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Shame & Chocolate Bars

Would you buy a chocolate bar shaped like crap?

  • Absolutely. Without hesitation.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Would consider it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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highlandronin26 said:
^^ I personally like to heat my marshmellows up and stick blueberry's in them...YUMMY!

Different, but sounds like it could be good!
Venus said:
Yeah it's true... Man something must be wrong with me... I keep agreeing with Chris in the last 2 days!!! :p ;)

Do you have a fever Venus? You might have caught something.;) :D
Lil'Jeffery34 said:

Do you have a fever Venus? You might have caught something.;) :D

You know I was thinking the same thing at the time!!!! :p
spunkey monkey said:

recipe for smores?
graham crackers
choclate bar

take 1 graham cracker and stick a marshmellow on it put in the microwave for like 15 seconds add a piece of choclate bar and put the other graham cracker on top and eat

out doors
same thing just roast marshmellow on open fire

Thanks, Spunkey.....for the recipe!! :)

I know what it is, I just never had one......maybe I will try it, if I go camping this summer. I suppose you could do it on the BBQ as well?!?!
BabyBuddha said:

Thanks, Spunkey.....for the recipe!! :)

I know what it is, I just never had one......maybe I will try it, if I go camping this summer. I suppose you could do it on the BBQ as well?!?!

We might be going camping for Canada day weekend, if your interested you can come with us! ;)
Venus said:

We might be going camping for Canada day weekend, if your interested you can come with us! ;)

Canada Day???? I'm French Canadian and I never knew about this.
Why do you need to compare everything to the US???
Make it sound like we copied the idea off of the US.... I think most country have a set date that is a holiday to honor that country...
If it's the only way you will understand then yes, it's our version of the 4th of July!
That is what I meant, all countries have some form of day like that. I just don't know them don't have to take it so personally.
I didn't mean it like that... you know when you type something and someone else reads it, they interpret it like they think but it's not necessarily how it's meant to come out... Do you get what I am trying to say here?
July the 4th - when I fly the American flag proudly from my balcony and pipe patriotic American music over my loud speaker.

Canada day - when I wear every piece of clothing I own with the American symbols on them and parade around as a tourist so no one would mistake me for a bleeding Canadian.
You know sometimes you really piss me off Irish :angry5:... if you don't like being here in Canada, maybe you should just get the **** out, and go live in america! :cussing:
You know what I so knew you would bring the French into this...
Whatever... I am not even going to waste my time with you!!!
:nopity: I will mark my calendar so I will know that this time next month to tread softly, Venus. ;)