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Should weed be legalized?


Emerging Talker
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Do you think weed should be legalized or decriminalized in the U.S.? Post your reasoning.
Yes i think it should be.
They are more deaths from Cigs and Beers thenfrom Weed.
I see nothing wrong with it its a pretty good way to make money for the govemant to if they sell it.
Spartan said:
Yes i think it should be.
They are more deaths from Cigs and Beers thenfrom Weed.
I see nothing wrong with it its a pretty good way to make money for the govemant to if they sell it.

If it gets legalized (Which it will, after all these ignorant people in office get executed and are replaced by intelligent people) I won't be buying from the government, I will be growing my own.
Kyle said:
Yes, I think it should be. It would put drug dealers out of business and the hemp is actually very resourceful.

They could still sell it on the black market for prices lower than the government does.
I don't know about the US but if the goverment does deal with this they could make millions of profits and create jobs. Also, instead for running after weed smokers they could concentrate their efforts on hard drugs.
Weeds not even a drug, its a medication.

Kyle said:
That's a good argument, but the government selling it could also help the debt a bit

I'm not arguing, I agree with you.
But isn't legalized in some ways in some states? like California for exemple?
I have been in this discussion far to many times to even count, but here goes!
Weed should be legalized and then taxed.
Prices for cigarettes should rise by at least $3 hence weed would be cheaper and more accessible depending on what kind of weed we're talking about.
There is regular stoner weed and industrial hemp.
Industrial hemp has 0.03% THC, which means you can't get high from it no matter how much you smoke, that could be sold at the age of 18 and you should be able to carry as much as you wanted, with regular hemp you should be able to legally carry 30g as proposed in the vote held in California.

Regular weed should be sold to anyone over the age of 21 as with alcohol in the US, and just as with alcohol you shouldn't be able to smoke in public places because of the second hand smoke that can also get you high.
I've smoked weed, and I liked it, but I can also see how if kids got their hands on it bad stuff could happen, because when you're high you're basically just stupid.
Weed has never killed anyone but it can damage your brain cells if smoked excessively.

Thank you for reading.
Sincerely; Tall Ace
I agree, it should be legalized. Let all hell be calm after it is..
Nooo it shouldn't I think we should try and stop drug addicts.
It's not as harmfull as other drugs and can be and should be used as medical reasons also.

@Media22 I think it's only decriminalized there (only for medicine)
All drugs should be prescription only end of.
Every advantage and disadvantage should be taken into consideration. But I believe, there is more disadvantages than advantages. Maybe, we should legalize weed in terms of using it for its medicinal value. And if weed will be legalized, it should be strictly regulated.
in our country weed is very criminal action which is worst than nudelity/porn. But since most of our governments is corruptor, if you have money problem is nothing.

For my self i don't agree weed, it's too bad for health than ciggarate. so my answer is no.
No I don't think it should be, we need people taking less drugs, not more.
I cant believe people say yes to this. Weed or cigarettes can get you lung caner. Why would you want to its a health risk. It should only be used for treatment and medical prescription.
Arizona Fire Fighters

Enough said. Rest in peace brothers.​
I read about this it is a shame. Though each and everyone of them was a hero for doing what the majority of us will not do.