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Rated M for Mature video games for kids?

Am I the only one more concerned about the heads being blown off and stuff more than the F-Bombs? :lol::lol:
DS13 just bought this with his birthday money. He loves it. DD14 plays too but she's more into Minecraft. We won't allow x-box live. DH works from home on the computer and we are wary of hackers. One of the neighbor boys, 15 years old, handed over private info and his computer was shut down within 10 seconds (according to the parents) and money was stolen from their bank account. His reasoning was that the other person sounded like a little kid so he didn't see the harm. That's what scares me.
Am I the only one more concerned about the heads being blown off and stuff more than the F-Bombs? :lol::lol:

Oh don't get me wrong, that concerns me too but frankly I haven't seen it so I don't know exactly how it is..........I'm not a game person. I'm guessing I would be horrified no?

He plays hunter/ shooting games at Chuck E. Cheese..............that's about all I know. :9:
My husband doesn't have the game, but when I asked him if a 12 year old should play it he immediately said no, b/c there was realistic killing it it and it is rated M for mature.

I would go for no too as I see some of the games that DH plays and I don't even like him playing them.
Did Rebecca win a lottery and not let the rest of us know?

Uh..........NO!!! Cookiemom must be snorting powdered sugar or sumptin.
Find some of my threads from over the summer and find out just how bad that can be

That is exactly my point! I worry more about the ipods with wifi than this stuff. The worst thing my kids have ever gotten caught saying was calling each other **** bags. And they heard that from Family Guy. So there was quite a long time before they were allowed to watch that again. They had no idea what they were saying and almost threw up when we explained what it was....
Am I the only one more concerned about the heads being blown off and stuff more than the F-Bombs? :lol::lol:

that is exactly what bothers me about them--sadly the F-bombs come from my mouth
DS13 just bought this with his birthday money. He loves it. DD14 plays too but she's more into Minecraft. We won't allow x-box live. DH works from home on the computer and we are wary of hackers. One of the neighbor boys, 15 years old, handed over private info and his computer was shut down within 10 seconds (according to the parents) and money was stolen from their bank account. His reasoning was that the other person sounded like a little kid so he didn't see the harm. That's what scares me.

I am SO SICK of minecraft ugh--I have grounded my ds from it more then once--it is his crack

My DS 13 plays them too..He doesn't really care about the swears ,he just likes getting to the next level.. My kids have heard worst at school and on the bus.. If they don't play it at home they will play it at their friends . I would rent it first and go from there .
My ds12 wanted to play MW too, but my dh stood his ground and said no to that. We do let him play the "T" rated games on ps3, and his current favorite is "Uncharted 3", rated T. It is rated T for blood, language, violence, but it's nowhere near as bad as MW. If your ds12 is like my ds12, batman, as good as the ratings might be, would probably be a disappointment. He wants the shoot em up games like his friends. We just let him play the T-rated games this year, and my dh is still hesitant with some T-rated games. Uncharted 3 is new for this year, maybe that could be a compromise for your ds.
My DS doesn't have any of those games...well he has a Xbox 360, but he has been punished from it for 95% of the time he has had it...but I have seen them played and they are very very very lifelike. Not like when we useto kills the alien with atari. I know that like kathy said at this age (15 for mine, not feeeling it for the 12 year old at all) he will play it somewhere if not here. I simply would say no playing it around the DDs
If you are a fuddy duddy, I am Mother Theresa incarnate.

My children do not watch M games or R movies either. Not at our home, not at others. My children's friend's parents are like me. When we do a play date, we discuss what the kids can and cannot do or watch. These games and situations are not even appropriate for me and I'm an adult. I don't desire to watch people blow each other's heads off for fun. Thanks but no. My kids don't need to, either.

I don't fall into the belief of let them do what they want or they'll do it at someone else's house. That's not the kids I've raised. You have to know you're children's friends AND their parents.
UPDATE: I AM SO PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!! DH let DS get Modern Warfare today!!! I told him I thought I made it very clear that I do not want him to be playing those games. He said he doesn't think it's a big deal. So yeah, he TOTALLY went against me!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ranting:
Now might be just the right time to get that second pooch he was against.

Just sayin'. :lol: