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Questions about the Arizona Suits

Yep, KJ Florida now has a couple of days off.
It makes me wonder what the purpose was as well..... unless it's just to insert lots of space to deflect attention away from the current subject which might be getting too close for comfort? Hmmmm...
I think you're a genius for being able to decipher anything at all from those posts. I quit trying after the first one.
Am I the only one that caught this???

KjFlorida said:
-----Original Message-----
From: Our KJ Talk - Karaoke Host Talk [mailto:webmaster@ourkjtalk.com]
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2011 12:06 AM
To: Kurt Slep
Subject: "Questions about the Arizona Suits" update

Dear Sound Choice,

You are subscribed to the thread "Questions about the Arizona Suits" by KjAthena, there have been 13 post(s) to this thread, the last poster
was c. staley.


These following posts were made to the thread:


Re: Questions about the Arizona Suits


Posted by: JoeChartreuse

On: 02-11-2011 03:32 AM

---Quote (Originally by JoeChartreuse)---

....And what about #1- demanding licensing fees for tracks that SC has no licensing for ( illegally distributed in the U.S.?)

---End Quote---

It appears to be a notification email TO Sound Choice about thread updates that's been posted in the thread.
Now how do you suppose that KjFlorida got hold of that? Unless I TOTALLY missed something somewhere, I can't seem to find a post where Soound Choice posted it to the board. Anyone else have any ideas?
Well, I've been thinking, and I believe it's starting to come together:

Allow us to assume that KJ Florida is correct ( As far as the GEMs go, I have no reason not to, and others have said the same), and the GEM series discs are all here in SC stock, and brought in legally before the deadline.

Well, this means to me that SC, already working with extremely finite financial resources- at least compared to what they were- would have had to put out a huge amount of money in advance for a large supply. I mean a LARGE percentage of their resources.

Unlike manufacturing at a rate to match demand, they had to bring in as much as possible on spec because they won't be able to bring in anymore.

So they have a lot of there funds tied up in inventory. I'm guessing that they will have to turn it over as quickly as possible just to survive.

What to do? Onsie disc sales won't do it, which is why they are only sold in sets. Advertising/Marketing? First just suppose that they may not be able to afford a large outlay for advertising at this time due to assets tied up in stock. Also, it's kind of tough to market product that's a recycle of older discs. They need to sell them NOW, because they need those assets liquid. So- If one were able to find a way to FORCE sales quickly.....

...... I notice current posts mentioning the ramping up of "anti-piracy" efforts- More letters of intent, more suits, more possible settlements. I seem to recall that the GEM discs come up quite often in association with the settlements....

Of course some people have actually traded in their original discs for GEMS- supposedly for a discount of some sort. However, I can't imagine too many who would have a good business reason to replace discs that they own with others carrying the same tracks that require a licensing fee.

So, back to the settlements for any real turnover of stock.

Something else comes to mind. At this point, SC is pretty much a retailer of warehoused stock. If that stock were to be depleted ( Actully, I don't think it will ever happen, but..), there is no re-supply. They can't bring more in from the UK, and Kurt has already said that U.S. licensing would be too costly for SC. Not only no re-supply, but despite earlier promises, no new releases. So what happens next?

My earlier mentioned prediction:

By the end of 2011 ( or 2012 at the very latest, but I doubt it), I believe that SC will no longer be the U.S. based company that we know today ( it's already nothing like the company it was even 3 years ago). If they don't turn over the GEM stock quickly, they will just be history. If they do turn over enough through settlements and whatever to stay liquid, the lack of product ( remember, no re-supply) may well sent them to Australia ( as earlier posts mentioned) to possibly run a download site. No manufacturing costs, no real overhead, and a never-depleted source of music mp3s from their source files.

Out of the reach of U.S. jurisdiction ( but the KJs aren't) and at least some income coming in. Of course, Kurt would have to reverse his previous agreement with me that U.S. hosts based on downloads are illegal, but hey, business is business..

Either way, I don't believe they will be too much in evidence by then. Not suing, not active in the KIAA, not anything.

I think that some may have to look to another star for wagon-hitching.


I know someone will find flaws in my train of thought, and they may well be correct. I couldn't find any- but maybe I'm too close. My mouth may be open frequently, but believe it or not, my mind is too. If someone spots a screw-up in my post, I really do want to know what it is, and discuss it- hopefully in a civil way.
Diafel said:
Am I the only one that caught this???

It appears to be a notification email TO Sound Choice about thread updates that's been posted in the thread.
Now how do you suppose that KjFlorida got hold of that? Unless I TOTALLY missed something somewhere, I can't seem to find a post where Soound Choice posted it to the board. Anyone else have any ideas?

