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Hey guys, it's me again. Lauren, the self appointed love Guru who keeps posting things about relationships. Here you go! :p


What do you think when you hear, or read, the word Relationships?

Boyfriends? Girlfriends? Husbands? Wives?

Friends? Family?

Relationships are a very important part of human life and in my opinion always will be, ever-growing in importance. Of course, you don?t need me to tell you how important relationships are and how they?ve become a common goal among young people.

The main inspiration for this particular post is currently Bridget Jones?s Diary. Now I understand that this is a RomCom so I can?t honestly tell you that I?m receiving romantically serious information. I am hysterically crying like the female I am. However, that?s just a product of relationships.

I am quite certain that each and every relationship is far too unique for me to cover. So I will not be attempting to cover relationships as a whole.

Mainly I wanted to assure you all that no matter what you will always have relationships with people. Your family, your friends and maybe a partner too.

Sometimes I feel that people get way too caught up in relationships and make it something that they need to be happy. That, I can say with confidence, is not a healthy attribute in a boyfriend or girlfriend. Too many people will get into relationships just for the sake of it which will always lead to hurt feelings. There?s a well-known phrase or saying along the lines of, ? You should try to become happy with yourself before trying to make someone else happy?.

It?s always great that you can find someone who makes you happy, such as in my circumstance, but you shouldn?t allow a single person to be your only source of happiness.

Relationships will make you happy, make you smile, make you cry and make you angry but in the end, you need to find the person whose worth it all.


Kirk here. According to my girlfriend I?ve gotta write about this soppy stuff as well because, apparently, I like it too.

So, relationships. Personally, I never thought I?d be in one. Why? Well, firstly because I?d never met a girl prior to Lauren I could actually talk to properly and have an intelligent conversation with. Most girls were either disinterested in me or were otherwise pre-occupied with their desires to talk to or to be with other men. Secondly, because I?m negative and the thought of happiness is not a familiar feeling. Thirdly, because I prefer my own company most of the time. Lastly, because I?m an incredibly sarcastic person and most people don?t understand my sense of humour. Also, chipmunks.

Okay, so in all seriousness now; relationships, in my opinion, are a core part of human development. To explain the pros and cons of relationships is hard because each relationship is unique, and what each individual receives and/or learns from a relationship is so diverse that to sum it all up would be impossible. Generally though, without them we as a society and as individuals would fail to learn about and understand each other. We?d fail to develop our communication skills with others, and we?d fail to develop and appreciate basic characteristics such as kindness, compassion and generosity. It?s this development that helps us move forward together, and without it I feel that very little would be accomplished.

Being in a relationship has not only improved my life significantly over the past ten months, but it has also helped me to learn about myself and the qualities I possess as an individual. I have been much happier and far more confident in myself and my future, I have developed new interests, and I have developed a deeper understanding of and appreciation for companionship/ These new developments in my life have also helped improve the relationships I have with my friends and family, and all-in-all I?ve become a better person because of it. Unfortunately, I haven?t yet been able to use these new experiences to form new friends, but when the time comes I hope the beginning of such relationships will have far more stable beginnings.

With all that said; relationship?s are not the sole provider of happiness as society has led people to believe. Whether it be with a romantic partner, a friend, or a family member; relationships are simply one of many ways for an individual to develop as a person, and for all intents and purposes the lack of a relationship should not be used as an excuse to not make changes to ones lifestyle or behaviour, as a lot people choose to do. Of course, far be it from me to suggest how people should consider their relationships, as I?m certainly no master of the subject and I definitely don?t have the experience to form a thoroughly educated opinion; for the most part, however, I?d like to think my views are honest and accurate, and that many would benefit from following a similar mindset .In short; I believe relationships should complement your life, not make it, a lesson which hopefully more and more people will begin to recognise as the years go by.

Thank you for reading.​
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Very interesting article, I really like how much thought has gone into this. Amazing work guys I really enjoyed reading this. I hope you make more articles Lauren =)
On few - very few occasions - I see something on the web and think wow got to copy paste this and keep it.

This is one of these times - so good -