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Reported Posts and Infractions

Dan Hutter

aka Big Dan
PF Member
Reaction score
New York
I've been toying with an idea for sometime even on ODJT but haven't been brave enough to implement it. It would shine some (IMO) much needed light on the backstage workings of our board though.

When someone reports a post or receives an infraction a thread is created with the pertinent information in the moderators forum which is hidden to members.

What if I were to make that forum viewable by members but only allow replies from staff members? This way you can all see what we're doing so that there isn't so much (unintended) secrecy behind why the moderators do what the moderators do.

The only downside is reported posts are traditionally private and experienced forumers expect them to be. I can add a disclaimer to the reported post form to call member's attention to it so that's not much of a problem other than it deviates from the norm.

Of course my private message and emails would still be open for more sensitive issues in which case I'd report the post on their behalf.

What do you all think?
I am down for it, I think it would be fun to see who reports the most.

Doesn't matter one way or the other since any input from the members will be a moot point on the outcome anyway.

I simply leave it at the fact that I trust you and the moderators to be fair and that is good enough.
I think this would eliminate the effectiveness of the reporting system as those reporting a post and their reasons majority of the time do not want that to be public
I don't know if would be a positive addition or not, and it has no effect on me one way or the other. However, I can also see Lone's point of view. People who would prefer to report anonymously would be compromised, and so may not do so.

From my own point of view, I think that I've made it evident that any disagreement I have with another poster will be addressed on the forum. No need to "report" anyone if I speak my mind out in the open.
I have looked at you appointing Lone to be a moderator as a sincere attempt to even things up a bit as far as the perception that the moderators used to be "all on one side." For me, I decided to put aside the perceived slights or unfairnesses of the past and give this forum a fresh chance. I don't feel a need to be in on the inner workings because you have pretty much layed down the rules and we all know what to follow.

I fear that showing who reported what and the discussion that followed would just perpetuate more drama. I think PM is a better way to handle explaining yourself if someone has a problem--unless what you are saying is you are spending all day explaining and want to expedite things by just saying it once. If that is the case, I would hope we wouldn't get too petty on the he said, she said game and give this forum a chance to work.
I understand Lone's reason, but I think if we could see who was reporting all the time, we might see its probably the same people over and over.
Open it up, even the pvt forums for the general public,( your customers, and venue owners), let there be light, and perhaps the tone of this place will soften a bit.

As far as wanting to be anonymous, its easy to complain or report when no one knows who did it, but when its made it known that you did the reporting, I have a feeling that issues will be less and less.

Pony up and put your stamp on what you say and do here.

"say what you mean, mean what you say"
Thanks Folks I'm just kicking around ideas here. :) I do Lone's point though perhaps it would mean less work for me if people aren't willing to stamp their name on it as russsh pointed out. :D
as I see it there are positve points to be had on both sides of the issue...do whatever you decide...personally I think the mods decisions are enough:rolleyespill:
I have looked at you appointing Lone to be a moderator as a sincere attempt to even things up a bit as far as the perception that the moderators used to be "all on one side." .

I would like to re-iterate my feeling that Lone was and is an excellent choice, and has been open-minded in his posts.

Not bad fer one o' them thar "other-siders"....:laughpill::winkpill:
I think that reasoning behind reporting someone shouldn't be posted for everyone to see as they probably don't want it to be seen. Maybe just make it so that everyone can see who's reported who but not why. Or why not just put another button up for when someone reports someone else asking if they would like it to be public or private.