That is definitely strange. I can tell you that the body looks legit the To: field isn't right. I can also tell you that Kurt and KJFL's IP addresses are from two totally different areas.
Big Dan said:
That is definitely strange. I can tell you that the body looks legit the To: field isn't right. I can also tell you that Kurt and KJFL's IP addresses are from two totally different areas.

Not hard to spoof an IP.....but very strange, indeed!
KJ Florida is not Kurt, that i can tell you for sure, I don't see how Kurt could've called you that unless it was copied from a private e-mail to KJ Florida and then he accidently posted it? Either way , its confusing?
OK everybody I am here to admit that this whole snafu was MY FAULT.... I can assure you that KJFLORIDA is not Kurt. I forwarded alot of info from many sources to KJFlorida asking him to answer 2 points...I included alot of background and copies and emails from at least 3 people. My thought was that his more business like phrasing was called for.Unfortunatley he is not very familar with chat boards and procedures.....so he accidentally posted the background info with his answer.....I am certain he will apologize personally when his ban is lifted......he has nothing against JoeC or anyone else....I again apologize to anyone who was offended. I hope that we can move beyond this and get back to our usual debates
c. staley said:
Well, you can decide for yourself below:

The MCPS license agreement (the U.K. licensing guys) has a complicated licensing agreement, but let's simplify this by looking at what exactly they are calling within their scope of "territory.":

Okay, so far it sounds like the U.S. is in fact, NOT part of their "territory."

So let's look at clause 3.14 that is mentioned above:

So, let the speculation begin.....

Just in case you were wondering if clause 4.3 changes anything:

Here's 7.8:

and here's 3.16:

Can you point out where you were able to find a copy of that agreement. I would be very interested in reading it!
starzkj said:
Can you point out where you were able to find a copy of that agreement. I would be very interested in reading it!

I have a copy of it in PDF format.... you can email me.
KjAthena said:
OK everybody I am here to admit that this whole snafu was MY FAULT.... I can assure you that KJFLORIDA is not Kurt. I forwarded alot of info from many sources to KJFlorida asking him to answer 2 points...I included alot of background and copies and emails from at least 3 people. My thought was that his more business like phrasing was called for.Unfortunatley he is not very familar with chat boards and procedures.....so he accidentally posted the background info with his answer.....I am certain he will apologize personally when his ban is lifted......he has nothing against JoeC or anyone else....I again apologize to anyone who was offended. I hope that we can move beyond this and get back to our usual debates

And the 2 points were?....
Chip the 2 points I requested he post on were
and a question about someone placing an order in July and waiting till September to get it.
KJFlorida does not even like to read the boards and I included posts from this forum, 2 other forums and emails I received or were forwarded to me by at least 3 people...for his refrence....again any egg should be on my face...KJflorida is now banned my fault....... and some others appear in a bad light due to my mistakes....what I forwarded doesnt even make alot of sense to me rereading it today...I included irrelevant information...and left out things that would have put things in a more accurate veiwpoint for him to have answered the questions at hand
Maybe in the future it might be better to let others read the boards for themselves.... Just my own thoughts on this.
c. staley said:
Well, you can decide for yourself below:

The MCPS license agreement (the U.K. licensing guys) has a complicated licensing agreement, but let's simplify this by looking at what exactly they are calling within their scope of "territory.":

Okay, so far it sounds like the U.S. is in fact, NOT part of their "territory."

So let's look at clause 3.14 that is mentioned above:

So, let the speculation begin.....

Just in case you were wondering if clause 4.3 changes anything:

Here's 7.8:

and here's 3.16:

Found the entire document online: https://www.prsformusic.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/Karaoke New Agreement 01 07 10.pdf

Section 3.14 DOES NOT apply to Sound Choice and the GEM Series. Read it carefully. GEM series was manufactured completely prior to commencement date of 1 July 2010. It was shipped to U.S. prior to 31 December 2010, so it falls under previous agreement, which did not have the restriction that is listed on territory.

Nice try guys, but all of this is not applicable to the GEM sets of discs, unless you can prove they are still shipping out of UK.
I would however (noting above post) say that if you are using that as a way to legally bring discs in "under the wire" as someone posted earlier, then you must also acknowledge the legal rights of users to download tracks from SBI, Sunfly, ZOOM, etc. They were licensed under the same program prior to the dates listed and MCPS does allow for license via internet download. They are not "distributing" them via retailers when selling direct to US.

One can not use the program for their own benefit and then condemn others using the same program as being unacceptable or illegal. People in glass Karaoke Bars should not sing badly ( I mean throw stones at others).
Diafel said:
Maybe in the future it might be better to let others read the boards for themselves.... Just my own thoughts on this.

Yes Diefel...I would have to agree with that wholeheartedly...I can assure you I will never make this mistake again....I maybe stupid at times but do not repeat the same mistakes over again