious that the Sony PSP WHOOPS the Nintendo DS. Still not with me?
Well, now I'll answer to a few things you guys said about the DS and PSP.
"Playstation Portable" is gramatically incorrect. Maybe so, but what about the "Nintendo Dual Screen Or Nintendo Developer's Screen" Well,
I'm in an advanced highschool grammer class, and the DS is MORE gramatically incorrect the the PSP.
What about the two screens of the DS vs. the one screen of the PSP? Well, when I had a DS, it was really anoying to be looking up and down, up and down, whenever I
wanted play a game. (A low res. game by the way) But when playing on the shiny, large, and high definition screen of the PSP, I could actually enjoy myself
when playing a game. (A high resolution game by the way)
What about the battery life for the PSP, vs. the DS? Well, I have tested it, and I played Twisted Metal for 8 hours, without the battery failing. If you look at
the specs, the PSP actually has a longer battery, but the only problem is that the PSP is so full of power and speed, that the power can't last very long. I think that 8 hours
for the PSP, vs. the 10for the DS isn'tthat big of a difference, if you notice that the PSP has way funner games anyways. (If I were you, I would ditch the handhelds and get
an XBOX 360.)
So, if you are a nerdy kid, who wants a spiced-up version of a piece of coloring-paper, then the DS is for you!
But if you're looking for a great system with awesome games, nice looks, and tons of options, than the PSP is definatly the portable gaming system for you.
So, DS fans..... UP YOURS! Cause the Sony PSP WHOOPS, SHREDS, LIQUIFIES, AND BURNS the Nintendo DS.

although i do not agree with many things in your post (such as the ds is only for nerds ect.) i do agree with the basic concept that psp is better, yes.
Dude [/B]WHAT half of the stuff you just posted was opipion.You didn't even include half of the things the DS can do.Dude are you trying to make a point or just diss the DS and those who own it.I mean when you compare them the DS offers a better time it has great gameplay I know plenty of friends who enjoy Kirby way more then Metel Gear I mean sure the psp is a great handheld system but dude I'm willing to bet that you haven't played 3 DS games or look at any of there titles and the ones you did play where in wal-mart.Dude No offense I respect your views but I suggest you play the system not the demos before you judge becauseeven if you did post facts (which by the way where all in favor of the psp)you showed no logic none

although i think psp is by far the best handheld, light is right.

Light said:
Dude [/B]WHAT half of the stuff you just posted was opipion.You didn't even include half of the things the DS can do.Dude are you trying to make a point or just diss the DS and those who own it.I mean when you compare them the DS offers a better time it has great gameplay I know plenty of friends who enjoy Kirby way more then Metel Gear I mean sure the psp is a great handheld system but dude I'm willing to bet that you haven't played 3 DS games or look at any of there titles and the ones you did play where in wal-mart.Dude No offense I respect your views but I suggest you play the system not the demos before you judge becauseeven if you did post facts (which by the way where all in favor of the psp)you showed no logic none

Actually, I used to own a nintendo ds. I was all excited, but i didn't get my money's worth. The psp, is yes, very expensive, waaaay too expensive, but it IS better than the nintendo ds, if you have both of them, and you can compare...
Hey that ryhmes Light is right I like that I might make it my new signature
lol, yeah. i've never owned a ds, by sis was gonna get one, but decided against it (**** her) but i have played the ds on multiple occasions and perfer the psp gameplay wise. the touch screen just dosen't do it for me, not sure why...
TheXboxDudeMan said:
*The DS is for nerdy zit-faced kids

Oh so it says that on the box?


Please use caution, Nintendo DS handheld system specifically designed for and only for nerdy zit-faced kids.

What the hell? I suggest you come up with a better argument, buddy. There are already like 2 other ds vs. psp threads, read up.
WHAT dude you haven't posted a fact yet how is the psp better give me something so that I can correct you because this is Aliensoup and here we want LOGIC not my game is better then yours oh and am I suppose to believe that you own a DS when you haven't said one correct thing about it dude come on get serious did you come here to have a resonable converstation or did you come here to just post nonsense
TheXboxDudeMan said:
I am sick of all of this crap I'v been hearing about the Nintendo DS being better than the Sony PSP.
Lets look at a list of differences between the Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP.
* The PSP has 16 million MORE colors than the DS
* The PSP is black, smooth, and shiny (the DS isn't any of those)
* The PSP can hook up to your computer (they already have PSP linux)
* The processing speed...DITO (PSP wins by 300 mghz)
* You can color on the ds touchscreen oooooooooooooooooooooooo, burn
* You can play awesome games on the PSP (If you like Kirby: Canvis Curse, instead of Metal Gear Ac!d, you have problems dude)
*The DS is for nerdy zit-faced kids
*The PSP is for mature and cool teens and adults
If you look at the differences above, it is very abvious that the Sony PSP WHOOPS the Nintendo DS. Still not with me?
Well, now I'll answer to a few things you guys said about the DS and PSP.
"Playstation Portable" is gramatically incorrect. Maybe so, but what about the "Nintendo Dual Screen Or Nintendo Developer's Screen" Well,
I'm in an advanced highschool grammer class, and the DS is MORE gramatically incorrect the the PSP.
What about the two screens of the DS vs. the one screen of the PSP? Well, when I had a DS, it was really anoying to be looking up and down, up and down, whenever I
wanted play a game. (A low res. game by the way) But when playing on the shiny, large, and high definition screen of the PSP, I could actually enjoy myself
when playing a game. (A high resolution game by the way)
What about the battery life for the PSP, vs. the DS? Well, I have tested it, and I played Twisted Metal for 8 hours, without the battery failing. If you look at
the specs, the PSP actually has a longer battery, but the only problem is that the PSP is so full of power and speed, that the power can't last very long. I think that 8 hours
for the PSP, vs. the 10for the DS isn'tthat big of a difference, if you notice that the PSP has way funner games anyways. (If I were you, I would ditch the handhelds and get
an XBOX 360.)
So, if you are a nerdy kid, who wants a spiced-up version of a piece of coloring-paper, then the DS is for you!
But if you're looking for a great system with awesome games, nice looks, and tons of options, than the PSP is definatly the portable gaming system for you.
So, DS fans..... UP YOURS! Cause the Sony PSP WHOOPS, SHREDS, LIQUIFIES, AND BURNS the Nintendo DS.

