Jordan said:Though a natural process, we are helping speeding it up. However, we are still at the end of an ice age. This is a known fact. So things will heat up anyhow.
Science has shown otherwise though. Many studies point to the fact that we are not speeding anything up that we are no worse of then the last time this has happened. Though it has been shown that the science that does say we are speeding it up has been altered to give those results.
How is that wrong? A change is a change no matter what. If the bigger contributors help or not. If all the smaller contributors helped it ads up. However it will be people like you that will cause it not to happen. And it is also not just about changing the degrees in the weather. Its about keeping a healthy environment in general. You don't want to end up like china where you can't even breath do you?
It is wrong when you are not the cause of the problem. In reality science is not even sure we are the cause of the problem. Though if a .1 to .2 degree change is said by all to be a real insignificant change. That if China were to abide by the rule the change would be 3 to 5 degrees which helps more and makes a bigger impact? Our according to scientist on both sides of the fence agree that by doing this it will not matter much.
Alright now lets take your very little excuse into this. It will take millions if not billions of years for the sun to get big enough to not sustain life. The sun, yes is getting bigger but a t a very very very VERY slow rate. Just like the moon. The moon is getting farther away from earth each year. However, that is even moving faster than how fast the sun is getting
Ok let me ask you a question how do you know? How do you know how fast the rate the sun will expand will be? How do you know the sun won't throw off more heat in 100 years then it does today. How do you know the Sun won't expand 10 percent of it size in 50 years? You don't and neither does science. It was not an excuse really it was to prove a point. I doubt it is that either but my point is you don't know. Why don't we know? Because no one has lived to record it in history. The Sun could go Supernova tomorrow we don't know.
How does it not make since to focus on? I would rather live in a clean environment then some **** place like china where you can't breath. I would rather have drinkable water than have big corporations dilute and pollute it. If that means they get fined and and cost them billions of dollars to fix, then so be it. It was their fault to begin with for dumping **** in it.
Are we the one truly polluting this planet at this point in time. All the industrialized nations have made stride to help stop polluting the planet. You don't have drinkable water? Really now travel to China and drink their water. Or go to Costa Rica, Nicaragua and drink their water. Ours if far cleaner because we have learned what we were doing had an impact. It is not our turn to learn what impact our action have we have changed. It is not us polluting the planet like we were 30 to 40 years ago. Why? Because we learned that we need this planet.