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Oh no! Good luck...I've often thought of if I had to get that smell out since there are lots of skunks by the PILs!

(As a matter of fact-I was leaving there one day last week and there were 3 babies in the front yard! My MIL saw them, said "I'm going in the house" and promptly turned and practically sprinted inside. Leaving me alone to get 4 of the kids in the car/seats by myself--with the skunk babies! I laughed. She apologized profusely the next day for leaving me to the skunks!!!)

Be sure and let us know how goes it, OK.
Really? I mean she smells like it, but it's not as strong as the actual air smells...

Yeah my, I mean the neighbor's boxer got squirted right in the face....he stunk like a mo fo......they could hardly breathe. I went in the house.....not my dog afterall. ;)
BTW he's been in my house several times today to say hi. I gave him some bologna. He wubs me and complained to me that his 4 year old co-owner painted his nails hot pink. :surrender:
Hot pink? Poor dog!

Okay, I am not really sure she got skunked still! Mr smells like skunk too and so does the neighbor's dog, but it is so very faint! My dog's smell like it too, but then the air is VERY pungent with that smell!

I am wondering if it is the oppusum that was here that smelled so bad and now everything smells like him/her?

I just bathed her again (she actually likes baths, weird kitten!) and have her in the bathroom drying. I bathed her with Blue orginal dawn (free thanks to CVS! LOL)
Only some of it comes off by tomato juice and shampoo... also try Dawn liquid detergent! Other then that you just have to wait for it to wear off..... gets better everyday but takes a couple weeks! My Dog Winnie has been sprayed..... 2 times! Now you say the words KUNK..... and she backs away! LOL :lol:

Apparently Winnie is smarter than my Samantha. Samantha's been skunked at least 4 or 5 times and just didn't seem to learn her lesson. She seemed to think skunks were her friends. Now that she's an old gal she doesn't seem to care anymore - THANK GOD!
I've heard tomato juice is an old wive's tale?

Good luck Joline......my, I mean my neighbor's boxer got skunked last summer. It sucked.

It definitely helps. Nothing will take the smell away completely, but it cuts it down alot. Masengill also works great and is a lot less messy. Yes, I've had my share of skunked dogs. Before we had Chloe & Samantha, my dear departed Daffy used to get skunked alot too. Both are/were pitbulls. I guess pits are some how attracted to skunks - fools!
Hot pink? Poor dog!

Okay, I am not really sure she got skunked still! Mr smells like skunk too and so does the neighbor's dog, but it is so very faint! My dog's smell like it too, but then the air is VERY pungent with that smell!

I am wondering if it is the oppusum that was here that smelled so bad and now everything smells like him/her?

I just bathed her again (she actually likes baths, weird kitten!) and have her in the bathroom drying. I bathed her with Blue orginal dawn (free thanks to CVS! LOL)
What/who is Mr? Another pet?
Here's another way to get rid of skunk smell. It is reputed to be better than the tomato juice method.

1 quart (or liter) of never opened 3% Hydrogen Peroxide available in most drug stores.
1/4 cup (50 ml.) of Baking Soda
1 teaspoon (5 ml.) of liquid dish soap

Using a pair of rubber gloves mix the ingredients together IN AN OPEN container like a bucket and watch it get fizz up. Try to see where your pet got hit and rub the mixture well into the fur while avoiding the eyes, and other sensitive parts like the nose and mouth. Let it stay on for 5 minutes or longer if the smell keeps lingering. Rinse extra well. This usually works well once but you may need to do this twice if your pet took a particularly nasty spraying. The solution will not change the color of your pet's fur. DO NOT STORE or REUSE MIXTURE as it will build up pressure in a closed container and possibly explode. Dump it all after using it once.

What/who is Mr? Another pet?
My cat, lol. I have had him forever! Orange male (fixed). He is a sweetheart and takes good care of Precious.

2 cats, 2 dogs, 1 guinea pig, and 2 fish is what we own...or what owns us...LOL

Here's another way to get rid of skunk smell. It is reputed to be better than the tomato juice method.

