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Questions about the Arizona Suits

Paradigm Karaoke said:
, but any ideas on what CAN be done? where do we go from here?

Yes. Manufacturers can produce and sell legal products that people actually CARE about and WANT to own. CDs of ANY form are no longer such a product.

What part of the digital age and more recently the iPod and iTunes revolution is too difficult for some people to comprehend?

Today, people are copmplaining about job losses at a Sony CD manufacturing plant which has been slated for closure. CD sales continue to decline and the demand is not there for this product. It's hard to muster sympathy for people who refuse to plan for the future when the obsolescence of certain career choices has been rather obvious for more than 20 years now. If you were an employee in this plant you should have known this day was coming a very long time ago and planned accordingly.

It's not just the "dirty hands" of manufacturers that earns them contempt. It is their ignorant denial of reality and the arrogant clutch to an archaic form of business.

Law enforcement is not ignoring the "problem" - it is much of the music industry that is ignoring reality.
KjAthena said:
If the suit was dismissed on 11/17/2010 and you settled before 8/29/2010 per your statement.I
think you will find your agreed upon settlement would take legal precedence.
And here's your answer:
Bazza said:
05/21/2010 56 MOTION to Dismiss Party Ernest McCullar by Ernest McCullar. (SAT) (Entered: 05/24/2010)
Note that it was ENTERED 05/24/2010. Back in MAY 2010
What Ernie said previously then makes sense. He filed, heard nothing more, thought that his motion wasn't granted and felt pressured to settle, so he did. Unfortunately, his motion was actually granted!
How terribly underhanded of the SC lawyer. And before anyone tries to defend him, HE HAD TO KNOW. ALL court documents filed pertaining to a case are forwarded to the attorney of record. And a lawyer ought to know that when you don't respond to a document that it's almost always granted in the favour of the person who filed it. If he truly didn't know, then he's incompetent an incapable of doing the job.
I would suspect that at this point, the settlement is null and void and in fact Ernie could sue to have any monies already paid returned. Of course, he would also have to return any discs he received, but I would think that it's no biggie.
WTG Ernie!
Diafel said:
What Ernie said previously then makes sense. He filed, heard nothing more, thought that his motion wasn't granted and felt pressured to settle, so he did. Unfortunately, his motion was actually granted!
How terribly underhanded of the SC lawyer. And before anyone tries to defend him, HE HAD TO KNOW. ALL court documents filed pertaining to a case are forwarded to the attorney of record. And a lawyer ought to know that when you don't respond to a document that it's almost always granted in the favour of the person who filed it. If he truly didn't know, then he's incompetent an incapable of doing the job.
I would suspect that at this point, the settlement is null and void and in fact Ernie could sue to have any monies already paid returned. Of course, he would also have to return any discs he received, but I would think that it's no biggie.
WTG Ernie!

Ultimately, it was Ernie's responsibility to track his court case and know the status of his motion to dismiss. Say what you want about the SC lawyer - but, he did his job well - which was to represent SC's interests and get something out of Ernie at the lowest legal cost possible.

Because it was Ernie who failed to wait for the final disposition of his motion (voluntarily entering into a transaction with SC) I don't believe he has any grounds for recovery.

