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Ryan Leaf arrested

Something is seriously, I mean seriously, wrong with Ryan Leaf. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe our culture's habit of making near demi-gods of athletes and the huge sums of money they make erodes some players' sense of what is legally, ethically and morally correct.
Yeah this guy is on drugs and anyone who believes he is clean... eh scratch that, noboby believes he's cleaned up.

That's the bad thing about any addictive substance, be it legal (alcohol and many Rx drugs) or illegal (illicit drugs); even if you don't intend to get hooked (be it because you had to use a painkiller after being injured and got addicted or were simply experimenting with drugs as a teen), once the drug "grabs" you and you become accustomed to the highs, you're going to have a hard time weaning yourself off. So if Leaf is addicted to, say, Rx drugs like Vicodin, he is going to need a lot of drug rehab (and, sadly, many arrests) before he gets "clean." (That is, if he survives.)
How can this guy not stay out of trouble? I know it must be hard hearing you are the worst bust in NFL history, but seriously Ryan, GET IT TOGETHER.

His story just keeps getting worse and worse.
How can this guy not stay out of trouble? I know it must be hard hearing you are the worst bust in NFL history, but seriously Ryan, GET IT TOGETHER.

His story just keeps getting worse and worse.

I don't think his downward slide can be explained solely by constantly being reminded that he was once a Number One draft pick and that he subsequently flopped as a pro-football player. That's part of it, but I think there has to be some serious character flaws in Leaf to have caused him to act this way.
He relapsed. recovery isn't easy. He's still fighting those demons of his, even then he's sober. Feel for the guy.
Its a shame this guy could have been a steady QB. He really needs help, I knew brain wouldn't hurt.
He had all the gifts to be a great athlete and player in the NFL. I remember when it was debated on wether or not he would be drafted #1 overall over peyton manning. Now he is in and out of jail and one of the biggest busts in sports history.
He relapsed. recovery isn't easy. He's still fighting those demons of his, even then he's sober. Feel for the guy.

Yeah it's got to be crazy what's going on in his head. It's a shame that some people aren't able to get control of this stuff and it ruins their lives.
Still unbelievable that Leaf was right up there with Manning as a prospect at one point. Golden arm, but just was a headcase. His anger problems were well documented throughout his short lived career. That said, I always root for people to get their lives back on track.
Still unbelievable that Leaf was right up there with Manning as a prospect at one point. Golden arm, but just was a headcase. His anger problems were well documented throughout his short lived career. That said, I always root for people to get their lives back on track.

Yup he was really right up there with Manning. Had better perceived potential than Manning, but was the bigger risk, which proved to be true.
Leaf will do about 2 years in prison for this set back. He's on probation for his other troubles and because of that he will most certainly do some time. This may be a blessing in disguise for him. Regardless sports fans, doesn't matter who it is, we shouldn't kick a man when he's down. It's very easy for those who have never been addicted to something to wonder, "why does he keep repeating the same mistake?" But that's why we all have our own crosses to bear, and we all have our own challenges in life. Maybe he'll one day kick the habit, and maybe he won't.