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Mastermind Talker
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For most of you, at least. I've Been back for three weeks already. This is the thread to talk about classes, funny things that happened at your school, etc.

So what's everyone taking this year? This term, my schedule looks like this:

1st Period: Marine Biology
2nd: American History
3rd: Yearbook
4th: Executive Intern (Guidance)

Yeah, I got of easy this term, but next term I've got:

1st Period: English 3 AP
2nd: Spanish III
3rd: Yearbook IV
4th: Geometry

Yep...it won't be easy or fun next term, but, oh well.

So...what's everyone got this year?
School started August 19th for me. My school does blocked scheduling, so on day one, I have:

1.) Algebra II
2.) Physics of Technology
3.) Business Co-Op (Classroom)
4.) Business Co-Op (Working)

and on day two, I have:

1.) Geometry
2.) Economics
3.) English 12
4.) Business Co-Op (Working)

This is the toughest schedule I've had so far in school, and it's my senior year.
Well I'm goin' into 9th next year, and i've got:

2)English Honours
3)World Cultures Honours
4) Biology Honours
5) Computer Programming 1

And thats All I know for now =/
Block Scheduling? Bah...all year I got this:

1st - English III Honors (Should've taken AP :sidestare )
2nd - AP Computer Science (Java)
3rd - Precalculus Honors
4th - AP American History (Gah!!)
5th - Acting III
6th - Physics Honors I

I start Tuesday... I'm kind of eager actually. Here is my schedule for the first quarter:

1. Spanish
2. Geometry
3. Biology
4. World Studies

I've got a lot of core classes, but it shouldstill be pretty easy.
ziroi, don't worry about AP American History...it's pretty easy, at least where I'm from. You'll do just fine in it, I'm sure.
i hate history, so it would be really hard for me. this semester i'm only taking 4 classes, but two of them are 4 credit classes.

to elaborate: (skip if you know the college system)
i know high schools have classes with credit numbers, usually it's 2.5 or 3. in college, you progress from freshman to soph, soph to junior, etc by the number of credits you have. the more credits the class is, the harder it is and the more work it will have. classes are almost always between 1-4 credits. there are also levels of classes. 100 level is for freshman, 200 is for soph, etc up to 400. above that is usually for graduate students. usually students can take whatever level they want, but the higher you go, the harder it will be and the more prerequisites you will need to take it.

anyway! sorry, i felt a need to rant. my classes this semester are as follows:
- c programming
- calc
- world demography (some 400-level sociology class)
- 16th century northern euro art (crappy 300 level art history)

this semester is going to kick my ****
Oooooo C programming, I've been learning C++ for a few weeks now. its a lot of fun once you start to understand it. ^^ What School do you got GINA?
university of maryland in college park
Xilicon, I've discovered two kinds of people relating school subjects and what they comprehend easier. The "Math and Science" comprehenders and the "English and History" comprehenders in terms of how fast they can do that and how well. I understand Math and Science easier so it's a bigger challenge to understand History and English. But hey, I like challenges!

Then again, I took AP World, so I have some what of an understanding on what I'm getting into! :p
1) Lit Analysis
2) Pre-Calc
3) Study hall
4) PE
5) Comp prog (BASIC)
6) Lunch
7) Physics

Very easy schedule for my senior year.
Yeah, you do have a pretty easy schedule. Is Lit. Analysis your only English class this year? We're required to take British Literature too.
AP stat.
AP bio.
Allied Health
Directed Study
AP Lit.
Peer Counseling

Pretty easy. I was thinking maybe AP calc. and AP chem but that would of made it kind of hard.
That's just sem 1. I have to take another one semester class next semester, I don't remember which though.

And Sophomore year we did a lot of British stuff.
Just started high school this week classes are:

1 - Enriched Math
2 - Visual Arts
3 - Core French
4 - Canadian Geography
Peer counseling is basically like a teacher's assitant, a nothing class, something to do homework or other things you need to get done in.
I'm a TA in the guidance office. I like being there, but, the lady in charge of scheduling is a little bit evil. But, we get along, and that's all that matters.

Next semester they're letting me play in the front office, which'll be fun because I can use the intercom and stuff :D.