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Raspberry Pi


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My Raspberry Pi is here! If you aren't familiar with what a Raspberry Pi is, it's a computer the size of a credit card. It uses an ARM processor, has 256mb or RAM, an Ethernet port, 2 USB ports, RCA Video and HDMI out, and an SD Card slot for storage/bootable OS. This little thing is capable of playing BluRay quality video!
Here is a link to their website: http://www.raspberrypi.org/

I signed up on their waiting list March 3rd. After many "update" emails, I was finally able to order one on May 22nd. Finally on Wednesday it arrived, without any indication that it had even been shipped out. Because they needed my signature, since it came from the UK, they were able to deliver it to my work, instead of at home!

Here it is ready to be opened up!

Always read the instruction manuals! lol

After getting a micro USB power cable, and an SD Card, it was up and running!

It's running Debian "Squeeze"


And finally... It's new home! :)

Here is the original LEGO case idea I used to build it from. I tried to build it a little stronger than they did, but I was running out of pieces towards the end.

I'm not sure what I'll be using it for yet, but I just had to have one! I'm sure I'll come up with something soon!

That's pretty sweet @dhoppas!
Weird setup as far as ordering and shipping, I wonder how long it'll take before they get caught up on back orders.
I'd like one but I'd had to wait several months for one. :hot:

Until then we'll just have to live through your pi..lol
I have a flip camera if you want to get some video sometime and what you can do with it.
I want one too, but I don't want to wait 6 months to get it.
Maybe I'll just go over to @dhoppas house and check his out :D
@dhoppas I'm tempted to buy one just for the sheer hell of it. The novelty almost, and it's quite cheap for what it is.

What do you use it for? Is it, as it says, good for HD videos and such? For example, could I use it to stream netflix to my TV perhaps? :)
I really haven't used it a whole lot. I just had to have one though. Lol. First thing I did was make it an iTunes media server. Then I turned it into an xbmc machine. I've found another project for it that I plan on working on either tonight or tomorrow night, that ill post when i finish!
@Mikey also, because of the devices limitations, there isn't any flash support, so no Youtube streaming or anything like that. At least not yet. Not sure about Netflix.
I want one of these LOL.. I can already see the ummmmm STUFF that could be done with it :p
@Mikey also, because of the devices limitations, there isn't any flash support, so no Youtube streaming or anything like that. At least not yet. Not sure about Netflix.


What video drivers do you use? Xorg or proprietary?

Low-spec hardware often needs proprietary video drivers. Also, the only good Flash version for Linux is included in the Chrome browser (NOT Chromium). Not sure if Broadcom (Pi's GPU's company) has proprietary drivers for ARM on Linux, or if the Xorg driver for Broadcom chips is any good.

I use a machine with Atom CPU (dualcore w/ HT, i.e. 4 logical cpus), and performance is rather slow with some things ... Pi's ARM CPU probably has similar issues ...

Unfortunately, Flash still requires a lot of CPU power, even if hardware accelerated.
I keep looking at getting one of these, very tempted.
I got an On-The-Go cable in the mail yesterday. Now I have the Nexus7 mirrored using the raspberry pi, and am using my wireless Xbox controller with the cable and Microsoft's wireless receiver!


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I got an On-The-Go cable in the mail yesterday. Now I have the Nexus7 mirrored using the raspberry pi, and am using my wireless Xbox controller with the cable and Microsoft's wireless receiver!
Are you going to get the 2nd version of the pi with more ram?
@Brandon I dunno, I would like to get the new one. It would be cool to cluster a few together. I have a few other gadgets in mind that I'd rather get though.