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Random Thoughts

*Wow... I ate the most random things ever tonight...

*my mom's 50th is coming up on monday, and I couldn't find any black candles and balloons to tease her with! O well... the trick candles I got for her cake will do... lol can't wait!! :lol:

*I'm missing my man! Can't wait to hear from him tomorrow!
Knitting a blanket is kind of a pita. However, it's nice to be able to see the pattern emerging after only one repeat :)
MAN how scary it was when I woke up to find my clock set an hour ahead the real time! :eek: I was about to lose my mind!
:lol: Pan. subconsciously you want spring to come really early this year.

That was a good one Pan....:hug2:
sometimes i wish i could be accidently trapped in a library.

or a hastings...
polaris_nine said:
sometimes i wish i could be accidently trapped in a library.

me too

that and if time could stand still so I can read everything without the world aging on me.....

oh wait I meant if time would stand still for me so I wouldn't age.....

I'm going mad with SENIORITIS!!!!! WAHHHHH!!!!

Also seems like I'm becoming disgusted with everyone and everything lately...
Pimp, you are so lucky! Fried food is AWESOME!

Mom is making her DEEEELICIOUS spaghetti sauce! :drool:
I hate it when I have nothing to do.....I am sooooo bored!!!!
Don't sleep or You will freeze :nod:
Better start reading a book or something before I become illiterate...

Tomorrow was originally supposed to be a day off for us, but NOO... we have to come to school tomorrow to make up some time for that mercury spill back in December! We're going to be the only school in the entire city in session! Then we have to go an extra hour until the 31st! WAHH!!
I do not know how I was living without snowboard before ...
I've noticed an increase in girls buttcracks showing at school.....like it's such a chore to tighten a belt.