The lesson to remember is that in civil cases - there is no functional difference between lawyers and debt collectors. It's about money - not principles. The expectation that the lawyer would wait out the motion without making an attempt to escalate his own interests is misplaced. Turning up the heat is exactly what you can expect the other side to do while a motion to dismiss is pending.
Just a quick question for you all to consider....why would SC spend resources to file anything once a defendant once said defendant agreed to settlement? Once he agreed to the settlement why spend more $$$ to block the defendant motion to dissmiss ? not underhanded just part of the business/legal process. I think as we watch this develop we will find the settlement takes precidence and Ernie will have to continue to pay as he agreed or face a new suit being filed. The dismissal was only due to SC not responding promptly to him motion to dismiss for whatever reason. His motion was not ruled on by a judge...most likley not even reveiwed. As logical as some of his points may sound in his motion according to my Attny they are not legally sound. Nothing in the dismissal prevents SC from re-filing against him with the exact same info they used the first time. I would ask everyone to review all of the posts on this board using logic before they decide to try and use Ernie as a "poster child". He has not answered a number of questions adequetly for me to hold him up as a valid example. We also do not know the "background" info SC has to prove he was not 1-1. I do beleive he did own a large # of discs but based upon his own words I question his 1-1 status. The "critical error" with his books is just too much for me to get past for someone that has been in business for as long as he has. What KJ would put themselves in the position to have to tell singers repeatedly and for long peroids of time they do not have songs that are listed in the books? We have all faced this upon occation when a disc was misplaced/broken or stollen and it sux. He wont even post how many systems he was using at the time of his investigation or how many shows he was running. 7000 disc(1/2 sound choice) sounds like alot but how many systems they are spread across make a big difference ie 7000 discs spread over 7 systems would require 7 copies of each disc to avoid the "critical book error"
BTW 7000 discs did not turn our van into a lowrider when we carried them to SC for our audit and I question the notarized statments he had signed because I doubt any bar owners looked at each disc before signing ( know how many hours that took for our audits 6 total for those who want to know)
KjAthena said:
BTW 7000 discs did not turn our van into a lowrider when we carried them to SC for our audit and I question the notarized statments he had signed because I doubt any bar owners looked at each disc before signing ( know how many hours that took for our audits 6 total for those who want to know)

I thought you told us you did the audit via Skype and video camera from your house??? I distinctly recall you talking about having discs "all over the house" in order to organize then for the audit.
yes our first audit was via skype...we also carried all our discs to "the cheerleaders meeting" and had each disc checked to eliminate any question of the validity.
You can ask anyone who attended why they call DH "the disc **** master" The organizing was the hardest part but once done it is a breeze to find any disc for each of our 3 systems now. (a seprate book for each system as all are not identicle(sp?))
Thank You for asking for clarification Dialfel
KjAthena said:
yes our first audit was via skype...we also carried all our discs to "the cheerleaders meeting" and had each disc checked to eliminate any question of the validity.
You can ask anyone who attended why they call DH "the disc **** master" The organizing was the hardest part but once done it is a breeze to find any disc for each of our 3 systems now. (a seprate book for each system as all are not identicle(sp?))
Thank You for asking for clarification Dialfel

I was there and saw those large cases with all the disc in them :)
KjAthena said:
Just a quick question for you all to consider....why would SC spend resources to file anything once a defendant once said defendant agreed to settlement? Once he agreed to the settlement why spend more $$$ to block the defendant motion to dissmiss ? not underhanded just part of the business/legal process. I think as we watch this develop we will find the settlement takes precidence and Ernie will have to continue to pay as he agreed or face a new suit being filed. The dismissal was only due to SC not responding promptly to him motion to dismiss for whatever reason. His motion was not ruled on by a judge...most likley not even reveiwed. As logical as some of his points may sound in his motion according to my Attny they are not legally sound. Nothing in the dismissal prevents SC from re-filing against him with the exact same info they used the first time. I would ask everyone to review all of the posts on this board using logic before they decide to try and use Ernie as a "poster child". He has not answered a number of questions adequetly for me to hold him up as a valid example. We also do not know the "background" info SC has to prove he was not 1-1. I do beleive he did own a large # of discs but based upon his own words I question his 1-1 status. The "critical error" with his books is just too much for me to get past for someone that has been in business for as long as he has. What KJ would put themselves in the position to have to tell singers repeatedly and for long peroids of time they do not have songs that are listed in the books? We have all faced this upon occation when a disc was misplaced/broken or stollen and it sux. He wont even post how many systems he was using at the time of his investigation or how many shows he was running. 7000 disc(1/2 sound choice) sounds like alot but how many systems they are spread across make a big difference ie 7000 discs spread over 7 systems would require 7 copies of each disc to avoid the "critical book error"
BTW 7000 discs did not turn our van into a lowrider when we carried them to SC for our audit and I question the notarized statments he had signed because I doubt any bar owners looked at each disc before signing ( know how many hours that took for our audits 6 total for those who want to know)

