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Should college athletes be paid?

Not a salary but if you are good enough to be on the team you should be compensated with room and board and some part of tuition. Walk-ons will get less just like any other job or professional sport and then the highly recruited ones maybe get a single room in an apartment instead of a double.

And if they sign some autographs for a free tattoo or something then that's fine but if they are getting cars and houses, then there is a problem.
I don't think they should. college sports is only a 'bridge' to the business. if players would get paid at such a young age, I think people would play the sports for the money, not for pleasure.
I don't think they should. college sports is only a 'bridge' to the business. if players would get paid at such a young age, I think people would play the sports for the money, not for pleasure.

They do that now...the second they get to the NFL, NBA, MLB, etc they hold out for bigger contracts and protest with a sit-in until they get traded. After college it's about the money and not about the love of the game anymore. If you loved football you wouldn't threaten to sit the entire season unless they give you a bigger contract.

My **** would be on the streets if I did that with my boss.
If they get a ride to a school, it is like they are being payed. The best college players go pro and get paid very well. It it fair for them not to get paid in college since their education is first.
Can you really say that? Especially for basketball prospects, they are typically gone after one year. They prop up the value of the school through ticket sales, TV deals, etc, yet get nothing in return.
Yes but that's their choice to leave after one year. They have the ability to get a free college education and THEN have a pro career. Not to mention the fact that simply by playing for the school makes them more employable in life outside of sports. I can guarantee if Ohio State Football player, or Duke basketball player or Arizona baseball player is put on a resume they get an interview and probably the job 9 times out of 10.
I just think they are probably making money anyways. Under the table. If they did get paid, then the non stars could earn some money as well.
I don't think they should be paid. Their "payment" is the free scholarship they most likely receive. College is expensive and the money is paid for them. This is enough compensation for their playtime during college. For athletes, getting a full athletic scholarship is their goal. It is up to the colleges to deliver. I see it as a trade. The colleges get the players and the players receive scholarship.
I without a doubt believe they should get a cut of revenues. It is a FULL TIME job and just a scholarship isn't enough. Other people are getting really rich out of them. It's almost slave labor.
No they should not be paid. They already get compensated with many "gifts" but for them to get monetary fund to be an athlete while in a college should not be legal.
I without a doubt believe they should get a cut of revenues. It is a FULL TIME job and just a scholarship isn't enough. Other people are getting really rich out of them. It's almost slave labor.

I agree with you.
Provisions should be made to cover costs for their participation in the sport but it is amateur sport and you shouldn't be paid for amateur sport.
They will make money when they are professional.
It is not slave labour because they choose to do it.
Nothing in return? They are working for a shot to make it professionally. Look at it as an unpaid internship.

I totally agree with you on this one. The best way to look at it is an internship.
Well they deserve some money at least. I mean these are guys putting their bodies to work every day just to earn a possible chance of making it to the pros. People are getting rich off of them, so I think it is deserved of the athletes to make some money in return.
They do get a cut of the money.

Where do you think the money for the brand new equipment, weight machines, world-class trainers to treat their injuries, the x-rays and MRI in the locker room, and the state of the art dorms come from?

Or the free education they are getting?
If you mean like physical money in their hand then no. They are students first and foremost. They get "paid" with free education and boarding.

People have to understand something. Yes, they may have pro sports dreams, but they are currently playing at SCHOOLS.
Well they deserve some money at least. I mean these are guys putting their bodies to work every day just to earn a possible chance of making it to the pros. People are getting rich off of them, so I think it is deserved of the athletes to make some money in return.

I totally agree with you! Also, by playing at college - they do risk injury that could end their careers. They should be compensated for putting it all out there. There is a lot of money being made off of their efforts. They should get compensated.
They shouldn't be paid since it's not a professional job or a career -- yet. Like DomePatrol said it's basically internship to become a professional just like with any other field.
I don't think they should. It wouldn't be right. It is a school sport right? You shouldn't get paid to play. It makes just as much sense as getting paid to do school work. Getting paid would be cool though. That being said, cool stuff doesn't equal money.
They play in college as a segway into a professional career. That's good enough pay.