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Shampoo vs. Conditioner


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DD13 just came over to request a bottle of conditioner. :)giggles: because she asks because she knows I am anal about everything being lined up properly in the Health & Beauty closet.) 5 seconds later, panic struck- we have one bottle of conditioner. How is that possible when I always buy shampoo & the coordinating conditioner, and we have 10 bottles of shampoo???

What is wrong with my children that they are using more conditioner than shampoo?? Or is it me? I use way more shampoo than conditioner, I only use a tad little bit of conditioner. We all have long hair, so it's not that I have short hair & they have long hair. All 5 of us girls have just beyond shoulder length hair.
DD13 just came over to request a bottle of conditioner. :)giggles: because she asks because she knows I am anal about everything being lined up properly in the Health & Beauty closet.) 5 seconds later, panic struck- we have one bottle of conditioner. How is that possible when I always buy shampoo & the coordinating conditioner, and we have 10 bottles of shampoo???

What is wrong with my children that they are using more conditioner than shampoo?? Or is it me? I use way more shampoo than conditioner, I only use a tad little bit of conditioner. We all have long hair, so it's not that I have short hair & they have long hair. All 5 of us girls have just beyond shoulder length hair.

Yeah, I have that same problem....however, it's not the girls using it all the time (and all 4 of us have pretty long hair), it's DH! :lol: And DH is the one using more than a "quarter size", while we use nickel sized. He doesn't have that much hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We always go through more conditioner here too and there are 5 using shampoo and only 3 using the conditioner....I don't get it either.
Hmm, sounds like we need to swap. I always go through more shampoo than conditioner.
I don't even give my kids conditioner to use! They all have short hair, are boys and could care less. They use up the shampoo fast enough.

I go through the shampoo faster than the conditioner. I don't have to use much of either (short hair).

DH also blows through the shampoo quickly. I solve the conditioner problem by getting him Pert. Sometimes, when desperate, I make my own combined shampoo/conditioner. He doesn't notice.
Yup, it's strange indeed. DH doesn't use conditioner. I'm going to have to tell the kids to use a 'quarter sized dallop'- years ago the bottles said 'dime sized!' I guess the manufacturers have wised up. :lol:
I have watered the bottles down when the opportunity arises. Perhaps that will help out.
I use 2 conditioners to 1 shampoo. My hair is below my waist and thick. When I swim, I rinse and condition, no shampoo (don't want to dry it more).
We go through about 2 conditioners for 1 shampoo. I dont think DH uses conditioner every time and DSS is only here once in a while, so I guess the blame lies with me!
We also go through more conditioner than shampoo. Only have one child and she probably uses a handful of shampoo. Says needs her hair to be clean and smell good. No wonder why it takes her 20 minutes to shower.
We always go through 2 bottles of conditioners to one bottle of shampoo. Both of my DS have the shaggy hair and want it nice and soft, Dh doesn't really use the conditioner and I always use a lot.
We use more conditioner here, too. Sometimes I just condition dd's hair after swimming if she is swimming daily. Although, my kids do like to dump the shampoo into the bath water and make bubbles. That would be my seven year old. I usually hide the shampoo so he can't keep doing this. He and my 4 year old dd also seem to like to empty my hand soap bottles and fill them with water. I am threatening to take their money and go buy more hand soap for full price. I think that has made the 7 year old stop cause the memory of replacing a few items he recently broke is still fresh with him, but the 4 year old doesn't seem to be getting it.
Might change a bit while the 'do is now short, but I was going thru at least 3 bottles conditioner to shampoo, but I was growing to donate so I was very liberal to keep it in good shape. I did the Dove deal at wags and bought all conditioner and treatments, no shampoo. I have lots of hotel room shampoo and I always felt the conditioner ( last one on) counted more toward how your hair turned out with the exception of dandruff shampoo of course...
I use way more conditioner than shampoo and my 3 girls seem to be using the conditoner when they shave their leggs too..So I always buy more conditioner than shampoo..
I am really surprised how many people use more conditioner than shampoo! I guess I'll cut my girls some slack! (And start buying more conditioner than shampoo. ;) )