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:terrified Girls aged 10 are taking the Pill :terrified

Girls as young as 10 are being prescribed the contraceptive pill, it has been revealed.

Researchers at the University of Aberdeen found 23 girls under 13 had been given the Pill - two were under 10 years old.

They looked at data from GP practices and family planning clinics in Scotland.

The study in Archives of Disease in Childhood prompted claims that doctors may be breaking the law.


The British Medical Association and the General Medical Council tell doctors girls of any age can be given the pill as long as they are thought to be mature enough.

However, in Scotland, having sex with a child aged under 13 is classified as statutory rape.

And if girls under 13 are prescribed the Pill, doctors are expected to report it to the police or a social worker.

But it is not known whether this happened in the 23 cases in the study by Professor Peter Helms and Dr James McLay.

A total of 1,376 girls under 16 were prescribed the oral contraceptive.

Dr McLay said: "One of the worries we have is that people who are under 13 on the oral contraceptive should be reported to social workers because they are being subjected to rape."

But the researchers said that the overall rate of oral contraceptive use among girls aged 10 to 16 remained low, despite the medical and social concerns about the sexual health of teenagers.

They pointed out that the UK has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Western Europe.

10 year olds being prescribed the pill, what is the world comming to ? :terrified
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sorry :'( u ddnt need to put that on both my threads, i can read
I would have liked to read the article, but if this is true, what can I say, other than it disgusts me.
yea its all true, tis rather sick and frightening i think
Dude. Would you rather the girls have babies at 10 years old? You can't stop them from having sex, so you might as well give them bc. Additionally, bc isn't always used as bc - think acne tretment or regulating periods.
mthrlangl said:
Dude. Would you rather the girls have babies at 10 years old? You can't stop them from having sex, so you might as well give them bc.

Sorry, I could not disagree any stronger! If they are being prescribed for medical reasons, that is one thing, but for birth control, hell, using that logic, you might as well give them a shot of burbon, and a joint, since we can't stop them drinking or doing drug either!
goingnova said:
Sorry, I could not disagree any stronger! If they are being prescribed for medical reasons, that is one thing, but for birth control, hell, using that logic, you might as well give them a shot of burbon, and a joint, since we can't stop them drinking or doing drug either!

You're right. You can't stop them from drinking or doing drugs, but it's pretty darn illegal to give those things to kids. To the best of my knowledge, it's not illegal to give kids birth control.

That's like saying giving teenagers condoms will make them run out and have sex. If they're already having sex, you might as well give them a way to protect themselves.

It's the parents' job to teach their 10 year olds why it's not a good idea to have sex so young; it's the doctor's job to take care of the 10 year old in the best way he can. No, I'm not saying the kids should be going out and having sex. I think it's a very bad idea, myself, but I would rather a kid be on birth control than have a baby she can't take care of.
i'm not saying i disagree, but giving them birth control is not quite like giving them bourbon or a joint, it's more like giving them a shot glass or a bong, i'd think....
I don't think kids that young should be having sex, but if they already are, it's better to give them some type of protection, whether it's the pill or condoms, than a 10 year old girl having a baby when she herself is only a child.
If a kid is already having sex at 10 years old, they most likely weren't guided correctly by parents on why it's not a good idea to do that at such a young age. But if they already are having sex, giving them protection is a lot better than really young girl having a baby.
monsieurjohn said:
i'm not saying i disagree, but giving them birth control is not quite like giving them bourbon or a joint, it's more like giving them a shot glass or a bong, i'd think....

It's nothing like that. The doctors are in no way enabling these kids to go out and have sex. They're having sex. They've learned how to do it somewhere. The doctors are giving them a way to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies.

You say it's like giving a kid heroin. I say it's like giving them methadone (or whatever the current rehab drug of choice is) - it's not really a good thing, but it's a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: If we don't educate our children - at home, at school, wherever - this is what we're going to face. Ten year olds having sex and probably babies.

And this is where I stop, otherwise, I'm going to wind up going into a whole rant on why teaching abstinence only is a Very Bad Thing.
mthrlangl said:
It's nothing like that. The doctors are in no way enabling these kids to go out and have sex. They're having sex. They've learned how to do it somewhere. The doctors are giving them a way to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies.

You can't tell a kid, "Don't do this, but if you do, here, use this!", because if you do, you ARE condoning it, whether you want to believe it or not. Educate them, yes, but don't enable them. There is a difference. Putting them on birth control or handing them condems IS akin to telling them it is ok to do it.

Also, as the article points out in the very last line, you are essentially allowing statutory rape by allowing a girl at the age of ten to engage in sexual relations. The answer is not "Oh well, she is having sex anyway", but rather it should be "My GOD this pour child is having sex, it's statutory rape, and we have to stop it"!

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I have mixed emotions about this one... On one hand, I hear what Mthy is saying, but from a medical standpoint...

A 10 y/o on the pill? Many 10 y/os do not even have a cycle yet, and if they do, it is surely NOT regular. A pill sometimes is given to regulate a cycle but is not recommended to people who have a newly started cycle b/c it needs time to regulate naturally as a person's hormones are "doing their job" in a natural fashion.

I don't like the idea of putting all of those hormones into a child's body. The pill has side effects as well. I am sure the test subjects during the pill testing trials were never 10 y/o so how do we know the effects on a young child's body? So I think the line needs to be drawn here, it seems almost criminal to me to give a CHILD a drug such as this.