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hey you guys, i live in a college dorm and i am tired of cafeteria and fast food. i want some home cooking. do you guys have any good recipies that you care to share?? i know there are already a few in the "food" post for mac and cheese. any others??


...Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find... Oh Yeah!!
it's not really 'home cookin' but it's something quick and good (if you don't mind possibly having a heart attack
you simply goto wendys
buy a potato and chili
put butter on the potato, then chili, then sour cream
mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm
good stuff
when i'm in the dorm i just make soup, mac&cheese, flavored rice, spaghetti, and buy stuff from deli's to stick in the fridge
It is hard in the dorms to make food that requires prep because you obviously do not have much access to an expansive kitchen. When I lived in the dorms, I kept things like deli cold cuts and stuff around for sandwiches. IF you have a microwave, however, you can make a fritatta. This is a good recipe because it keeps well, too, in those tiny dorm fridges.
4 eggs
1/2 c. cottage cheese
2 tbsp. milk
1/2 chopped tomato
1/2 chopped green pepper
1/4 c. chopped onion
1/4 c. cheddar cheese
salt and pepper
a little ham if you want
You just mix all of this together, put it into a microwave-safe pan sprayed with Pam, and microwave until set. It is really good and it's also pretty low in fat. Happy dining.
hey billsmiley: i'll look thru my stash of delectible recipe treasures and post a few tasty treats here for ya within a day or two, but for now, here's what i made for dinner tonite. it's called shepard's pie. there are different variations on it, i suppose, but this is how i always make it:

1 lb. ground beef, browned and drained of fat
1 12 oz. jar brown gravy
1 8 oz. package cheddar cheese
instant mashed potatoes (make enuf for four servings)
1 12 oz. jar baby carrots, drained

put the cooked ground beef at the bottom of a 13 x 9" baking pan, then add carrots. pour gravy evenly over the top of these, then put the mashed potatoes on top and smooth them out. lastly, put your cheese on top and bake at 350 uncovered for about 1/2 hour.


"it's easier to stay out than get out"

[Edited by spidergoolash @ May 10, 2000 (edited 1 time)]
When I was in college we actually had a decent kitchen. And it was, of all things, in an all-guys dorm. Not that I ever used it, but here's a recipe that's fairly easy to make and can feed you for a week or feed you and about 4 friends for a night. You'll need:
1 10 pack of burrito-size tortillas
1 small package of cheese (I forget the exact size, but it should be the smallest they have at Albertson's) either Pepperjack or Cheddar, depends on your taste
1 bottle of mild/medium enchilada sauce
1 can of refried beans
1 8" pan to cook these in (use a glass one if available)

Preheat the oven to 350. Grate the cheese (or buy pre-grated). Spread out a little space though, since you'll need it. Apply the beans to the tortillas, but make sure you have enough for all of them. Add in enough cheese to cover the beans thinly. Cover the bottom of the pan with some of the sauce, preferrably enough to keep the enchiladas from sticking too much. Fold the tortilla shells in at the ends, then fold into thirds (hopefully you can visualize this
). Place the now-folded tortillas into the pan. Pour more of the sauce on top of the enchiladas (depends on how much you like, I usually use 3/4's of one of the tall skinny bottles). Then add the rest of the cheese on top. Pop it into the oven for 20-25 minutes or until cheese is melted all the way. I usually cook until I can smell it (preferrably not burning though). Don't try this method if you're congested...
Overall prep time: 20 minutes
Overall cost: Shouldn't run you more than $10 to $12. Now that's pretty reasonable in my book.
thanks you guys. you rock!! i will try some out. please continue to post as many as you have, or want to post. i really liked the one for enchilladas. thanks again and dont stop posting.


...Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find... Oh Yeah!!
Here's an easy one. You'll need an 8" shallow baking pan (maybe the same one you use for enchiladas?), 1 chicken breast, 1-2 cups of egg noodles, and 1 can of cream of mushroom soup. This is total bachelor food, but man it's good. Oh yeah, you'll also need some salt and pepper and about a tablespoon of thyme. Take the chicken breast and sprinkle some salt and pepper on it, then put the thyme on. Rub it in if possible. Preheat your oven to 350, then open the soup and pour it into the baking pan. Mix in the water, if necessary, then put in your chicken breast. Pop that in the stove. It will take about an hour to be ready. Go watch some TV or something. When 40 minutes are up, get the egg noodles ready by boiling them in some water. As an alternate, you could just toss the noodles dry into the dish with the chicken breast. I have never tried this, but it worked fine by the same method with some homemade mac and cheese. In other words, you might want to stick to boiling the noodles. When the noodles are softened to your liking, pop 'em on a plate, then just put the chicken breast and soup on top. Like I said, total bachelor food, but it's easy and filling. Let me know what you have access to cooking-wise and I'll get some other recipes for ya. Also, a book I would highly recommend is one called "Help, my apartment has a kitchen." It can be found at Amazon.
Here's an easy one for you: Garlic Pretzel Crusted Chicken.
Basically, you prepare it the same way you would regular breaded chicken cutlets, except instead of bread crumbs, you take bite size pretzels and throw them in a blender. Grind them up really finely, throw in some chopped garlic and use the mixture to coat the chicken.
Normally, you can just wash the cutlet in an egg bath, but if you're health conscious, just coat the cutlet with the pretzel crumbs right after rinsing with cold water.

You can either fry the cutlets, or bake them (again, more health conscious).
Before serving, brush them with some melted butter, or squeeze some fresh lemon juice over them (healthier). Don't do both, since dairy and lemon juice don't mix well.

From another BBS:
"hmm... Cyrix III, huh? You can put syrup on sh*t, but that don't make it pancakes."
hey torvus,

i have access to any facilities. i have a stove and oven and microwave in the dorm, plus i can goto my girlfriend's house and have access to a full kitchen. so anything that you can put up would be wonderful. thanks.

...Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find... Oh Yeah!!
Hey, I got one:

2 Polsa Kielbasa Sausages
4 Regular Brown Potatoes
1/2 Brown Onion
1 Whole Garlic (mashed up if you like)
Italian Sesoning
Mustard Seed
and Whatever else you want to add. (to fit your taste)

Just Brown the chopped up oniions, with the mustard seed. Then add in your chopped up sausages, with most of your other spices. After the sausages have been fairly cooked, add in your potatoes with maybe some garlic salt. Let the whole thing simmer in it's own juices for about 5-10 min. Serv it up and Enjoy!


"Gecko-In-A-Can... It's mmmm-mmmm good!"