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sigh...I always seem to have the worst time sleeping the nights before I gotta wake up early. Why is that?
My back is still sore from falling off the slide. Err.. I mean stacking after rollerblading down it... ahh, same thing.

I'm so happy happy happy... I'm stoked stoked stoked. I got to see my boi today and yay its our 6 month anniv today yay. :bgrin:

Happy Natty. :D
Why can't I focus on this project? I always end up cleaning when this happens :)
Am I the only person with two jobs and only one client? I feel that way sometimes. **** THE WEATHER!!!!
Mire Aelin

So if you really read this, then you'll know. It's okay. Just don't bother me again. I'm happy now, as I'm sure you've worked out. It's been ten months with Paul & nothing is gonna come between us. And you're right, that email did make me uncomfortable.
I don't know what it is about Bertucci's but they got some REALLY good Italian food. So now everytime I smell oregano I get this need to eat at that restaurant. I LOVE their Shrimp Basilico with a little oregano. It's just AWESOME!!! Now I'm craving it!






Why not try putting a cool rag on your head. maybe that'll help?

Why must my computer slow down so much whenever I want to listen to music? tad annoying...just a tad.

heheh site's looking good ;)
:D :D Sweetness a need board for my sweet, sweet adiction lol

Do I need to be special and have lots a posts to have an av yeah? XP
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Originally posted by Alien
holy crap... i hate these stupid spiders...

hey! watch who yer talking to buster :D

work sucked so bad tonight. i can't believe how bad it sucked. ****. glad to be home.