On the contrary, the dismissal is a judicial order. The motion was most certainly reviewed by the judge who ruled on the dismissal. If it was without merit the motion itself could have been dismissed. But alas - the single most defeating point of his motion is the demand for proof of a valid derivative product license on behalf of Sound Choice. This effectively haults the case unless and until SC provides proof of standing to trademark the derivative copyrighted works in question. The burden of proof rests with SC to show standing before the allegations can proceed.

As we have seen recently with Chartbuster, Sound Choice was apparently unable to produce the licenses needed to proceed with thier case, and instead continued to press Ernie outside of the courtroom. The motion was granted becuase SC failed to provide a court ordered answer. Sound Choice also failed to make the "settlement" a part of the case - and that case is now dismissed with prejudice.

You are incorrect about the "settlement" because, it was never submitted too or approved by the court and consequently has no bearing on a case dismissed with prejudice. SC can not bring action again on this defendant on the same matter. It is also not correct to call it a "settlement." It appears that Ernie was simply duped into making a retail purchase of a new disc set. It was transacted without the protection of the court against an issue now ruled mute. If Ernie fails to pay any outstanding balance they may refer it to collection - however, court action is unlikley due to the jeopardy (duress) attached to this sale, and the dismissal with prejudice of the implied purpose.

The proof of license is a very basic and common interogatory in such cases, and it was a very prudent move on Ernie's part to include it within a motion for dismissal. I recommend anyone sued by a karaoke manufacturer remember to do the same and include this important first step.

It is also not clear that this trademark complaint can be applied at the individual track level. If the tradermark applies to the volume of works as a whole then only a singular infringement occurs on any given date/venue. This would represnt a profound change to the statutory "damage" estimates SC uses to scare people. It would not matter how many unauthorized tracks are present - each evening would still be only a singular infringement.

Athena, what is the basis for your personal desire to assassinate Ernie's character? The complaint was dismissed. Your personal opinion of how he should run his business and how many discs is required to do that legitimately carries no weight.
KjAthena said:
He wont even post how many systems he was using at the time of his investigation or how many shows he was running.
It really is irrelevant to the case. He was cited for an alleged infraction at ONE club on a GIVEN DATE. Anything else has no bearing on the case at hand.
You may think it does, but it doesn't. What matters is if he had the disc corresponding to the alleged infringing song on the night in question. Sound Choice did not bring that aspect into their suit against him, so it therefore has no bearing. Indeed, SC did not even offer to audit him, so you can't really even imply that he was infringing on that basis. There's NO BASIS IN FACT for such an allegation.
First off I have no desire to assassinate Earnies character..it is my opinion that he is doing that well enough on his own. I am bringing up for disussion and reveiw his own statements.
Second unless Arizona law differs dramaticly(sp?) from Florida law as confirmed by my IP attny, due to the timeline stated by Ernie the settlement would take precedent as approval by the court is not required if both parties agree in writting and both parties receive benefit from the agreement (Erine already stated he had made payments to SC (benefit to SC)and had received disc and his venues were made safe from suit (benefit to Ernie)....I could be wrong and if so will admit my error.
Please reread the legal documentation as nowhere in it does it state "case dismissed with prejudice or without prejudice"
Unless the Judge specifically states in the order "DISMISSED with PREDJUDICE" then the case can be refiled at any time by the plantiff!

