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Right To Bear Arms


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Does the 2nd Amendment to the US constitution:

(A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed)

Give people a right to buy and own guns with little or no control over them??

What is your opinion??

*This is one of two test threads*
Yeah I guess but then again. I'm australian and we dont have your silly constitution.
........ I think you should be able to own a gun a have it in your house for protection. One night my cousin woke up and heard something being dragged in his living room. He got a bat and went to see what was going on. Some guy was dragging his TV out the front door!! The burglar shot my cousin 3 times and put him in his shower. The naihbors heard the gun shots and called the cops. My cousin survived but I think this could have been prevented if he had a gun!!

@Doesy- what are the laws for gun control in australia?

@LSDuce- explain your statement!!
Originally posted by Evan
The burglar shot my cousin 3 times and put him in his shower. The naihbors heard the gun shots and called the cops. My cousin survived but I think this could have been prevented if he had a gun!!
Maybe, but the situation could have also been prevented if the burglar didn't have a gun... catch my drift?

I've never fully understood why Americans have had the right to bear arms. What are we, insecure? If it's a crime for a man to kill another man without a valid reason, there should be no reason for any American to possess a gun. Period.
Guns come from a very long ways,that what made this country free in the first place.One reason why that admendment stand,I guess to honor men who served the right to own one.

But that was than,and whole lot of things change.I dont think that should stand,you hear more stories on the news about gang-related shootings,robberies,and killings more than protecting.
Australians basically can't get a gun now days. The government passed gun laws in 1996 and took away as many guns as they could. I think there's some special licence you can get... maybe... I dunno. I think armed robbery went up somewhat after the laws and burglary went down.
I've got a gun in almost every ****ing room in my house. I have my dads old police Glock under my bed... I dare some burglar to break into my bedroom with me in it... he'll get a face full of 33 milimeter holes. Biatch. guns=protection
Back in the day you could own a gun for the hell of it, but now its alot harder. You have to go through 2 background checks, register your gun, keep it unloaded, and your not aloud to carry it. Now that is a legal gun. For illegal- No background check (You can buy them on the street or sometimes even in some stores) Dont register your gun (so you can get away with murder) You keep it loaded (Duh) And you carry it in your pocket (protection or robing someone)

I think it should be allowed for some people to have guns but they should go through background checks and take some gun control classes. People in texas and New Mexico CAN carry guns, and I think that is wrong.
it doesn't matter what the constitution says...we'll always keep guns in our pickups, shacks, and mobil homes
Originally posted by TyBO134
Maybe, but the situation could have also been prevented if the burglar didn't have a gun... catch my drift?

I've never fully understood why Americans have had the right to bear arms. What are we, insecure? If it's a crime for a man to kill another man without a valid reason, there should be no reason for any American to possess a gun. Period.

Tybo gets the extra browny points for that statement
Hhmm fire arms aren't legal here , they bloody may aswell be with all the converted replica guns going around .
A lot of people misunderstand the second amendment. The right to bear arms, and have freedom with them, also means the states have the right to do whatever they please to keep them under control.

For example - If a state declares that they will no longer permit the use of guns, or the ownership of them, they have every right to do so under the 2nd amendment.

If the 2nd amendment was looked at as it is by many people, there would be no constrictions to guns, and who owns them. This is why the majority, if not every state requires you to have a gun license, and shooting courses, along with a background check before allowing you to own a gun.

There is one thing, though... You can own a gun in your own home without having to own a license of any sort. You just can't have it outside of your house without the license, and if it's used in any other way than for your own protection the right to bear arms amendment is usually reprimanded.