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quiz #3


Part Of The Furniture
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1. how many digits to which can you recite pi?

2. do you think artificial sweetener gives you cancer?

3. a cat has 9 lives, if you had 9, how many do you think you have used?

4. who killed JFK?

5. where's eison?
1. 3.14159 (and I know what comes after nine is pretty small, so 9 is close enough, plus who needs to go to millionths?)

2. I hope not, I have diabetes, so I almost have to drink diet soda. =\

3. None.

4. I plea the fif. :)

5. The comic store had an all you can read event. :shifty:
1. how many digits to which can you recite pi? i only had two slices i swear. :confused:

2. do you think artificial sweetener gives you cancer? **** yes. every thing gives you cancer or some disease nowadays

3. a cat has 9 lives, if you had 9, how many do you think you have used? at least three with all the stupid **** ive done and got away with.

4. who killed JFK? martin luther king? :huh:

5. where's eison? who? ^_^

love these little quizzes. :D
1. how many digits to which can you recite pi?

2. do you think artificial sweetener gives you cancer?

3. a cat has 9 lives, if you had 9, how many do you think you have used?

4. who killed JFK?

5. where's eison?

1. I put in a number and then checked -- so my answer is 2 3.14 LOL Good thing I'm not studying to become a math teacher or anything like that where knowing pi might come in handy :unsure:

2. I think that anything we ingest, if done so in large enough quanties, will cause cancer. The food we eat is so ****ed up from chemicals and pesticides and hormones that it would surprise me to learn that something DOESN'T cause cancer.

However, I don't think it causes cancer in a higher rate than anything else.

3. 2

4. Lee Harvey Oswald. I believe he acted alone -- human nature would dictate that if he had had help, we would have heard something about it by now. Of course, we still don't know where Jimmy Hoffa is, so who knows?

5. south carolina, I believe :p (this week he's laying low b/c I'm kicking the **** out of him in rotisserie baseball) :D
1. how many digits to which can you recite pi?

2. do you think artificial sweetener gives you cancer?

3. a cat has 9 lives, if you had 9, how many do you think you have used?

4. who killed JFK?

5. where's eison?

1. 3.1415 then I zone out and start thinking about titties

2. What Mark said

3. 10

4. Lee harvey Oswald, alone. But if their was some conspiracy of a larger group I would guess some faction of the US Gov't, CIA maybe military. I doubt the mob had anything to do with it, but who knows. In the end it was before my time so I don't care who killed him :p

5. He's been sold into white slavery :)
1. how many digits to which can you recite pi?

2. do you think artificial sweetener gives you cancer?

3. a cat has 9 lives, if you had 9, how many do you think you have used?

4. who killed JFK?

5. where's eison?

1. 3.14159 although i don't remember ever using pi to any more than 2 decimal places in mathematics at uni, although that might be more laziness. i could see it being more relevent in physics, but i can't remember anything in my physics course requiring the use of pi although i'm sure it did at some point. the beauty of university is that they give you all the constants on a cheat sheet for the exam. but it is a lot quicker if you can remember them, which you usually do.

2. i really hope not, but i have a feeling that it's not terribly good for you. but being over weight leaves you prone to a whole list of health problems that will kill you just as easily, so i feel that i'm probably best to hedge my bets with the one that hasn't been proven to cause you cancer rather than eat everything full sugar, get fat and get diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol problems etc.

3. when i was a few weeks old i nearly drowned in my own vomit. luckily for me someone heard a distant gurgling. so that was probably #1.
when i was about 8 i managed to bounce off a friend's tampoline and off about a 10ft drop, somersalting the whole way and somehow just out of pure luck landed on my feet. i stood there stunned for a while that i hadn't landed on my head and broken my neck. that would be #2.
of all of my teenage years i came closest to suicide around the age of 14. in short i passed out, my parents came home so had to abandon the attempt. guilt and slight optimism saw me put more effort into surviving the coming years, although they were pretty dark in places. so lets be insanely optimistic and say that that used only lives #3 through #6.
when i was 17 i was absurdly drunk (not unusual) and somehow got myself into a car with a girl that had been drinking. i'd managed to put my seatbelt on, so this is a good thing. too fast, country road, wet, slight bend in the road (and i mean slight) she's lost it. we have no idea what exactly has happenned (she blacked out, i was too drunk), but there was debris starting from 100m down the road from where we ended up, facing the other direction wedged in mud. both axles snapped, big hole in an area at the back of the car as well as a huge mash about a foot in front of where my legs were. we have at some point hit a tree at head height (this is a small-small car, toyota mirage) and we have also taken one tree out of the ground and thrown it across the road. so this would be life #7 right here.
now, the only things i remember about this night are shotting OP rum and following with box-wine at about 7pm. the next memory is after the crash, trying to start the car. apparently there was petrol pissing out everywhere. this would be life #8. my next memory was being woken up on the lounge by a police officer asking if i remembered anything about the crash and a friend hugging me really, really tightly.
so the way i figure it i've got one left.

4. the CIA

5. i don't know. :(