"11/17/2010 69 ORDER entered by Judge Mary H. Murguia on 11/17/10. On October 26, 2010, this Court issued an Order directing Plaintiff to show good cause why it had failed to respond to Defendant Ernest McCullars Motion to Dismiss (Doc. 64). In that Order, the Court stated that Defendants Motion to Dismiss would be summarily granted pursuant to LRCiv 7.2(i) should Plaintiff fail to show good cause within 10 days of the Courts Order. The deadline has passed and Plaintiff has not responded in any manner whatsoever to the Courts Order. Accordingly, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED granting Defendant Ernest McCullars Motion to Dismiss (Doc. 56). [This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no.pdf document associated with this entry.] (KSP) (Entered: 11/17/2010) "
I have a few internet friends that are on the opposite side of the fence on the whole SC issue and we have agreed to disagree... as this thing works itself abet very slowly tru the legal system we will all receive definitive legal answers
My opinion of how he runs his business only comes into play when he gives incomplete information and asks me to take it at face value....then I ask questions to clarify that he never answers. I do not like it when anyone tries to "spin" an issue with partial information and will not provide additional details
I have answered every question asked for clarification on this board truthfully and above board and I ask for the same respect.
Diafel said:
It really is irrelevant to the case. He was cited for an alleged infraction at ONE club on a GIVEN DATE. Anything else has no bearing on the case at hand.
You may think it does, but it doesn't. What matters is if he had the disc corresponding to the alleged infringing song on the night in question. Sound Choice did not bring that aspect into their suit against him, so it therefore has no bearing. Indeed, SC did not even offer to audit him, so you can't really even imply that he was infringing on that basis. There's NO BASIS IN FACT for such an allegation.

Respectful I ask if you have access to the complaint filed to please post it here. I think we may find in the legal documentation that he was not charged for one night in question (or one club for that matter). Personally I find it hard to believe that he was not offered an audit...even Dan Dan the Taximan posted the offer somewhere (sorry I have been hunting for it but can not find it again it has been over 10 months) and they were in the same suit but I guess it is a slight possibility. We do not have access to the information collected during the investigation on his case to see if there is any "basis in fact" and that will be for the court to decide in the long run......legal fact does not always follow logical fact.
Also as much as nobody likes it .....and as we were told BY our IP lawyer...as the current law stands anyone that shifted media (ran off a computer) without prior written permission is gulity of infringment just by that fact.
KjAthena said:
Also as much as nobody likes it .....and as we were told BY our IP lawyer...as the current law stands anyone that shifted media (ran off a computer) without prior written permission is gulity of infringment just by that fact.
Please quote the legal document or case precedent that supports this claim.
Sorry, but I do think you are misinformed as there is NO SUCH CASE to support it.
I will request the info from IP attny as she explained it older laws applied due to sync licencing for karaoke not being addressed in millenimum(sp?) acts( if I have the name wrong I am sorry its been 10 months since the meeting and I will correct it when she gets back to me) but I did not take case #'s ect at that meeting. This is the reason everyone is waiting for a precident(sp?) for karaoke to be issued by the court.
I will ask her to get the info to me and post when I receive it.
Paradigm Karaoke said:
Thank you both for the black and white of it. to continue the discussion, Ernie made a very solid sounding case against the SC action. i am obviously not a attorney, but to me sounded solid. to the point that it made me wonder, what power is left to go after the pirates? No manu has "clean hands" according to the definition of it, trademark seems to be going farther and farther away from being a viable option, copyright has been pushed aside by the agencies capable of going after it, can't go after the HD sellers, can't punish those buying and using them, whats left? even the luddites, you can buy CDG capable CDR from GC for $0.10 a piece and dupe a whole library for the price of a HD and be disc based and under the same rules, untouchable. we are seeing more and more of what CAN'T be done about it, but any ideas on what CAN be done? where do we go from here?

Oh, I believe that pirates of all types are still "touchable", but probably only by the music OWNERS and authorized law enforcement agencies. Unfortunately, individual KJs are just too small a fry for them, from what I was told when making inquiries to both.

