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question for women who have been pregnant?

I had episodes of sciatica SO badly with my 2nd one. I think 3 total. First one happened around 4 months and they were gonna put me off work for the duration! Baby shifting removed the pain. So, the next day, I was back at work. Thank God. Except for the next 2 episodes....
Drink lots of water if that helps!
btw, that baby boy was a whopper when he was born (just sayin')
I have to agree with tch02. I also had issues with my sciatica nerve about mid term. After baby moved it then became terrible indegestion. It was hard to eat/drink anything. **** **** long baby!! 25 inches and I am one of those tiny 5'3" women. Grew into a whopper of a 15yr old! 6'3 205pds.
I have to agree with tch02. I also had issues with my sciatica nerve about mid term. After baby moved it then became terrible indegestion. It was hard to eat/drink anything. **** **** long baby!! 25 inches and I am one of those tiny 5'3" women. Grew into a whopper of a 15yr old! 6'3 205pds.

My 15 year old is 5'2 and 110 pounds. :lol:
OK, u ladies are making me nervous that this kid will be huge!!!! my hubby is 6 3 and my kids normally take after his height but largest previous baby was 8' 8". Am I growing a ten pounder?? :lol:
No he's a size 12 right now, but hasn't even hit puberty yet. I check his pits everyday. :lol:

Mine hasn't yet either. He is impatiently waiting. His dad was a late bloomer too. Fine by me.
Mine hasn't yet either. He is impatiently waiting. His dad was a late bloomer too. Fine by me.

Ok so I have a Q about this...............he does have some pubes, but not pit or facial hair. Is there a "pre" stage that I don't know about? :9:
Eh, I don't know. I hate all this growing up stuff. Can't they just stay 6 forever?
Ok so I have a Q about this...............he does have some pubes, but not pit or facial hair. Is there a "pre" stage that I don't know about? :9:

My son didn't hit puberty until 14 then it seems they grow nightly at first. He has been 15 for a month and it has seemed to slow down. The first sign is not hair, it's the voice. You will know, and you will laugh, hopefully he has a sense of humor. Then the hair, then the muscle, they can't build muscle until they hit puberty. Just wait...your baby turns into what the public views as a man.
My son didn't hit puberty until 14 then it seems they grow nightly at first. He has been 15 for a month and it has seemed to slow down. The first sign is not hair, it's the voice. You will know, and you will laugh, hopefully he has a sense of humor. Then the hair, then the muscle, they can't build muscle until they hit puberty. Just wait...your baby turns into what the public views as a man.

So is it weird that he's 12 (almost 13) and has pubes? His voice is the same as always. :9:
So is it weird that he's 12 (almost 13) and has pubes? His voice is the same as always. :9:

pubes/puberty...Ha Ha!! You will know when it hits...you will sense and see the changes. I will never forget the first time I really saw it. We were shopping at Farm and Fleet. He was trying on boots and I walked over to him to try and wipe off a kool-aid mustache momstyle (kleenex/spit). To my suprise and his horror I was trying to wipe off his mustache that was not noticeable the day before. Next came the razor.
Mine go through it the summer before freshman year of high school. They sleep like rip van winkle! They seem to grow inches every night. The little mustache usually shows up in August.

Son #3 who is a freshman this year was amazed at all the late-blooming freshman. I gave him the "knock it off, it could have been you" speech.
I had a 10 lb baby. Not fun, I have to say. That was baby #2.
first one 8lb 9oz( girl), then the hefty boy, then 7lb girl.

He was only hefty for about 3 yrs, now he is 16 1/2 about 5 ft 6 and 130lbs.
first dd never even made 5 ft tall.
Dear baby,

I love you, but you have to move! You literally are on my nerves and it hurts.

Love, mom
Be careful if you attempt to relieve the pain.

I was at my wits end and just wanted some relief. I was just doing some simple stretches including the one where you arch your back like a cat. The good news is that it worked and I got almost instant relief from the pain. The bad news is Lawson moved from his perfect head down position to laying laterally and it was the final straw in my hopes for a natural delivery when my water broke just over 24 hours later.

With no way to move him back into position I ended up with c-section #2. We're both healthy and I recovered far more quickly with Lawson than with Lex, but it was the weirdest feeling in the world when he turned and it freaked me out.