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Should alcohol be illegal?


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I personally think it should. Nothing really good comes from drinking alcohol. It mainly causes damage to the consumer and to the people around them. Just in the US an estimated 88.000 deaths were caused by alcohol consumption, which was the third leading preventable death in the United State, according to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Not only were the death that high but also the negative impact alcohol had on the economy of the United States. In 2006 alcohol misuse costed the US $223.5 billion.

I'm not saying making alcohol illegal will solve all of this but at least it's a step in the right direction. People will still purchase it on the "black market" however it will be harder to obtain which would ultimately lead to less death and a smaller impact on the economy of the United States.
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To be frank I dont think alchohol should be illegal. As long as you are drinking in a limit that should not harm anyone. There are some people who drink and drink and drink, that's bad. But if you drink occasionally thats good like celebrations.
reddyash said:
To be frank I dont think alchohol should be illegal. As long as you are drinking in a limit that should not harm anyone. There are some people who drink and drink and drink, that's bad. But if you drink occasionally thats good like celebrations.

i agree with this
Countries make to much on the taxes so it will never be illegal, plus prohibition in the states is what made organized crime what it is.
It depends on the country and circumstances. Some people need alcohol for their body heat.
In my humble opinion making alcohol illegal will only make matters worse. People would still go out of their way to drink alcohol. Also, making alcohol illegal would make thousands of people jobless. If you've ever been to a brewing company and take the tour you will the work that they put into making alcohol, it's almost like art actually. I definitely support drinking and driving illegal. As far as banning alcohol altogether, I think that would make matters worse.
The US banned alcohol around 100 years ago. In fact, the anniversary of Prohibition is coming up soon. However, it was a massive failure - much like The War on Drugs. It was a time of people like Al Capone and speakeasies where people simply laughed at the law.
Alcohol is too established in most countries, and most countries have a drinking culture that stretches many hundred years back. Because of that, prohibition won't really be a success, as we love alcohol so much that we're always going to smuggle it in or make it ourselves, à la how it went down in the US.
Even though some people don't drink alcohol (I cannot anymore since my conversion), I don't think it should be illegal for the purposes above. We tried it years before and it didn't work out well then, nor would it now.
I don't think alcohol should be illegal. What must be done is, not allowing people who have a background in alcohol addiction to buy alcohol. There must be this type of card which allows people to purchase alcohol. It will work just like a driver's license. There'd be fines and warnings. It can also be revoked. Like, if you're caught drinking somewhere drinking is not allowed then, you'd receive punishment. If you drive under the influence then, another punishment. If you do a number of violations that will get your card revoked, then you won't be allowed to purchase alcohol. You get my point.
Illegal or should be banned?I don't think it should be illegal.I'm a beer drinker and I just drink beer in limited amount.
No, alcohol should not be illegal. Things that are illegal are even more attractive and it would probably not decrease the percentage of people drinking at all.

Besides that, we already have age restrictions and limits. In my country the legal drinking age is 18 and I think that is just right.

When you are an adult you should be able to drink responsibly. You should know your limits and when to stop.

I am personally not a heavy drinker because I just don't see the point. What does alcohol give you? A short relaxation then a huge hangover the next day.
Some countries find alcohol drinking ok. I it is fine as long as you know your limit. Drinking up to the point that you are wasted is a bad thing. That's where the problem begins. So drink right with families and friends and just enjoy.
I don't think that alcohol should be illegal but the laws about alcohol while driving should be harsher than are now because a lot of people are dying because of drivers who drink alcohol while driving their vehicle.
Nope. Alcohol for me shouldn't be illegal in general. We, people should only put limits on drinking them. There alcohols that's has health benefits as well that is helping others. In whatever case it is just drink moderately! Just drink the amount you can handle.
I dont think it should be illegal. So many otherwise law abiding people would start picking up criminal records for things like being caught with alcohol, etc.. and all the pubs would close lol. :p
The whole American prohibition thing was mostly caused by the US religious right and, well, though it sounds comical, the Ku Klux Klan. Anyway, it was a massive failure - and it probably caused the first pro-diversity movement in the US - mainly cause all the big city Mafia bosses started using Hollywood to counter small town extremism.

Anyhow, the question remains, was it a noble and good thing, the Prohibition? Well, it's my opinion that the people need to be changed before the government. In the 20s, the people liked to drink - so banning it was bound to be a waste of time. In fact, people liked to drink probably way more than people now like to do drugs.

I don't think alcohol should be illegal. What must be done is, not allowing people who have a background in alcohol addiction to buy alcohol. There must be this type of card which allows people to purchase alcohol. It will work just like a driver's license. There'd be fines and warnings. It can also be revoked. Like, if you're caught drinking somewhere drinking is not allowed then, you'd receive punishment. If you drive under the influence then, another punishment. If you do a number of violations that will get your card revoked, then you won't be allowed to purchase alcohol. You get my point.

No doubt drinking is highly dangerous behind the wheel and it causes spouse and child abuse. Nonetheless, I still feel it shouldn't be banned.
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