Think about it: Each case has to be tried separately, so each KJ must be taken individually. How much is any individual pirate KJ costing, say, Sony. Would it be worth Sony's time and effort for that individual KJ? Probably not. Because of this, no one with any real juice is bugging law enforcement agencies, and they have bigger fish to fry anyway.

As for disc based pirates- they REALLY aren't worth it. MP3 pirates might have 100,000 songs in their PC, but disc based hosts aren't going to lug that many songs around. Heck, that's one of the excuses PC hosts give for switching... Less songs, less possibility for larger judgements.
Proformance said:
Yes. Manufacturers can produce and sell legal products that people actually CARE about and WANT to own. CDs of ANY form are no longer such a product.

What part of the digital age and more recently the iPod and iTunes revolution is too difficult for some people to comprehend?

Today, people are copmplaining about job losses at a Sony CD manufacturing plant which has been slated for closure. CD sales continue to decline and the demand is not there for this product.

If you read that article, then you also read that the reason for closure is that paying for discs can't compete with "FREE file sharing"- in other words, PIRACY.

It's not a general dislike of hard media, it's the fact that more people STEAL than BUY, and it's much easier to do with MP3 downloads.

However, I agree with mfr. ignorance, but only because they made MP3 downloads available, and KJ/DJ ignorance for using the same professionally, making them popular, and showing the world that anyone with a PC can download/steal them.

As previously stated: Without some sort of protected hard media, there will be NO money made by the music industry. Why would anyone produce ( vocalists and musicians, as well as producers and publishers) if there is no income to be made?

Like it or not, protected hard media is required. Any download that can be bought can be pirated.
Proformance said:
On the contrary, the dismissal is a judicial order. The motion was most certainly reviewed by the judge who ruled on the dismissal. If it was without merit the motion itself could have been dismissed. But alas - the single most defeating point of his motion is the demand for proof of a valid derivative product license on behalf of Sound Choice. This effectively haults the case unless and until SC provides proof of standing to trademark the derivative copyrighted works in question. The burden of proof rests with SC to show standing before the allegations can proceed.

As we have seen recently with Chartbuster, Sound Choice was apparently unable to produce the licenses needed to proceed with thier case, and instead continued to press Ernie outside of the courtroom. The motion was granted becuase SC failed to provide a court ordered answer. Sound Choice also failed to make the "settlement" a part of the case - and that case is now dismissed with prejudice.

You are incorrect about the "settlement" because, it was never submitted too or approved by the court and consequently has no bearing on a case dismissed with prejudice. SC can not bring action again on this defendant on the same matter. It is also not correct to call it a "settlement." It appears that Ernie was simply duped into making a retail purchase of a new disc set. It was transacted without the protection of the court against an issue now ruled mute. If Ernie fails to pay any outstanding balance they may refer it to collection - however, court action is unlikley due to the jeopardy (duress) attached to this sale, and the dismissal with prejudice of the implied purpose.

The proof of license is a very basic and common interogatory in such cases, and it was a very prudent move on Ernie's part to include it within a motion for dismissal. I recommend anyone sued by a karaoke manufacturer remember to do the same and include this important first step.

It is also not clear that this trademark complaint can be applied at the individual track level. If the tradermark applies to the volume of works as a whole then only a singular infringement occurs on any given date/venue. This would represnt a profound change to the statutory "damage" estimates SC uses to scare people. It would not matter how many unauthorized tracks are present - each evening would still be only a singular infringement.

Athena, what is the basis for your personal desire to assassinate Ernie's character? The complaint was dismissed. Your personal opinion of how he should run his business and how many discs is required to do that legitimately carries no weight.

In other words, as I have been saying all along: If a logo is attached to an unlicensed track, it's not there in the eyes of the court.
KjAthena said:
Personally I find it hard to believe that he was not offered an audit...
Really? You weren't offered an audit. You said as much on 04-24-2010 07:41 PM in what I believe is your very first post here.
In fact YOU ASKED for an audit (they didn't offer) and they agreed at first, but then reneged. So how on earth can you find Ernie's story hard to believe, when even YOU were a "victim" in the beginning (at least until you changed your mind, notwithstanding that the facts didn't change)?

