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oh lord help me I went to the dermatologist today and found out the
source of my excruciating pain is from me having shingles.
oh lord help me I went to the dermatologist today and found out the
source of my excruciating pain is from me having shingles.

Yikes! Did this just start? Because if it did you can be put on valtrix (sp). My mother gets them all the time and now she knows what they feel like and goes on the medication right away....it really helps.

So sorry you are going through this....hugs.
Oh nooo....I got shingles a few weeks after I had my last baby....It was worse pain than having a baby! I don't wish that on anyone! Good luck! Hopefully you caught it in time...
I'm sorry, that sux...I always thought only older people got shingles...never knew it could happen in your 30's or 40's. wow.
Here is the story. Last week I had a cough, I was coughing so hard I gave myself a migraine. On Wednesday the top of my head felt as though it was being stabbed with pins. I figured it was due to the coughing. On Thursday I noticed on the top of my forehead a rash red with bumps. showed it to my husband who agreed it did not look like acne. On Friday I was still in pain and it had moved to the bone on my head behind my ears. I had my neighbor who is a nurse look at it and she thought shingles but since I was complaining of pain on both sides though I may have had an allergic reaction to something. The pain moved in from of my ear and down my jaw on one side. I was literacy ready to rip my skin off. Oh and I thought I was getting pink eye because my one eye was in so much pain. So after i talked to my neighbor I decided I needed to see a dermatologist made an appointment for today because it was the soonest I could get in. They confirmed it was shingles. when i asked about the pain they said it was probably radiant pain as the rash did not cross the hemisphere. I left with a prescription for Valtrax for every 8 hours at 1000mg for 7 days. oh and now I have an appointment with an ophthalmologist on Thursday to check my eye because the shingle could do damage. UGH. The rash seems to be drying up and i feel dome crusting on my head but never seemed to have open sores that oozed that I saw. I feel like this seem to be a mild case although I could be wrong, however this is the worst pain ever. I wish this upon noone
bummer, I hear it is awful.
****, that is ****ING scary kijone! I ONLY see out of one eye...I hope to God I NEVER get this....can't afford to lose my eyesight...wow.
I had shingles when I was 30. I had this rash that was on my left shoulder. It was going on for a couple of days and i finally went to the ER. After the doctor checks me he comes back and says I have "herpes". I just about fainted.. Then he goes on to tell me it was shingles. My shoulder to this day still feels like it has lost some nerve sensation. Hope you get some relief!
I'm sorry, that sux...I always thought only older people got shingles...never knew it could happen in your 30's or 40's. wow.

I was at the peds doc with my son today and he said he has seen it in kids.
That would have to really suck.
yep happy 40th to me this year.

Funny thing is I was talking with the nurse and saying gee I though this was for older people and then i thought holy **** I am turning 40 this year. I guess I am getting old now.
****, that is ****ING scary kijone! I ONLY see out of one eye...I hope to God I NEVER get this....can't afford to lose my eyesight...wow.

yeah i think it usually is ok bot they have the doc check it just to be sure.
better safe than sorry.
I should add that just having shingles does not make you have to go to the doctor it is because of the shingles and the fact that my eye is in pain
I had shingles when I was 30. I had this rash that was on my left shoulder. It was going on for a couple of days and i finally went to the ER. After the doctor checks me he comes back and says I have "herpes". I just about fainted.. Then he goes on to tell me it was shingles. My shoulder to this day still feels like it has lost some nerve sensation. Hope you get some relief!

Sorry to hear that. They did tell me the pain can last for months after the rash is gone. And they did talk about sometimes having some longterm issues.

God I hope that is not the case
Sorry to hear that. They did tell me the pain can last for months after the rash is gone. And they did talk about sometimes having some longterm issues.

God I hope that is not the case

I had it on my back and it has never been the same. Ever since I have times where I getting shooting sciatic pains down my leg. It has lessened over the years. I have heard of people getting it on their face. Hope you feel better soon and have no lasting effects.
I am sorry! I had it about 3 years ago.....in my mouth of all places. Horribly painful. I had another flare-up a few months later, but otherwise nothing more. Thank God, cause I do not want that again! Hope ya feel better soon!
I was 30 when I got it.... It was on my forehead and top of the head also! Felt like someone was stabbing me! Everyone thought I was nuts!
I'm sorry, that sux...I always thought only older people got shingles...never knew it could happen in your 30's or 40's. wow.

My DS got shingles when he was 16....knew what it was right away. When you are run down and your immune system is in the toilet you can get it only if you had the chicken pox.
I am sorry! I had it about 3 years ago.....in my mouth of all places. Horribly painful. I had another flare-up a few months later, but otherwise nothing more. Thank God, cause I do not want that again! Hope ya feel better soon!

Oh my lord I can not even imagine. That would have to be an absolute nightmare. Hope you never get that again

I was 30 when I got it.... It was on my forehead and top of the head also! Felt like someone was stabbing me! Everyone thought I was nuts!

OMG this is exactly where I got it. I have had so much pain it is unbearable. felt exactly what you felt like someone was stabbing me. I also have other pains in my face and my eye is on fire. It really sucks

My DS got shingles when he was 16....knew what it was right away. When you are run down and your immune system is in the toilet you can get it only if you had the chicken pox.

Yes the physicians assisant that first saw me said it can come on from body stress. I believe the horrible cough i had where I was coughing so hard I was throwing up and gagging was enough stress and low immunity to give me this