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Removal of Hotbar


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I downloaded Hotbar on my computer about a year ago. I deleted it, but still have a few things left on my computer. One of them is listed in my IE bar under view then tools. Does anyone know how to get rid of crap like that? It isn't creating any problem, it's just very annoying and it makes me think that there may be other stuff hiding around somewhere to. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! ;)
Well, I know that what im going to suggest isnt the most orthadox way of doing things, but I do have my own way sometimes, and it might work.

One option to get rid of the thing on the tools menu is to go to find in the start menu, and search for what it is you want to delete. Also a good way to get rid of spy ware is to get ad-aware and run that. It will find all known spy ware programs and help you to get rid of the little buggers. Im sure that Dan will have some more orthadox, and possibly better ways to handle your little problem, but there is something to start with.
Thanks for the tip on ad-aware Prox, I think I will look for that and give that a try. It doesn't do any good to type what I am looking for in Find, I have tried that before. I know my computer pretty good and I have looked almost everywhere and cannot find the stuff that I want to take off. Thanks again, I am off to find ad-aware!!
:) :)
Chances are that those kind of annoyances are hidden deeply in the Registry. As I've never used Hotbar, and from reading your post I now know why, I can't help with specifics.

What I can suggest is a few different options.
Although probably not recommended, you could scour your Registry for references to the leftover pieces that are annoying you, and delete them. One important note: if you don't know how to do what I'm suggesting, or you're not comfortable poking through the Registry, then DON'T!!!

Another option, if you're willing to spend a couple bucks, is to get a program like Norton CleanSweep, or something similar, that will hunt down orphaned files and Registry entries for you, and suggest which can be deleted. It will then delete them and back them up so if something got mistakenly deleted, it can be restored.

My only other recommendation is to not install software like this, as it's a great way to muck up your system.
hotbar removal

I know your posting was from a year ago so maybe you have this problem resolved. Just in case you don't.... to remove hotbar go to this link http://hotbar.com/HelpDesk/Faq/Main.htm and there is a hotbar removal tool courtesy of hotbar. I had hotbar, I used the tool. It works great. If you have your problem solved then maybe someone else will be helped by this.