Ohhh! What about the Game Gear? Wow, it's a handheld Master System WITH a color screen and MORE COLORS!111one!!!~2111one! AND IT HAS THREE GOOD GAMES! Sonic 1, Sonic Triple Trouble, and Mortal Kombat.

Wow, that thing was great! It was like, a $100 system and had all these COOL GAMES, many of which were lackluster Genesis ports!

Dude, I'm a Sega Junkie and I hate the Game Gear.

It's not console power that wins, it's the software quality. That's why the Dreamcast won out...Oh wait. You can never predict Sony, they sinisterly conviced developers that the PS2 would kick the DC's butt, but the PS2's graphics processor was a hell of a lot slower, had half the framebuffer memory (4MB), and a horrible FSAA quality. So yeah, it could push more polygons. Who cares? At it's claimed 75 million, the game has no textures, so it's flat shaded like an Atari Jaguar or most Sega 32X games.

Who will win? No clue here.
polaris_nine said:
Oh so it says that on the box?


Please use caution, Nintendo DS handheld system specifically designed for and only for nerdy zit-faced kids.

What the hell? I suggest you come up with a better argument, buddy. There are already like 2 other ds vs. psp threads, read up.

Use the search engine that aliensoup has so helpfully provided for us!!
BullCrap said:
Use the search engine that aliensoup has so helpfully provided for us!!

well we'll see whats better by the amount of sales but the psp will sell alot less because it is CRAP playing both, i hate the PSP and i will stick with the DS

i could post many reasons why and when i have time i will,

psp will flunk,
hellfire said:
well we'll see whats better by the amount of sales but the psp will sell alot less because it is CRAP playing both, i hate the PSP and i will stick with the DS

i could post many reasons why and when i have time i will,

psp will flunk,

I've just recently tried out the DS, and, if the cards are played right, it could easily become the next step in video games. I do still believe that the psp is superior in hardware capabilities anbd in software quality, but it will be up to nintendo to prove us wrong ( wich i would so like to admit, if they ever did it )
I chose my DS because of the touchscreen.
Its something new and different and I rather wait to see what nintendo does
with the touchscreen than have a cookie cutter handheld. Ex(Ngage, Gba, PSP)

So far, so good.
commenting on the first post on this topic, how can something be "more" incorrect grammar wise, i meen, if its wrong its wrong. plus, psp games are all identical to ps2 games and offer nothing new in anyway.
dude as much as I love your love for nintendo I have to tell you that this thread is soft of done Thexboxdudefan hasn't been seen since well a while the same goes for my bud Z but fill free countinue
Light said:
dude as much as I love your love for nintendo I have to tell you that this thread is soft of done Thexboxdudefan hasn't been seen since well a while the same goes for my bud Z but fill free countinue
OK i dont care, you can respond at anytime.

Nah I chose the PSP, yea the touch screen is all neat and stuff but it gets irritating when it does not respond properly when not touched right. Yes, I do have a DS! And honestly I am trying to sell it, because none of the DS games are any good. I play with my GBSP more than my DS. SP has better games and its smaller. Well, I also have a PSP and I love it. I always hear that it's not the graphics that make the game and blah blah blah, then if so ..... why did we advance to Super Nintendo - N64 - GC - NR or PS - PS2 - PS3? "Here are screenshots of the games," and we all know why we look at those screenshots from the consoles. If graphics is not a "big" factor then we would still be playing with Atari systems and Turbo Grafx 16. Another thing that bother me about Nintendo is the way they keep coming out with these GB's. I feel ripped off every freakin month. I was soo happy when I got a GBA then GBSP came out the next month. Then, WOW LOOK GBDS!! and now GBM! I don't know about the rest of you but I got really choked seeing all these portable console come out and they all play the same cartridge.

Also, another thing, yea that touch screen is cool and all, but like mentioned earlier its not the console, its the game...( as we have seen in the past Virtual Boy, Power Pad, SegaCD, and Mario Party 6 Mic.) ... well PSP is born and it is growing with A LOT of support from third-party 3D game developers. Even Coke is supporting Wipe Out in Japan, including North American 5 star hotels (rents out psp when staying in their hotel). Knowing that Sony is giving out updates for the PSP puts a smile on my face. I wonder what will they come up with the next firmware update? In conclusion I love my PSP and GBSP..... I HATE THAT DS!!! PSP has its short battery life and DS has its easy to lose Stylus pen.

O yea for "TheXboXDudeMan," when claiming that you are in a so called ADVANCE highschool grammer class, PLEASE show something that would support that. Basing on your post "abvious" is not a word and a whole lot of other grammer errors.