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Should Gay marriage be legal?


Legend Of The Universe
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This is a very controversial topic. Do you think Gay people should be allowed to get married legally?
Why or why not?

I would say no. Gay people are human and they should be given equal rights, but Gay Marriage? This is taking it too far. Marriage should remain amongst a man and woman. What if everyone was to be gay, wouldnt that mean the end of the world as it would stop human reproduction? Science and Relgion both forbid it. Should we?

Should gay marriage be legal?
Why not, it's your life! You should be able to do whatever the heck you like, especially if you love someone enough to want to commit to something like that.
Why not, it's your life! You should be able to do whatever the heck you like, especially if you love someone enough to want to commit to something like that.
I see your point and respect it.. I guess we should be allowed to do whatever we want with our lives, but certain things should have its standards I would say.
In a country where homosexuality is considered a sin, but killing in the name of war is not; It will never happen. I dont personally see a problem with it.
Some people want to protect the word "marriage" which to them is defined as a union between a man and a woman. They say they're fine with civil unions but just don't want the sanctity of the word marriage compromised... erm... seems pretty petty to me and a sham of an excuse for bigotry. Back in the day there were first, second and third class citizens and many thought that's how the world is supposed to be, and look at us now (at least in the first world countries), such thought isn't acceptable. I see gay marriage as a similar case... there are opponents that think it's just wrong and certain things are fine the way they are but just like slavery being abolished, the limited rights of **** and transgender will also be knocked down by a force called the tide of time.
Why not, it's your life! You should be able to do whatever the heck you like, especially if you love someone enough to want to commit to something like that.
Why does it matter to us? It doesn't, I'm straight, but some of my friends are bi - let them live their life. We love girls right? Girls love girls sometimes too, right? And guys love each other sometimes too, right? WHo cares, unless it bothers you, and is in your face, I don't see no problem with it.
This is a very controversial topic. Do you think Gay people should be allowed to get married legally?
Why or why not?

I would say no. Gay people are human and they should be given equal rights, but Gay Marriage? This is taking it too far. Marriage should remain amongst a man and woman. What if everyone was to be gay, wouldnt that mean the end of the world as it would stop human reproduction? Science and Relgion both forbid it. Should we?

Should gay marriage be legal?

How does science forbid it? Most religion surely does. With respect, if you take your moral cues from a bronze age text than I would suggest reading it a little more closely. You'll find immorality in the form of human sacrifice, genocide, rape, murder, slavery, that is positively encouraged throughout it's text. Homosexuality is part of out culture, always has been. always will be. It's a cruel world and if two people love each other who are we to deny them the same thing we grant to men and women? If we are truly following the first amendment, than religion should have no influence on the matter except in their own churches.
I don't see what the big deal is. Let people who are in love get married and fall out of love like everyone else. At least they should be able to get benefits because they go through the same drama as everyone else.
I often wonder what the real root of the problem people have with same sex marriage? Is it the fear of being equal? Is it the fear of being "like everyone else".

Personally, I do not have any issues with same sex marriage any more than heterosexual marriage.
I have no issues with them but would they also be allowed to adopt a child after marriage?
To me, the idea that **** shouldn't be allowed to marry is a form of discrimination.

Women and minorities have more rights these days, which is the way it should be. So why should **** have to put up with discrimination?
To me, the idea that **** shouldn't be allowed to marry is a form of discrimination.

Women and minorities have more rights these days, which is the way it should be. So why should **** have to put up with discrimination?
It really is, we, as people, should be able to love who we'd like to, and marry who we want. I'm not gay, I'm actually straight but I support that because my aunt was a lesbian, and still is. I've seen her date ladies before, and who am I to judge and discriminate as to who she can't date or not? We as society need to accept the fact that this shouldn't be a huge issue as it is.

Just because the bible state its wrong, does it mean you have to follow it? No, but God's judgement is the only thing that should concern you at the end of the day. Same with loving your enemies like a friend, or yourself. I think this follows in the same category of them all.
I don't care about if I not have to marry a gay.
Yes, if they love each other then they should be allowed to get married.
No one should stop two people who love each other from getting married, gay or not gay- people should be allowed to marry who they want.
One thing is for sure, **** and lesbians will always have to deal with people that don't like homosexuals, even though I don't see what the problem is with being gay or lesbian.
Looks like it may be legal real soon. People voted on it last night for the Election.