KjAthena said:
Question as one of the "accused" can someone explain?

:sqconfused:I happened to find this board by accident. I am one of the accused. I however KNOW that I am in 1-1 complence. It took me over 6 years to convert my systems and I did keep each and every disc. I own 3 systems and have been in this business for over 14 years. I requested a audit of my systems and was sent 2 emails 9 mins apart. The first requested a Skype audit after I sent copies of my songbooks and requested I set a day this week...the second was attempting to recall the email. When I asked why the audit offer had been recalled I was told "we have to run it by the attny's first". I will be happy to produce every CDG and laser disc (yes I am that old) to be cleared from this accusation.My computerization was completed about a year ago. I then retired my discs and stored them by system. Can anyone advise as to how I can get an audit?
KjAthena said:
to prevent further hijacking of the loudkaraoke.com thread I have started this thread.
01earniemac had posted that the suit against him was dismissed.
I seemed to remember him stating he had settled and asked him to post further details.
He did not reply.
I re-read all of his prior posts from his home page here.
In a number of his posts he states he SETTLED with SC
Kurt even replied to a number of his posts and appeared to talk about there being terms of a settlement.
If he settled it is my opinion that of course the lawsuit against him would be dismissed.

Please discuss
You wonder why he settled when he had put forth a motion to dismiss?

Well, There's this from 08-29-2010 07:12 AM :

Again, I must ask. If you were legit, why did you settle?
Why? An IP attorney is a specialist costing $10,000 for a retainer and $450 per hour. Try finding the best one. Estimated cost of defending is well over $140,000 with no guarantees. I spent an average of 20 hours per week for over a year preparing for my defense. In a civil trial, the judge is backlogged with many criminal cases taking priority before any attention can be given to the civil cases. This case can easily go on for 6-8 years. My name and business reputation is smeared like a rash of negativity on the internet taking up 2 Google pages in negative reference.That hurts my business currently and prevents me from soliciting any new business. SC informants are like vultures waiting to take over my venues. They walk into my shows wearing Sound Choice Tee-shirts and trash talk me and my company to the management and anyone singing a Sound Choice song. It wears you down like a cancer. You loose sleep and your family suffers as well in many ways. Then all this negativity is about to rain down on the venue owners as well. Their liqueur license is targeted which will effectively put the out of business. They are innocent and they trusted in me when I promised I would fix this unspeakable mess and clean it up. If that means selling my sole to end this nightmare so be it!
I own over 7,000 karaoke Disks but it doesn't matter one bit. This is all about money and I have already said too much.

You of all people should be able to remember how hard SC was to work with or get any answers from. After all, that's exactly what brought you to this very forum, isn't it? Or did your self induced amnesia cause you to forget all that?
And the reason he didn't reply? Perhaps this little gem from Kurt on 08-29-2010 07:45 PM will help explain or the one below. Ernie didn't post anything of consequence (only one more post) again after it until very recently when he found out his motion to dismiss had been granted:

Ernie, since you want to play this out in public, I can also. Of the 7000 Karaoke Discs, how many are Sound Choice? And how many did you have PRIOR to the initial investigation. You yourself even tried to buy directly from my company several sets of our Foundations and Bricks after our first contact letter. WHY would you do that if you had all your Sound Choice discs? Also you reported to our investigator that you had many systems out for rental. We didn't even go after you for those. And how about all those discs you bought from the local Karaoke retailers AFTER the suit (yeah, we know about those also).

If you want to open this case up again and request a FULL investigation including going through the discovery process I will see if we can void your settlement and begin again from scratch. But you really need to be HONEST with yourself and the public. Lying to other posters about how many discs you had and when you bought them doesn't alter the facts of our investigation. But if you really want to go through the full legal process, you might be able to get a collection up among your "supporters" here to at least get you through the discovery process. Then you can report back regarding the TRUE status of your business on the dates we did our investigations. Oh, but if you "lose" again, we won't be as accomodating in our settlement.

And how about this gem from 08-29-2010 09:21 PM :

See my post #515 for a little more detail.

Ernie, we don't have a Confidentiality clause in our agreement (16. No Confidentiality; Non-Disparagement. The terms or existence of this AGREEMENT shall not be considered confidential; provided, however, that neither party shall disparage the other in its discussions of this AGREEMENT or the matter to which it relates. )

so, I'll make one comment here, which is a fact and not "disparaging":

On 7/8/2010, you called and left a VM saying that you have air conditioning issues and other issues and you would be paying late. (I have the audio copy of that VM). I have not kept up with your personal payment history, but neither my lawyer nor I have gotten "hardnosed" over your late payment (or payments?); we accomodated that situation.

Perhaps that was a mistake. There are plenty here (in both the pro and anti-SC camps) clamoring for completely putting pirates, especially multi-system operators, completely out of business. What say you (considering the generous settlement terms we granted you)? Do you want us to reopen your case?

And the Audit option WAS available at the time (remember, DanDan posted it?) It has been "softened" a bit since then. Do you want to go through the process? Don't forget, we may know far more about your operations than you think we do. Therefore, rather than believing (hoping) we will find only what you want us to find, assume that we will find out EVERYTHING about your disc ownership, when you bought them, the number of songs on your systems, the # of systems you operated (including rental systems), etc..

Now, in this public forum, tell us that you want to reopen your settlement because you are certain that you will come out better. But, if not, then I will accept your apology when it is offered.

Intimidation goes a loooong way towards wearing a person down and making them cave under pressure. Try and remember that before you vilify him, will you?
Diafel said:
Really? You weren't offered an audit. You said as much on 04-24-2010 07:41 PM in what I believe is your very first post here.Diafel how do you think I knew to ask for an audit?...it was included in the intent to sue paperwork I received
In fact YOU ASKED for an audit (they didn't offer) and they agreed at first, but then reneged. At the time I did not understand...after the fact and all the stink that occured due to the SKYPE audit procedures it made sense(that is why we took all our discs for a full audit so no-one could question our 1-1 status)So how on earth can you find Ernie's story hard to believe, when even YOU were a "victim" in the beginning (at least until you changed your mind,(nowhere did I ever claim to be a victim...I was admittedly freaked out during my first posts but please continue reading all my posts....I have never"changed my mind" I asked for and received information and "made up my mind") notwithstanding that the facts didn't change)?
Yes that was my very first post.....boy a lot has happened since then.
I am human and do reserve the right to change my mind....it has happened many times in my life as additional info became available....
I will post the info from the IP Attny when it is received as you have requested

I also understand that we are on diffirent sides of the fence in this issue...I have explained why I have the opinions of Ernies posts here repeatedly.
He may be a stand up guy I dont know...based upon his written posts it is my opinion he is woefully uninformed abet very passionate in his opinions.
I fear that until a number of SC's lawsuits are processed fully in court.....none of us will have all the answers.
I figure with the speed of the legal system we have 5 or 6 years(min) yet to debate.
ok...I started the thread....you wondered why he would settle...he said a IP attny was too costly....Huummmm I was freaked out when I posted but received my answers from SC within 3 business days...is that hard to deal with?...He felt under pressure as evidenced by his own and others posts...he settled (I think I read somewhere the settlement agreements admit guilt(will continue to search for where ))...Kurt offered to reopen his case and set aside his settlement....He got real quiet until the dismissal.
Is this a correct in a nutshell ?
Yes people do cave under pressure....would I ever admit to guilt when innocent...NEVER.
I do not wish to vilify him....just want everyone to dig deeper before they accept his statenents at face value