1 quart (or liter) of never opened 3% Hydrogen Peroxide available in most drug stores.
1/4 cup (50 ml.) of Baking Soda
1 teaspoon (5 ml.) of liquid dish soap

Using a pair of rubber gloves mix the ingredients together IN AN OPEN container like a bucket and watch it get fizz up. Try to see where your pet got hit and rub the mixture well into the fur while avoiding the eyes, and other sensitive parts like the nose and mouth. Let it stay on for 5 minutes or longer if the smell keeps lingering. Rinse extra well. This usually works well once but you may need to do this twice if your pet took a particularly nasty spraying. The solution will not change the color of your pet's fur. DO NOT STORE or REUSE MIXTURE as it will build up pressure in a closed container and possibly explode. Dump it all after using it once.


I guess I can try this next. How many times could I bathe her in one day? She is almost dry now and still smells a bit faint of skunk.

From what Rebecca said I don't believe she was skunked directly, I'm leaning towards her rubbing on the opposum (GREAT! She just got her first shots!) and absorbing, or absorbing through the air. I know Mr. would not have rubbed on an opposum, neither would the neighbor's dog...Both would try to chase it.
The key to the tomato bath is NOT to rise off the tomato juice. Messy but it does work.
Well she is extremely pissy with me today. I left her outside in a kennel with a fan, plenty of food and water. Let her out at 6am and she stunk a little bit, but I had to really smell her.

Bathed her in the vinegar paste mix and blow dried her (note to self, cat willingly does baths, but does NOT accept the blow dryer). She smells a ton better, just a faint risdual.

I am really leaning towards that darn possum which is going to find himself dead.
OMG!!!!!!!! So I was sleeping in my bedroom with the windows open when it came......the stench of skunk is so bad!

I quick closed all the windows but it's too late....the house smells so bad.......I swear I'm gonna puke! I'm in the basement right now......can't sleep.........ugh! :surrender:
OMG, hope things are better in the morning

I remember as a kid our neighbors car got sprayed and the scent lasted FOREVER!
Here's another way to get rid of skunk smell. It is reputed to be better than the tomato juice method.

1 quart (or liter) of never opened 3% Hydrogen Peroxide available in most drug stores.
1/4 cup (50 ml.) of Baking Soda
1 teaspoon (5 ml.) of liquid dish soap

Using a pair of rubber gloves mix the ingredients together IN AN OPEN container like a bucket and watch it get fizz up. Try to see where your pet got hit and rub the mixture well into the fur while avoiding the eyes, and other sensitive parts like the nose and mouth. Let it stay on for 5 minutes or longer if the smell keeps lingering. Rinse extra well. This usually works well once but you may need to do this twice if your pet took a particularly nasty spraying. The solution will not change the color of your pet's fur. DO NOT STORE or REUSE MIXTURE as it will build up pressure in a closed container and possibly explode. Dump it all after using it once.


Yes do this!! My dog gets skunked a lot (lucky us) and this is what our groomer told us works the best. Some of the smell will remain because it's gets in their skin. It takes about 6 months for all those skin cells to slough off..so she'll be bit musty smelling until then.

Did she get it in her eyes? It's important to check them. That's the worst for them, my poor guys eyes were streaming after his last encounter. If she does, rinse her eyes with saline solution to get the sting out.
Still stinky out. I walked Sadie this morning....didn't smell it at first.....wind blowing......got to the corner to round the block and BOOM! We turned and went back the same way home.......ick! :surrender:

I think our backyard neighbor's lil dog that they leave outside might have tangled with the skunk....poor lil dog.....it's just a tiny thing and they leave him tied up in all weather. :(
Yes do this!! My dog gets skunked a lot (lucky us) and this is what our groomer told us works the best. Some of the smell will remain because it's gets in their skin. It takes about 6 months for all those skin cells to slough off..so she'll be bit musty smelling until then.

Did she get it in her eyes? It's important to check them. That's the worst for them, my poor guys eyes were streaming after his last encounter. If she does, rinse her eyes with saline solution to get the sting out.

Note: this is an old thread that I bumped. ;) Thanks for the info.
Just be thankful Sadie didn't get skunked or you'd be smelling that stank for a really long time.
Just be thankful Sadie didn't get skunked or you'd be smelling that stank for a really long time.

Well we don't leave her outside without us so I hope the chance of that would be slim. If she did, I would take her to Auntie Cookie's house for a few weeks. :snicker: