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Sloppy Drunk Karaoke

Thunder Hag

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I have a question for you guys.
I have a person who come in usually half way through the show, arrives sloppy drunk, orders more booze, and always winds up signing up to sing.

Now I am not against her singing, however she doesn't sing, she never knows the songs she selects well enough to sing them, and to make matters worse, she never even looks to the screen for help. So her singing is usually a drunken tirade of stupidity and it drives people out of the bar and also away from my rotation.

If the bar doesn't cut her off, how should I go about doing it? As far as I can see she is hurting my show and this bar, but kinda not sure how to handle this.
That's a tough one. Depending on what her mood may be like (being drunk, it can be hard to tell sometimes) you might want to try being honest with her and let her know that she's too drunk to sing. Another possibility is to get one of her friends to break the news to her. Try and get the friend "on your side" first. Make it like a "buddy help me out" kind of thing.
Another way out is just to keep "forgetting" her, but I don't really recommend this one since it could hurt your reputation. I'm sure some others will be along soon with some better ideas than I have...
That's a tough one. Depending on what her mood may be like (being drunk, it can be hard to tell sometimes) you might want to try being honest with her and let her know that she's too drunk to sing. Another possibility is to get one of her friends to break the news to her. Try and get the friend "on your side" first. Make it like a "buddy help me out" kind of thing.
Another way out is just to keep "forgetting" her, but I don't really recommend this one since it could hurt your reputation. I'm sure some others will be along soon with some better ideas than I have...

The friend idea would probably work IF she EVER came in with anyone, she comes alone, and NOBODY can stand her.
Yikes! Then you have your hands full for sure. Then again, I guess it wouldn't be a HUGE problem if you just told her, no, that she was too drunk to sing. At least then she won't walk out angry and drag all her friends with her. Heck, you might even get lucky and make her so mad she never comes back!
No, If I were to say that, I can see an argument ensuing. But the idea of MAYBE having it ONCE and her NEVER returning sounds like a dream!
I don't let anyone that drunk sing -- there are safety issues. She could fall into the speakers or knock down the TV stand...or drop my cordless mic. I'd tell her you'd be happy to have her sing if she is relative sober, and look forward to it at another time.
If the bar is serving her you need to point it out to the tender and say hey your responsible for your patrons. They get into a car and kill 3 people or damage the karaoke show or gear. Pretty plain and simple allow the bar to handle the problem childs of your show. Your paid to entertain the masses.
I don't ever get alot of singles at my shows. There does never seem to be a shortage of drunks. I have to admit, I have a real short fuse with drunks on the mic...I'll give anyone a chance, but if they are obviously butchering a song, or not even trying to sing, I'll fade them straight out and go right into some filler music while I call up the next singer. Don't get me wrong, I like to make it fun, but if the singer isn't at least trying to be serious, nobody wants to suffer through 3-4 minutes of stumbling and giggling.
if they are obviously butchering a song, or not even trying to sing, I'll fade them straight out and go right into some filler music while I call up the next singer. Don't get me wrong, I like to make it fun, but if the singer isn't at least trying to be serious, nobody wants to suffer through 3-4 minutes of stumbling and giggling.

Agree 100%. Once or twice a year I will get the drunk who wants to just stand there, yell or make obnoxious noises or worse thinks that since he has the power of PA he can rant about politics/bar drama/the opposite sex or tell stories/jokes.

I do the same as you. Bring up the filler, sarcastically thank them for their performance and move on to the next person. Usually they don't even say anything to me and if they do I just tell them "You weren't singing. That's what this is about".
Or.... here's a thought... if they are that drunk the bar owner should be very worried.... cause guess what... when the cops ask "have you been drinking tonight..." after scrapeing up whatever is left of her or the person she's killed.. the followup question is "where are you comming from..." guess what her answer might be... care to hazard a guess?

Yup, your place the last place she was before smashing her car or getting pulled over for DUI... now the bar has a liability issue even if they never served her.

Alert the bar staff.... they'll cut her off if they are smart and if she get belidgerent with them they'll show her the door... either way it's no longer your problem.
Or.... here's a thought... if they are that drunk the bar owner should be very worried.... cause guess what... when the cops ask "have you been drinking tonight..." after scrapeing up whatever is left of her or the person she's killed.. the followup question is "where are you comming from..." guess what her answer might be... care to hazard a guess?

Yup, your place the last place she was before smashing her car or getting pulled over for DUI... now the bar has a liability issue even if they never served her.

Alert the bar staff.... they'll cut her off if they are smart and if she get belidgerent with them they'll show her the door... either way it's no longer your problem.

The problem is she is drunk when she arrives, they do usually cut her off after 1 - 2 drinks, but she still HANGS even if they don't serve her. I don't know, guess I will turn her Mic way down next time and see if that gets a reaction.
The problem is she is drunk when she arrives, they do usually cut her off after 1 - 2 drinks, but she still HANGS even if they don't serve her. I don't know, guess I will turn her Mic way down next time and see if that gets a reaction.

Hell mute her..... I'd be willing to bet she'd not even notice.... if you are running monitors you could possibly route her vocals solely to the monitors and not the mains..... she'd still hear herself but thankfully only the first row of seats would too.... hehehehe I'm a devious **** :laughpill:
I handle it the same way Bird does. Even if there really isn't a safety issue, I claim that's what it is if the drunk complains to management, and add that I can't risk the safety of my equipment. It's worth way more than a night's pay.

Of course I handle the drunk in a very polite but firm manner.
So for the first time ever this lady came in totally sober, and rocked the house, With the way she barely strung sentences together every other time I have seen her...I am amazed she could actually sing, she belted out some Linkin Park and she's like 45 or so. I was impressed. Later on, she did drink some but never got to the point I referred to when I started this post. However she did take an empty beer pitcher around and demand tips for me, which was sweet, but TOTALLY not my style. I have a tip jar, its very basic and usually overlooked and rarely ever get more than $15 or so. However when she did it, I ended up with over $50. While I think it's bad behavior and I made her stop, part of me wanted to let her do it all night...lol.
So you give her a pat on the butt and send her back to the bar with a wink and a smile..... :winkpill:

Maybe not a pat on the butt, but a hug and a laugh. If she's nice ( and it seems this one is when sober), I may let her give me her phone number....you know, just to make her feel loved..:winkpill: