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Sad anniversary for me


When we were walking to the car after Mass my Mom looked at me and asked "Why'd you wake me so soon?" :lol:

Not an exciting story, but it always makes me smile when I think about it.
Haha! That's funny/cute! My father died at age 60...but he was a very complicated soul. I don't recall if I ever mentioned specifics about him (I know I've mentioned his horrid hoarding, OCD, etc.) but he'd actually 'died' three previous times before dying 'for real' (if that makes sense).

He literally flat-lined three other times and was 'shocked' (with those paddles) back to life and even started down the infamous 'tunnel of light' once. He didn't want to discuss it at all but I was fascinated...finally all he would say/admit was that 'it wasn't a bad thing...I could sense relatives and they were telling me it wasn't time for me to be there/I had to go back'. I got the sense that it was a good, comforting place.

Anyway, you'd think he'd wake up and change (too complicated to bother going in to, lol). I think finally God said, 'Okay, John...you're not getting it. Just come on home.'. My sister and I envisioned him showing up in Heaven, giving Jesus one of those 'man hugs' and bringing a six-pack of O'Douls, lol.

It's really funny...things that he would do that used to irritate the heck out of me now make me laugh (and I'm even repeating a lot of them!).

Some examples:
He liked to go to 'Barnes & Chernobyl' (you probably have to be in your late 30's or so to remember this...a few weeks after my dad died, my husband referred to 'Barnes & Chernobyl'...I laughed and cried)

He was fond of saying, '$hit and two make eight. Therefore, $hit is six!'

He talked about 'mumbly pegs' a lot, lol...don't know what they are but it was so stupid that now I laugh.

Elfago Baca (he'd use this name for someone that was a PITA or moron...I often refer to Houseguest as Elfago now, lol! I guess Elfago was a lawman from New Mexico)

He would call me 'Mata Hari' when I came out of the shower with my hair in a towel, wrapped like a turban. I just searched and oh my! Mata Hari was a Dutch exotic dancer and prostitute and was killed in a firing squad for spying in World War I! (possibly innocent) She must have worn her hair in some sort of turban a lot, lol!

*sigh* Anyway, I hope no one minds my sharing my musings. It's funny how the 'bad' stuff gets quickly forgotten and the funny or quirky stuff becomes more sentimental.
Just thought I'd explain my new siggy pic.

Eleven years ago today my Mom passed away. She was diagnosed with lung cancer the day before Thanksgiving in 1998 and passed away a few weeks before Christmas in 1999. :pout: (Stupid **** doctor gave her the general diagnosis that day and told her there was more testing to be done to determine the course of treatment but that she should just have a Happy Thanksgiving and they'd deal with it after the holiday. Oh how I would have loved to smack him.)

Tomorrow is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. I like to go to the vigil Mass as a way to remember my Mom.

I am so sorry i have been away and missed this. ♥ my heart goes out to you.